Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 33「舌の引っ込み」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 33 "Tongue Retraction" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 33 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Greg F. in Eugene, Oregon.




And Greg says, "Dear Justin, what do I do about a retracted tongue?"




Whoa! Greg, thank you very much for that great question. And that's a good piece of vocal information. I don't know if a voice teacher gave that to you, if that's something that you figured out on your own, or something that you read, but a retracted tongue that's a great thing to bring up.




So we're gonna be talking about tongue retraction today. In future episodes we'll talk about the tongue in general.




There's a lot of things that we need to discuss about the tongue. It can really get in the way of your singing if you don't know what to do with it.




But tongue retraction is one big element of the tongue problems that people sometimes have with their singing. And it sounds like that's what you're having a problem with, Greg.






So, what is tongue retraction? Tongue retraction is when the tongue retracts back like this... in your singing.




Now you may not be aware that you're doing this. But many, many singers do without their knowledge. It's just that pull back.






Now why would they do it? That's the question. Why is this a common vocal tension

and why is this a big limitation?




The reason it's common is the tongue and the larynx are interwoven, they're right next door to each other.






So when the tongue retracts backwards it stabilizes the larynx. Perhaps it lowers it, perhaps it holds it in place, but that backwards tongue movement causes a laryngeal stability. It causes the larynx to stay where you told it to be.




Now that's a cheat and that causes a big limitation because then your tongue is tight.




But also, then your larynx isn't learning the skills on its own that it needs to because the tongue is always jamming it around. That's what tongue retraction is.




Now here's some of the things that it kind of can cause. I'm going to do some song examples for you so you can hear it. But then we're going to do an exercise to work on fixing it a little bit later.






Now I'm going to start with a more classical sound. The reason why is a lot of people that have had classical training tend to have this tongue retraction.




Not always but a lot of times because if your teacher is always telling you to lower the larynx. And that's not a bad thing, we do need to be able to sing with a low larynx.




But if it's all low larynx, low larynx, low larynx all day long, probably what's going to start to happen is the tongue will retract so that you get more and more and more low larynx and it becomes too much because the tongue is in the way.






Let me show you what I mean in a song called "Lonely House”. This is by Kurt Weill. I'm going to do a really retracted tongue sound.






“Lonely house, Lonely me”




Now I have a lot of space there but I'm also retracting my tongue. “Lonely me”




I'm not doing... “EE” I still have a low larynx there. I'm not doing... “EE” but “EE” With my larynx down and tongue up. “EE” There, I've just gone too far.






So you can take a listen... “Lonely house, Lonely me” That's with my tongue forward, still a classical sound.







“Lonely house, Lonely me”




I might be doing that- that's the retracted sound again- to try to get more space. But again, you can hear that's too much space for my sound. The tongue is in the way.






Now what if we went to a more rock example. I'm gonna pick something again with some E vowels in it "Let It Be" by The Beatles.




There's a little bit of a different issue in pop music. You're not going to get that [retracted tongue] sound with the tongue. But I might do something like this...






“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be”




Now that's the retracted sound. You probably couldn't quite tell at first but I'm going to explain this to you. Here's my tongue forward...






“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be”






“Let it be”

“Let it be”

“Let it be”




Did you hear it? It's more subtle in pop, but it still happens. I'm having to spread, we talked about that last time, I'm having to spread to compensate for the fact that my tongue is back here... “EE” So I have to go... “EE” But my tongue is still back.




But if it was just EE to begin with I'd get what I want.




“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me”





“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me”




You can hear me go back and forth between the retracted and the forward. Now, again this is an example.






Justin, why would anybody do that? But if you listen carefully to your recordings of yourself you might hear some of those sounds happen and it might be because of the tongue retraction.




Classical singers, musical theater, rock, anywhere in between, tons of tongue retraction stabilizing the larynx.






Now what can we do to fix it? I'm going to give you an exercise right here. The E vowel is a great vowel, period. Everybody loves the E vowel. It's fantastic in so many ways. We're going to get to that in the future.




But can you do a good one, that's the question. If you can, awesomeness ensues in your voice. If you can't, big trouble happens.




So just being able to do a good E vowel, and I'm also going to give you a K, this stuff will help you to keep your tongue forward.






So doing an exercise like “Ke-Ke-Ke” makes it very difficult to cheat the larynx back and down with the tongue.




So we're going to do “Ke-Ke-Ke” together. Just so you can get a feeling of what it feels like to really have that tongue nice and tall and forward and not retracted. Right.




Now watch out for things like this... You can still cheat. “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” I could still do it. So I really need “Ke-Ke-Ke” right up front.




Now you can do this with a low larynx, a middle larynx, or more of a pop higher larynx.

Doesn't matter to me, just as long as these are just solid E vowels.




So we're gonna have these, guy's down here... “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” And ladies up here... “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” And let's just have that nice forward tall tongue together, not retracting.








Great stuff. So, just keeping that tongue, nice and tall, nice and forward. It's a harder skill than you'd think.




I want you guys watching out for that in your technique exercises, in your song work. You should never really have your tongue jamming back like that. That's only going to cause limitations that don't let your voice grow.






So, Greg and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、グレッグさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lost that joy, don't lose that passion. Get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 32「口幅を広げること」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 32 "Spreading" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 32 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Ralph W. in Fiesole, Italy. 




And Ralph writes, "Dear Justin, my choir director tells me to not spread. 'Don't spread the sound' he says. What does this mean and is this something that I need to avoid as a singer?"




Now that's an awesome question, Ralph. And I want to just say spreading, as you're talking about here, is one of the great plagues of all singers.




Spreading is something that most singers struggle with at least to some extent. And it's definitely something to eliminate from your voice, or at least know how to. Because it's really gonna put limits on your upper range, and just your tone in general.




So we definitely want to talk about spreading and how to work through that as singers. 






First thing we'll say though is what is it, what is spreading?




So spreading is essentially moving the lip corners this way, out horizontally or wide, widening the sound, opening the mouth more this way. Especially as you go up for high notes. But just basically all through your range you could spread.






Now what this widening does is it does bring the air more out the mouth. Air out the mouth isn't always bad, but in this case it probably is.






It also is gonna raise the larynx up and put pressure on the cords. Raising the larynx, not always bad. Pressure on the cords, not always bad. But in this case, probably bad.






Now you know me, I don't like to say in Voice Land that anything is bad. We can use a lot of stuff that people usually call bad, for vocal good if we know what we're doing.




But spreading is something that is actually, usually, (between you and me) not a good idea.




Alright. In later videos I will show you how spreading can be used positively. But most of the time you want to be able to do your sound without spreading out the tone.






Now I'm going to just show you what I mean in a song example. And later we're gonna do an exercise. This is, "Why God Why" from Miss Saigon.




And I'm gonna do it first just without any spread at all, so you can hear what that would be and then I'll show you what spreading would sound like after that. So here's without a spread...






“Why God

What's your plan

I can't help her

No one can

I liked my memories as they were

But now I'll leave remembering her”




Now that's without a spread, but if I start spreading some of those high notes which is the tendency, some crazy stuff happens. I probably get...






“Why God” And that AH, that spread of the tone makes it more mouthy, makes the larynx come up, and in some ways it makes it easier.




But in other ways it puts more pressure on the cords and that's why it causes the limitation. It's using a pressure that we don't want, to get the notes.




So in that high section too...

“I liked my memories as they were

But now I'll leave remembering her”

I don't want to spread things out as I'm hitting that note.





“Remembering her”

I'm going to get it more in my head by not spreading.

So you see what that does in a song to my sound.






Now you might think “Well, why would you even have spread in the first place, Justin, when the other sounds so much better?”




Honestly most people are spreading, especially when you're training your voice,

they are spreading to go higher and they don't even know it.






So now we're going to get to some exercises to help you guys get through the spreading plague that tends to happen.






So first I just want you to feel this in your speaking voice. I'm just gonna say, in my own voice, “Hello my name is Justin.” And now try that using your own name. Here you go... And that's just a neutral mouth position.


まず最初に話し声でこれを感じてほしいのです。単に “Hello my name is Justin.” と言ってみましょう。あなたの名前を使ってやってみてください。どうぞ… これが自然な口のポジションです。


Now actually pucker your lips and say, “Hello my name is Justin.” Try it... Nice.


次に口をすぼめて、“Hello my name is Justin.” やってみましょう。いいですね。


Now I'd like you to spread. “Hello my name is Justin.” Great.


では広げてみてください。“Hello my name is Justin.” 素晴らしい。


And so what you see there is, as you move your mouth position, it changes the acoustics, it changes the resonance of your voice. But the spreadier one tends to be a lifty-er, squeezier, one that causes the problem.




Now I could eliminate it, I could do, “Hello my name is Justin.” but I have to really think about that to make that happen. It's not what it tends to do.


このままその傾向だけを消すこともできますが…(口幅を広げたまま、声だけを口をすぼめた時のように)“Hello my name is Justin.” これをするにはすごく考えないといけません。普通こうはならないものです。




So we're gonna do an exercise now, just a simple MA MA MA, alright? To see if you guys can feel what it is to go up in pitch and don't spread it out. Right?




Now you might need a mirror when you're practicing this. Because again, like I say, a lot of people don't know that they're spreading.




You sometimes have to see it to believe it. But this is the exercise. Guys will be down here... “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” And ladies up here... “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA “




And what we don't want is, of course, “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” [ Spreads ]

but “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” Keep it inside and neutral as you go higher.

So here we go together...








Fantastic work. So that's great. So you felt what it was to go up higher without spreading things out.




まずはテクニックを、 パワーはあとから


Now some of you might have cracked to head voice or to falsetto at some point. That's fine. That's actually the thing that people are trying to eliminate with this.




But what I'm saying to you today is, as you go up in pitch if you have the note only with a spread, you really don't have the note. You need to be able to do every note in your range without changing the shape of it first.




Later, like I said, we might change it. But first you've got to be able to do it neutral. If you can do it neutral you have the note. If you spread it, you cheated it. And that's what's causing the problem.






So, Ralph and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、ラルフさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion. Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。それかニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 31「スタイルの変え方」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 31 "Changing Your Style" - Voice Lessons To The World





Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to Episode 31 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Mayra C. in Sao Paolo, Brazil.




And Mayra says, "Dear Justin, I really like your videos. They've expanded my thinking on vocal technique. I've been singing for a long time, but everything I sing sounds the same. I'd really like to change my style, but I don't know how to do it. Can you help?"




Now Mayra that's an awesome question. And I really appreciate your kind words, as well as that question about changing style.




I think so many of us want to do more than one style, and you guys know that I'm very big on us all being able to do a multitude of styles.




But for your question, “How do we change our style if we've been locked into one thing? How can we get out of that one style that we've been doing?" It's a great question.




But the first thing we're going to talk about is being open to other artists. So you need to be able to get lots of sounds in your ears to be able to change your style.




It's great to have a few artists that you always listen to that you're inspired by. But one thing that if you want to stretch past your comfort zone and really change your style, is you're going to have to get those other artists in your ear.




Maybe you always listen to R&B. That's great. But can you expand your listening to some things that you wouldn't maybe think that you would like. Maybe some opera, maybe some jazz, maybe some gospel, maybe some rock.




No matter what you listen to a lot, go ahead and challenge yourself to listen to something that you think that you don't like.




Maybe some people think that they hate country, and actually when they start listening to it they say, "Hey, maybe that's not so bad after all, and maybe there's some ways I can use those sounds in my style, even though it's very, very different."




So get other artists in your ear. Part of the reason why that's true, is that there are no original artists. Now that's kind of facetious. But truly there is no such thing as an original artist.




The only real original artists were the person that was in the woods one day and found a big rock and a couple of sticks and started hitting that rock and said, "Oh that's rhythm! Well that sounds pretty good." That's an original artist.




Maybe another person picked up a stick in the woods and hollowed it out and blew in it and it made a couple notes and they said, "Oh! Music!" Now those are original artists.




But everybody else since then has been somewhat inspired by the past. Every generation builds on itself. Every generation inspires the next. Nobody can actually do something truly unique. Nor should they really try. Because everybody is really influenced by the past and that's not a bad thing.




What you want to do, is not try to create something that's truly different, but to take artists and take sounds and expand on them in your own way, and that will truly change your style and make you a unique artist.




But you don't want to try to reinvent the wheel. Everybody's inspired by the past. So go ahead and quote/unquote "steal from the best." Make sure you've got lots of artists in your ear so that you can be influenced and inspired by those artists and take that and make something new.




Now the next thing I want to do is be open to other styles. And the reason why is because styles are now becoming very cross pollinated.




If you hear an R&B song it might have some rock sounds in it, some pop, maybe some jazz. There's a lot of crossover. Musical theater, a lot of the Broadway shows are using pop and rock sounds. It's a little bit less of the traditional, it's a little bit more of the contemporary although they're not losing the traditional either.




Classical singers are known to do a lot of crossover work. It could be an opera singer that releases a pop or musical theater or jazz album. There's a lot of ways that styles merge.




So if you're open-minded to a lot of different styles then you're really going to be able to incorporate that into your sound.




Now next, I want to talk about being open to the larynx. Because those things I mentioned so far, are a little bit more of practical tasks for you guys in order to be able to expand your style.




But there's some technical things as well. And as we've talked about in the past, the larynx is a style changer. It could be many other things. But mostly, if you're going to be adjusting the larynx position purposefully, that's going to be one of your key technical skills for changing your style.




Now again, the neutral larynx is our ultimate larynx. That does the freest, healthiest, best things. But, it's not bad or wrong or unhealthy to do other kinds of things.




Again we don't want to slam the larynx up or jam it down. But there's different gradations of larynx height that determine your style.




Pop rock contemporary music is going to be a little bit of a higher larynx than say a classical singer who's going to use a little bit of a lower, deeper larynx and a more open pharynx. These are just differences. They're not good or bad.




But you guys need to be able to mess with your laryngeal position, if you're going to do a multitude of styles. Now by just singing lots of songs you're probably going to get that down.




But I just want to inspire you guys to do a little bit of that in your practicing. Let me give you an example of what I mean by that.




Let's say I have an e vowel. I could just say, "E," but I could also perhaps do an, "E," or maybe, "E," or perhaps "E" or "E." There's a ton of "Es" that I could do. None of them are right or wrong. They're just different.




So depending on what I'm working on in my practice, I might choose a different thing to focus on from trying to change my style.


練習の中で何を鍛えているのかによって - スタイルを変えようとして - 集中することが異なるかもしれません。


So if I just had any old exercise, the simplest possible thing I could do, and I did, "me me me me me..." I'm going for a plain sound. Plain, "me me me me me me me me me me..." It's fine. It's just a plain old sound.




But what if I am working on a little bit of a lower larynx? Then I might try, "me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me..." I'm experimenting with some depth.




Or what if I'm trying to work on a little bit of my breathiness? And a little bit of a higher larynx position, "me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me..." I can manipulate not only the larynx height, but kind of the style of my exercises.




So don't just do your exercises in one way. Figure out some different sounds that you're working on. Maybe you need a teacher to help you, or maybe these videos help you. But you need to be able to do your exercises in more than one way. 




So be conscious of what you're going for when you're doing your exercises and know that there's adjustments that you can make that will facilitate that style.




And then finally, I want you guys to be open to yourself. Changing your style is great. I definitely want you to be experimenting with lots of listening, with lots of trying of different song styles and variations of your technique. But don't be afraid to be yourself. 




A lot of times people say I got to change my style because I just don't sound right. But really sometimes that's just because we're judging our own voice too much.




I do tell you to steal from the best. I did tell you to be inspired by other artists. But what I don't want you guys trying to do is sound like other people. You should be inspired by them but don't try to change your style so that you can sound different from yourself.




Your voice will always be the best voice. Maybe it's not as big as somebody else's voice. Maybe it's not as high and flexible as somebody else's voice. That's fine.




You don't need to change your voice to be somebody else. You just need to open up your stylistic possibilities. But never lose sight of being yourself when you sing. A sound that sounds like you will always be better than a sound that sounds like somebody else.




Be inspired by the style, but make sure that whatever you do (whatever larynx position, whatever style that you're working on), it still is a version of yourself. That's always going to serve you the best.


スタイルからヒントを得てください。でも、何をしているにしても - どの喉頭のポジションでも、どんなスタイルを練習しているとしても - それは自分自身のあり方の一つです。いつでもこういう捉え方すれば、きっとそれが役に立つでしょう。


So Myra and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys as singers today. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com


というわけで、マイラさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


And we just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion... Keep messing with different styles. Keep messing with different kinds of technique for your voice. It's going to open up a lot of possibilities for you.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area to help you. Or if you guys are in New York City you can check us out: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。それかニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳はJustin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 30「ピッチ・チェンジ」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 30 "Vibrato 1- Pitch Changes" - Voice Lessons To The World





Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York vocal coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 30 of voice lessons to the world, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but our question for this week comes from Miguel V. in Guadalajara Mexico.




And Miguel writes, “Dear Justin, I really enjoyed your video on vibrato, but I can't do it. Is vibrato something that just happens or can you develop it through exercising the voice?”




Now, Miguel that is a fantastic question. And it's such a good question actually, that we’re going to start a whole new series on developing vibrato.




You know that we already have a series going on how to do riffs. Now we're going to start a series based just on your question, on developing vibrato.




The first step though, is reminding ourselves what is vibrato.




Now, vibrato is essentially a pitch change, a pitch bend. It doesn't change the pitch enough to change the fundamental note, but you're taking a note and allowing it to move up and down around the center of that pitch.




So, in other words if I take a note without vibrato it sounds like this. “Ah.” But if I add vibrato to it, “Ah”. I'm still singing “Ah”, but I'm adding “Ah”, a little pitch bend to the note.




Now, our ear loves the sound of something around six hertz per second. That's six of those little flips per second, “Ah” one, two, three, four, five, six, “Ah”


私達の耳は、1秒に6ヘルツくらいの揺れを心地良いと感じます。1秒に6回の小さな揺れです。「アー、1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6」(ビブラートを加えて)「アー」。


That's kind of what our ear appreciates as far as vibrato. Could be a little faster, could be a little slower, but it’s around six.




Now I want you to know that you should be able to do straight tone and vibrato. These are both necessary elements of singing. One's not better than the other, but we need both of them.




I will say though, that vibrato could contribute to your vocal freedom. Being able to move “Ah“ the note, versus just hold it “Ah“, is actually going to free you up.




If you're a little bit tight you might have trouble doing vibrato, and over time you might be able to move the pitch that could contribute to your freedom.




That being said, it is a myth, Miguel, the vibrato is just something that happens, that if I just practice for long enough my voice and my technique, one magical day vibrato just happens for me. I know that's happened for some people in the past, but I don't want you guys to think that way about it.




I want you to think of vibrato is something that you can control, something that you can learn, something that you can develop. Exercises will help, good technique will help.




And I'm going to give you some tips on how to add vibrato and how to learn to do vibrato. But again, if it's something that I can turn on and turn off, then clearly it's a developable skill and something that I can incorporate whenever I want and whenever

I need.




So then, when would I need it? Vibrato is a stylistic element. Like I say, even though it's got a technical function, it can free me up if I can do “Ah”. Maybe that's for you.




But it's really a stylistic element. it's something that you hear in different styles of music. Pop, rock and R&B singers a lot of times don't think that they need vibrato in their voices.




We've talked in the past why in fact you do. Vibrato is used in pop rock. So I want you guys to learn to do vibrato even if you're contemporary singers.




But the traditional styles, broadway, classical and some of the others, definitely do need vibrato. And you're going to see today why just doing this pitch bend, this little vibratory pitch bend within singing can add a stylistic element and can also add some emotion to the sound.




So today I'm going to take a broadway song. we're going to do “All I ask of you” from Phantom of the Opera.


そこで今日はブロードウェイの曲を例にとっていきます。「オペラ座の怪人」から、 “All I ask of you” をやりますね。


And you're just going to see how as I take for vibrato in and out of my voice, how that affects the style and the emotion.




So here we go with “All I ask of you”


では “All I ask of you” です。行ってみましょう。


“Then say you'll share with me one love one lifetime

Let me lead you from your solitude

Say you need me with you here beside you

Anywhere you go let me go to Christine, that's all I ask of you”




So now that was with vibrato. And you can tell that has a lot of the right kinds of sounds for a broadway sound, for a more of a legit broadway sound, But it sounds like the right emotion and style for the piece with vibrato. What if i start taking it out?




“Then say you share with me one love one lifetime” Doesn't quite sound right. “Let me lead you from your solitude” Yes. “Say you need me with you here beside you” Not quite. “Anywhere you go let me go to” Yes. “Christine, that's all I ask of you” I don't think so. “Christine, that's all I ask of you” I throw it back in there and you can hear that instantly. That makes the style appropriate.


(ビブラートなしで)“Then say you share with me one love one lifetime” あまりいい感じではないです。(ビブラートを付けて)“Let me lead you from your solitude” これですね。(ビブラートなしで)“Say you need me with you here beside you” 違います。(ビブラートを付けて)“Anywhere you go let me go to” イエス。(ビブラートなしで)“Christine, that's all I ask of you” そうは思わないなあ※。(ビブラートを付けて)“Christine, that's all I ask of you” ビブラートを戻すとすぐにそれに気付くでしょう。ビブラートを付けるのがこのスタイルでは適切ですね。


※訳注 “Christine, that's all I ask of you” 「クリスティーン、君に求めるのはこれだけなんだ」という歌詞なのに、ビブラートがないせいで感情がこもっていないように聞こえるので、「そうは思わないなあ」と言っている、ジャスティンのジョーク。


So that pitch bend, that vibrato that I add, you can hear stylistically and even emotionally make certain songs sound like what they need to be.




Now, Miguel, you asked “Can we learn it? Can we develop it?” The answer is yes. We're going to start today with an exercise that does pitch bends. We're just going to take a slow one first and then a fast one.




Here's the slow one, we're going to do with “ME”, this following exercise.




So it's this “ME ME ME ME ME” Hear that again, “ME ME ME ME ME” So we're gonna be moving that top note around.




So guys will be down here, “ME ME ME ME ME”, ladies up here, “ME ME ME ME ME”. We're gonna do this together. Here we go.








Great job! So that “ME”, that's a slow vibrato, but it's actually a kind of vibrato. Right now it's pretty wobbly, but it's going to set us up for the ability of moving those pitches.




Now we're gonna do a faster one, same exact thing, but you're gonna speed it up. “ME ME ME ME ME”. Get that? Okay, and ladies, “ME ME ME ME ME” Right? So here we go together with a faster version of that pitch bend exercise.








Awesome stuff! So I hope you can see why that would help you to start getting that vibrato, that pitch bend. It's just “ME”, you can start finding how not just resting on a note but being able to move it around can start to develop your vibrato.




So that's just stage one, Miguel. We're going to have more vibrato exercises and ideas to come.




But I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers and starting to see that you can develop vibrato if you have the right information and the right exercises.




So if you guys have questions that you want to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Don't let people tell you you can't sing. Don't let people tell you that you can't develop vibrato. Work hard at it.




Find a great voice teacher in your area that can help you. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーを見つけましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit us at: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳はJustin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 29「練習の習慣」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード29「練習の習慣」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 29 "Practice Practice" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney, and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to Episode 29 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Samantha T. in Dayton, Ohio. And Samantha writes, "Dear Justin, How long should I practice?"




That's a simple and awesome question, Samantha. And I think actually a lot of people want to know the answer to that. Because everybody wants to be a great singer. And hopefully everybody wants to practice. But sometimes we just don't know as singers how much is a good amount to practice. So we're going to talk about that today. We're going to give you some ideas.




1. 練習量


But first I'd like to start with quantity. Because that's really what you're asking is, "how much". And first of all I want to compare singing to working out at the gym.




It's a little bit different than say practicing the piano. I could sit down as a pianist and practice for eight hours a day. I'll probably be getting very advanced very quickly if I did that. But that's absolutely appropriate and a lot of professional pianists will put in that kind of time.




But professional singers absolutely cannot. You cannot ask your voice to do very, very long bouts of singing. Opera singers can sometimes sing for you know, 3 or 4 hours, but then they take a few days off after a performance like that.


ですが、プロの歌手の場合は絶対にダメです。長時間の声の使用は控えないといけません。オペラ歌手は3, 4時間歌う時もありますが、そういったパフォーマンスの後は数日の休みを取ります。


Broadway singers are amazing at singing 8 shows a week, maybe an hour or two. Very very athletic singers that can do that much even some rock tours you are singing night in night out.


ブロードウェイ歌手も、1, 2時間のショーを週に8回という驚くべきスケジュールをこなします。体力のあるシンガーはそれくらいするし、ロックのツアーでさえも毎晩のように歌います。


But in general the voice cannot withstand long durations of usage day in day out. So if you're practicing for say 3 hours a day, that's not going to work out. You will tire your voice.




It doesn't matter how good your technique is. If you're practicing for really long durations all the time, You will, you will hurt to your voice, even with the best of technique.




It's a myth that good technique can just serve you all the time. Perfect technique, you will get tired.




Just like if I go to the gym and I workout for a half an hour, an hour maybe I'm getting pretty tired. If I just push it for 3 hours, that is actually probably going to over train my muscles, and they'll actually deteriorate from over training.




The voice is muscles. It really is physical training for the larynx, the larynx muscles, and muscles of the body as well. So just like you can over train, you can over practice.




So we need to know that about our voice work, is when we're practicing it's a physical event. You can't just do really long practices and not intelligent practices either. So we want to have a really good strategy for our vocal practice.




Now, as far as the length and the amount. First of all this is going to depend on your skill level, how long you've been singing, and it also depends on the person.




Some people just have different vocal builds so the amount of practicing that you do will vary from person to person, maybe style to style, but certainly level to level.




So you want to be aware of your own instrument so you can make smart choices about your practicing. Let me just give you some practical examples about what I would think would be an appropriate amount of practicing to do.




If I have a week, I would say the average person who's trying to really work hard at their voice, if you could practice anywhere from a half hour to an hour and a half, about 4 to 6 days per week, that would be excellent.




Ok so maybe for that, for you that looks like, 4 hour and a half practices per week. Or maybe say 6 half hour practices, or 6 45-minute practices. Or maybe you want to do an

hour here, an hour and a half there, 30 minutes there.




But that's very similar to how if I work out. I go to the gym for about those amounts of time. That's going to help my muscles to grow.




I need to make sure I'm taking a day off, I need to make sure that I'm doing different things, and I need to make sure that I'm not going too long.




Just enough to make sure that you've used your voice in whatever way you're working on, and you've developed those skills and then you're done.




You don't want to push it to the point where you're hoarse, where you're losing your voice, where you feel very airy where you feel like you're straining something or hurting something.




If you feel like you're getting tired, you are. If it sounds like you're getting tired, you are. So don't just keep pushing, thinking that that's going to build vocal muscles or build your strength over time.




You will find a time when you've gone too far. It's okay to stop. And again, you want to have quantities that make sense. Like I say, somewhere between a half hour and probably an hour and a half.




Now, if there's a day that you practice for 2 hours, 2 and a half hours, 3 hours, that's a lot, that's okay it's not wrong, but just make sure you're not doing that every day, day in day out.




That's going to be too much practicing, you're going to wear out your voice doing that. So be real smart with your lengths of practice, and kind of keep it in those reasonable areas. If you stay consistent, that is what is going to make the difference over time.




Now the other thing is quality. Samantha and all, I want your quality of practice to be much more important than your quantity.




Because so many singers work really hard at their voice, but they're not getting anywhere, not because of the amount, not because of the length, but because of the quality of the practice.




They're either not sure what to practice, or they're not being really responsible with what they're practicing. Okay I'll give you some examples of that.




First of all, you know like I say, a lot of people want high notes. And they just sit around all day blasting out high notes, hoping that they'll happen. That's not a smart way to practice.




The other thing is it's really really fun to sing songs. And so some people say, "I don't

want to do my vocal exercises. That's you know, that's kind of boring."




And maybe it is sometimes, but if you're just singing songs all day every day, yeah you'll get better...




But you're not going to really refine your instrument. You need the right vocal exercises in order to pinpoint specifics of your technique that a song may or may not hit.




So when you're practicing, it doesn't have to be every day. But you want to make sure that some days you're doing vocal exercises, working on specifics of your vocal technique, other days you're working on songs, other days you're working on both, and trying to apply the technique that you're working on with your exercises to songs, and just keeping it really varied.




Just like at the gym. You wouldn't just lift the same muscle group all the time. You might want to run one day, you might want to lift weights the next day, you might want to swim the next day. Keep it varied. Give yourself a lot of variety.




Now, vocal variety is important too, when you practice. If you're open to it, I'd recommend doing a lot of styles.




If you're a rock singer, be open to doing some classical songs, some Broadway songs. And vice versa. If you are a more traditional singer, try some pop songs, try some R&B songs. It really will give your instrument a lot more variety.




Also, make sure that you're trying different artists. You might have some favorites,

but break out of your comfort zone. The more artists you try, the more sounds and

styles that you're going to become confident with.




Also you want to make sure that you're singing in the right key. We've talked about this in the past. Don't be afraid to move the key to suit what it is you're working on.




If it's too high for you or too low for you and you just keep practicing that every day, of

course that will cause limitations to your voice over time.




And then make sure that you're finding a great space to practice. A lot of times people are worried about their neighbors they're worried about what their parents think

or what you know what their family thinks, and so they practice you know, really soft and sort of off the voice.




You need to get in a place where you can really let the instrument be what it is. A place where you're not shy, a place where you can just sing freely and without inhibitions. So make sure you've got a great practice space. 




Then my ultimate recommendation for a quality practice, even if you're not a pianist or an instrumentalist, is to have an instrument.




You could just play one note on the piano, and then move the notes up and down to practice your vocal exercises.




That's the way I would recommend practicing, so that you can be in real time. You can say "I got this one right, I'm moving on. Whoo - I didn't get this one, let me stay here for a second."




It's great if you can practice with a live instrument your exercises. Again, even if you don't play. If you do play the instrument, great.




But I would recommend even non pianists get a little keyboard, maybe a little app for your phone or something like that that can give you the notes so you can practice in real time.




Another good thing, is to get with a great voice teacher, and make sure that you record the lessons from that teacher.




Record the exercises that they gave you. If you want to sing along to the exercises, that's a really smart strategy. Or maybe you can remember what exercises they gave you, and then practice at the piano. Also a really good strategy.




And then finally you can practice along with these videos, if you remember some of

these exercises that I've given you. You can practice along with me, or any other exercises from teachers that you like that you that help you. You can practice along with those.




But again, I recommend doing it yourself with an instrument if that's at all possible. So those are some tips for making your practice really quality.




Again, you could practice shorter lengths. You could really only go, honestly 20 or 30 minutes a day 6 days a week, and if you're doing quality practice, you're going to get better really fast.




You could practice an hour and a half a day and be slamming stuff and be singing every song in the book and really actually setting yourself back. So just make sure that your practicing is really smart and you know what it is you're focusing on and work on that.




And finally, I want you guys to not practice haphazardly. That's another tendency that I see of singers, is you know, "Well, I feel like singing now, so I'm just going to sing for, you know, an hour and I'm in the shower now I'm going to sing I'm in my car now I'm going to sing..."




And that's all fine, it doesn't really harm you to do that. But, if you can get on a real practice plan, that's going to be much better for you.




You want to schedule it. Put it down in your planner. Say every day at five o'clock that's my practice time.




If you can be consistent and make it a discipline to practice, and not just sporadic, you're also going to really help yourself because you're going to stay consistent, you're going to train those muscles.




It's like going to the gym like I said. If you go every single morning, you're going to see those results.




If you kind of just play a sport when your friends are playing or run up and down the stairs sometimes, you might be in decent shape, but you're not going to be in pinpoint top shape that you'd need to be.




Same thing with the voice. You need to keep your practice consistent. So make yourself a plan. Make yourself a schedule.




There are things that can help you stay consistent. Like I say, a teacher can help you develop a practice plan, tell you what exercises you need to be doing to work on your voice, and give you that routine to constantly be doing.




You could also practice with a friend. Get a friend and say, "You know, we're going to practice every day and keep each other sort of accountable," and check in with each other.




Set some vocal goals for yourself. That's another good strategy for making sure you stay consistent.




Then finally a really important one would be keeping a journal. If you either record, do like a, recording journal, or a written journal that talks about each day when you practice, what exercises did I do, what songs am i working on, what feels right,

what doesn't feel right, what did I accomplish, what do I want to accomplish... You're really, really intentional about your practicing, you're going to see huge results.




So to recap, make your practicing on purpose. Make sure your practicing is really quality. You're focused on the exact things that you need to be growing with in your voice. Get with a teacher if you don't know what those things are. And then make sure the quantity is in line with what your body can handle, so that you're not pushing things, but you also have a good routine for growth.




So Samantha, and all, I hope that gives you some more strategies on how you can really focus your practice and make it really, really excellent for your vocal growth.




I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to:



今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you, don't lose that joy don't lose that passion. Keep that practice routine really quality. Keep it consistent, I just know you're going to see your vocal





Get with a great voice teacher in your area to help you. If you guys are in

New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 28「息が混じるのは悪いこと?」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード28「息が混じるのは悪いこと?」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 28 "Bad To Be Breathy?"- Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney, and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to Episode 28 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys the singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Nadia T. in St. Petersburg, Russia. And Nadia writes, "Dear Justin, I've been told that it's bad for me to sing breathily. Is it really unhealthy for my voice if I sing breathy?"




Now that's a great question, Nadia. And I really appreciate that question. And a lot of people think that breathiness is bad. So we're going to talk about that today, about whether or not breathiness can hurt your voice. 




1. 息混じりの声の様々な側面


So is it bad to be breathy? First of all, let's make sure we know what breathiness is.




This voice that I'm using right here, this is not a breathy voice. But if I let some air pass through my voice, this then becomes a breathy voice. Ok, so you can hear that difference in my speaking voice.




Now let me just flat out tell you the answer to your question, Nadia. No, it's not bad to be breathy. Ok. It's a it's a common thinking about the voice, that breathiness is bad or dangerous or harmful. And I just I don't want you guys to be afraid of it.




It's definitely not something that you want to do all the time. But it certainly isn't something to be afraid of. I think a lot of people, because they've heard what you've heard, are actually afraid of breathiness.




Now there's a lot of things that the voice can do that people think are unhealthy. Belting, vocal fry, breathiness, even a high larynx. And these are things that of course, if one were to do all the time could be unhealthy. And breathiness is one of those things that could be unhealthy for you. But there's nothing inherently unhealthy about it. It's a natural part of your vocal function.




So anything done in moderation or for specific reason, and done in control, can be just fine for your voice, including breathiness.




Now we've done in the past we talked about this. A lot of beginners, a lot of people that are starting off, their voices are just breathy because they haven't learned how to be solid, how to make strong clean closed sounds. If you're a beginner, and you're starting off, I do want you to not go breathy all the time. It's going to really limit what you're doing.


さて、これは以前にも話したことなのですが… 多くの初心者や歌を始めたばかりの人は、声が息混じりになってしまいがちです。これはまだ声の作り方 - しっかりとした、強くて、声帯が閉まった声 - を学んでいないからです。もしみなさんが初心者で、歌を始めたばかりなのだとしたら、いつも息混じりにはなるのはやめるようにしてほしいのです。やれることに限界ができてしまいますからね。


But if you're more advanced and you need breathiness as a part of your style, you shouldn't be afraid of it hurting your voice ruining your technique, especially if you do it healthily, and you do it within moderation.




Ok, so one more thing just so that you can know more about what breathiness is, and why it's not necessarily unhealthy. You have your two vocal cords (we'll talk more about this in the future), and they're controlled in the back by the arytenoid cartilages (whoa!), and those bring the cords together. There's muscles that bring the backs of the cords together.




When my cords are separate, there's less distance between those cartilages. When its clean, there's even less, and then when I go compressed like this, there's even a tighter seal. So we're talking about how much we're going to be sealing the vocal cords when we're talking about breathiness. So that's all it is.




When you go for a breathy sound you're basically relieving some of the pressure, the compression, on the backs of your vocal cords, on the cartilages in the back. So that's what it is.




2. スタイルのための息混じりの声


Now it's really an important thing for you know as far as style. If I take a song like, "Name," by the Goo Goo dolls, This is a song that's just really not going to sound quite right without breathiness.




So I have this song, "Even though the moment passed me by... still can't turn away..." It's a breathy production. If I did a clean production of a rock song like that, "and they even though the moment passed by..." That really doesn't sound right at all. Or with vibrato in within a clean sound, "and he even though the moment passed me by..." would sound even weirder.


それでは、歌ってみます。「(息混じりの声で)Even though the moment passed me by... still can't turn away...」 今のは息混じりの歌い方でしたね。もしこのようなロックの曲で、はっきりした歌い方をしたら、「(はっきりした声で)and they even though the moment passed by...」あまりいい感じには聴こえないですね。その声にビブラートも加えたら、「(ビブラートも加えて)and he even though the moment passed me by...」もっと変な感じがします。


So being able to make my voice breathy, is actually going to be really important: "And even though the moment passed me by, I still can't tune away..." and I get into my rock sound.


ですから、声を息混じりにできるのは、とても大事なことなんです。「(息混じりの声で)And even though the moment passed me by, I still can't tune away...」これでロックの声に入っていけます。


So, that's just an example of where in a rock sound, and you can hear this in pop, maybe even in broadway, where a breathy tone is going to be necessary to make the song sound like what it is.




3. 息混じりの声の利点


Now, it's not just style though. There's other benefits to being breathy. There is, of course, head voice, we know is a kind of lighter, and maybe airier sound than chest voice. It's not as full of a sound.




When your voice goes to head voice, the cords do tend to get a little bit more separate. So by having the skill of separation, you can actually invite head voice into more of your middle range. This is why breathiness can actually benefit the voice.




Also, like I say, it's reducing that compression. So this is going to give you a greater control over your compression. Right? If I know how to make my voice really tight, or a little bit tight, or not tight at all, then I have control over my compression. That's going to be a really really handy skill.




And then finally for those voices that have tended towards too much squeeze and too much grip, if I have that ability to be breathy, to relieve the compression, then that's also going to help me be less tight with my singing.




So there's a lot of technical benefits as well as stylistic benefits to being breathy.






So again, Nadia, and all, I don't want you to just run haywire with breathiness. Again, anything done in extremes, could be harmful to the voice. There's even, even operatic sounds. There are opera singers who hurt their voices. You can overdo anything. Breathless included.




Beginners, like I say, might want to stay away from breathiness, you want to get your voice clean and solid first. But I just don't want people to have this myth that they just cannot be breathy or else they're going to injure their voices. It's a totally appropriate function of both style, and of technique. So, Nadia, just don't be afraid to experiment with it.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area that can show you how to do it well and healthily, and just one more thing. Just make sure that you don't equate breathiness with breath. If you've shoved lots of air through a breathy situation, that's probably going to be pretty uncomfortable.




So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions you'd like us to answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy and that passion. Don't stop working hard on your voice and trying some new things. Don't be afraid to try new ideas and new concepts. You might just find some discoveries in your voice, like with breathiness.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York City, you can check us out at: www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。


And if you like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 27「リフのやり方その2 - スラッシュ」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード27「リフのやり方その2 - スラッシュ」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 27 "How To Riff 2: Slashes" - Voice Lessons To The World

エピソード27「リフのやり方その2 - スラッシュ」






Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney, and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to Episode 27 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Alexa J. in Newark, New Jersey. And Alexa writes, "Dear Justin, Can you teach me how to riff?"




Now, if you remember back to Episode 3, we had Part 1 of Alexa's question. And we're going to do a whole series, actually, on Alexa's question. A series on how to riff.


さて、みなさんはエピソード3を覚えているでしょうか。アレクサさんの質問のパート1をやりましたね。これからやっていくのは、アレクサさんの質問に対する全シリーズ - リフのやり方シリーズです。




So this is going to be Part 2 of that series. And today we're talking about up slashes and down slashes. So each one of our episodes on riffing, is going to give you guys a new element of riffs to understand and to work on.




And so the first one we talked about, the pentatonic scale, that's this scale right here, the five tone scale. And then today, with up slashes and down slashes, this is a whole new vocabulary for you, for riffs.


パート1で話したことは、ペンタトニックスケール - (ピアノを弾いて)この五音音階のことでしたね。そして今回は、アップスラッシュとダウンスラッシュで、リフの全く新しいボキャブラリーに挑戦していきましょう。


1. 装飾音または「スラッシュ」


And really, riffs are a kind of, in classical music they'd be called a cadenza. They're a series of improvisational notes that move around quickly. There's a lot of different elements, but in classical music what we're talking about today would be referred to as a grace note.




Now if I take this little scale right here, this five tone scale: Now that's not the pentatonic, that's a major five tone scale. And I added the grace notes to it, it would be this: So here's without grace notes: (piano) And here's with grace notes: (piano) Now within the pentatonic, we would have this: And here's with, what I'm calling, "slashes": (piano)




So there you can see what they are. They're little movements, quickly up to or down to a note in question.




2. サラ・バレリスの「ラブ・ソング」


But I want to first show you how this applies in a song. And then I think this is gonna make a lot more sense, too. So we'll take, "Love Song," by Sara Bareilles. And just again I'm not trying to sound like Sara Bareilles, I'm just breaking down specifics of what she does in the song, so that you can know how to apply these concepts to music.




Go back and listen to her version. You're going to hear some of the things that I'm talking about. But I'm going to illustrate it for you as best I can.




So in the chorus of the song, and she sings, "I'm not gonna write you a love song 'cause you asked for it, 'cause you need one..." Just that much.


曲のサビで、彼女はこう歌っています。 "I'm not gonna write you a love song 'cause you asked for it, 'cause you need one..." この部分だけです。


Now, if we take the first part: "I'm not gonna write you a love song..." She does, "you a love song..." She could have done: "you a love song..." But she does: "you a love song..." And there is an up slash: "you a love song..." Go back and listen for it in the song you're going to hear a little... slash or grace note.


では、最初のパートを見てみましょう。 "I'm not gonna write you a love song..." 彼女は(スラッシュを入れて)"you a love song..." と歌っていますね。(スラッシュ無しで)”you a love song..." ともできますが(スラッシュを入れて)"you a love song..." と歌っています。アップスラッシュがあって、"you a love song..." となっています。曲を聴き返せば(ピアノでスラッシュの音を弾いて)スラッシュや装飾音が聞こえてくるでしょう。


So, "I'm not going to write you love song, 'cause you ask for it..." Now that little, "ask," we'll talk about that another time: " 'cause you asked for it, 'cause you need one..." Now there you have 2: " 'cause you need one..." She could have just done, " 'cause you need one..." But she does, " 'cause you need one..." "budap, buduh...need one..." 


"I'm not going to write you love song, 'cause you ask for it..." と歌うときの ”ask," についてはまた別の機会で話しますが、" 'cause you asked for it, 'cause you need one..." には二つスラッシュがあります。(スラッシュを入れて)” 'cause you need one..." (スラッシュ無しで)" 'cause you need one..." ともできますが(スラッシュを入れて)" 'cause you need one..." 「ブダッブダッ、need one」と歌っています。


And that little slash, up-and-down, adds so much to her song, and makes it more poppy by adding an element of riffs. So I hope that makes it really clear what a slash is. 




Now again, I'm just calling it a slash. You could call it a grace note. But pop terminology and classical terminology tend to be a lot of times the same thing but people refer to them in very different ways. And pop stuff, just, a "riff," that sounds edgier than a "cadenza," and a "slash," that sounds edgier than, "grace note." But you can use whatever term you want.




But just know that slash: " 'cause you need one..." Those are just little baby movements of notes.


とにかく、スラッシュは ” 'cause you need one..." のようなとても小さな音の動きのことだということを覚えておきましょう。


3. スラッシュのエクササイズ


Now we're going to do an exercise that's going to help you work on both your up slashes and down slashes. So you could call these ascending grace notes, or descending grace notes. Now these are great, of course for this specific element of riffs. But these are also going to be good for you as far as agility in general.




And then also as far as vibrato, because if you remember, vibrato is fast-moving notes. These are going to be pretty fast moving notes. So this is a great thing for you to look to work on for your vocal technique as well.


それから、ビブラートに関してもそうです。なぜなら - みなさんは覚えているでしょうか - ビブラートというのは、音が素早く動くことですからね。このエクササイズではとても速く音が動きますから、ヴォーカルテクニックに取り組みたい人にも役立ちます。


But right now I'm going to give you the exercise that I want you to work on, as far as incorporating up slashes and down slashes into your work as singers.






So we're first going to do up slashes. Ok. So we'll do it on a "hey". And we'll do, starting right here. For guys will do: "hey-ey-ey-ey-ey..." Right. You hear that? "hey-ey-ey-ey-ey..." I'm going up to the note: "hey-ey-ey-ey-ey." And ladies you'll be up here: "hey-ey-ey-ey-ey."




So we're gonna do this together. I want you to work first on your ascending slashes, your ascending grace notes, your up slashes. Here we go: [Exercise]


それではみなさん、一緒にやっていきましょう。まずは上昇するスラッシュ - 上昇装飾音、アップスラッシュ - です。行きましょう!【エクササイズ】


Good stuff. So that was nice work finding those ascending slashes.






Now we're gonna try the exact same thing with descending slashes so that you can get the sense that your voice can move quickly up or down. So these ones go above the note, but they're actually descending slashes. So we're going to do the same exact thing. 




We're gonna do: "Hey-aey-aey-aey-aey" Catch that? "Hey-aey-aey-aey-aey" "Hey-aey-aey-aey-aey" That's for guys. Ladies up here. "Hey-aey-aey-aey-aey." Ready for it? Here we go together. [Exercise]




Awesome stuff. So now you've experienced ascending and descending slashes. Add these to your pop and you're going to have a whole new element. I want you to practice this.




You can also make up some crazy exercises on your own that go up and down. That's really helpful. We won't do that today. Maybe in the future. But we won't do that today. But I want you to work on that.




But I also want you to listen in pop music, because this is the kind of detail work that's going to make you guys great riffers, and great pop singers.




You can't just sort of hear the melody go by. When you have Sarah do, " 'cause I need one... need one..." Very easy just to hear, "need one," and not hear the, "need one." 


メロディーが過ぎていくのを聞き流すだけではダメです。サラが " 'cause I need one... need one..." と歌うとき、(スラッシュ無しで)"need one,” と聞いてしまって、(スラッシュを入れて)"need one," とは聞けていない - こういうことは簡単に起こるのです。


But if you guys are really listening closely to your pop songs and listening with detail you're going to hear those things. You're going to hear what I talked about before, about the pentatonic scale. You're going to hear that over and over again.




But then you're going to start to catch on to these little slashes little grace notes. And if you can have that kind of detail work and you know how to access that in your voice, it's going to make you not only better singers, but much more advanced musicians.






So, that's part two of our riff series. I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


以上が、リフシリーズのパート2でした。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And we just encourage you not to lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Don't stop working on the details of your voice. Things like your riffs. Things like these slashes that we learned today. Make sure that you're really fine tuning your instrument and becoming a more advanced musician by trying these things and by listening really carefully to the details of the song.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area that can help you with this kind of thing. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの住む地域で、こういったことができるように助けてくれる、優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。


If you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。