Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 30「ピッチ・チェンジ」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 30 "Vibrato 1- Pitch Changes" - Voice Lessons To The World





Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York vocal coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 30 of voice lessons to the world, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but our question for this week comes from Miguel V. in Guadalajara Mexico.




And Miguel writes, “Dear Justin, I really enjoyed your video on vibrato, but I can't do it. Is vibrato something that just happens or can you develop it through exercising the voice?”




Now, Miguel that is a fantastic question. And it's such a good question actually, that we’re going to start a whole new series on developing vibrato.




You know that we already have a series going on how to do riffs. Now we're going to start a series based just on your question, on developing vibrato.




The first step though, is reminding ourselves what is vibrato.




Now, vibrato is essentially a pitch change, a pitch bend. It doesn't change the pitch enough to change the fundamental note, but you're taking a note and allowing it to move up and down around the center of that pitch.




So, in other words if I take a note without vibrato it sounds like this. “Ah.” But if I add vibrato to it, “Ah”. I'm still singing “Ah”, but I'm adding “Ah”, a little pitch bend to the note.




Now, our ear loves the sound of something around six hertz per second. That's six of those little flips per second, “Ah” one, two, three, four, five, six, “Ah”


私達の耳は、1秒に6ヘルツくらいの揺れを心地良いと感じます。1秒に6回の小さな揺れです。「アー、1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6」(ビブラートを加えて)「アー」。


That's kind of what our ear appreciates as far as vibrato. Could be a little faster, could be a little slower, but it’s around six.




Now I want you to know that you should be able to do straight tone and vibrato. These are both necessary elements of singing. One's not better than the other, but we need both of them.




I will say though, that vibrato could contribute to your vocal freedom. Being able to move “Ah“ the note, versus just hold it “Ah“, is actually going to free you up.




If you're a little bit tight you might have trouble doing vibrato, and over time you might be able to move the pitch that could contribute to your freedom.




That being said, it is a myth, Miguel, the vibrato is just something that happens, that if I just practice for long enough my voice and my technique, one magical day vibrato just happens for me. I know that's happened for some people in the past, but I don't want you guys to think that way about it.




I want you to think of vibrato is something that you can control, something that you can learn, something that you can develop. Exercises will help, good technique will help.




And I'm going to give you some tips on how to add vibrato and how to learn to do vibrato. But again, if it's something that I can turn on and turn off, then clearly it's a developable skill and something that I can incorporate whenever I want and whenever

I need.




So then, when would I need it? Vibrato is a stylistic element. Like I say, even though it's got a technical function, it can free me up if I can do “Ah”. Maybe that's for you.




But it's really a stylistic element. it's something that you hear in different styles of music. Pop, rock and R&B singers a lot of times don't think that they need vibrato in their voices.




We've talked in the past why in fact you do. Vibrato is used in pop rock. So I want you guys to learn to do vibrato even if you're contemporary singers.




But the traditional styles, broadway, classical and some of the others, definitely do need vibrato. And you're going to see today why just doing this pitch bend, this little vibratory pitch bend within singing can add a stylistic element and can also add some emotion to the sound.




So today I'm going to take a broadway song. we're going to do “All I ask of you” from Phantom of the Opera.


そこで今日はブロードウェイの曲を例にとっていきます。「オペラ座の怪人」から、 “All I ask of you” をやりますね。


And you're just going to see how as I take for vibrato in and out of my voice, how that affects the style and the emotion.




So here we go with “All I ask of you”


では “All I ask of you” です。行ってみましょう。


“Then say you'll share with me one love one lifetime

Let me lead you from your solitude

Say you need me with you here beside you

Anywhere you go let me go to Christine, that's all I ask of you”




So now that was with vibrato. And you can tell that has a lot of the right kinds of sounds for a broadway sound, for a more of a legit broadway sound, But it sounds like the right emotion and style for the piece with vibrato. What if i start taking it out?




“Then say you share with me one love one lifetime” Doesn't quite sound right. “Let me lead you from your solitude” Yes. “Say you need me with you here beside you” Not quite. “Anywhere you go let me go to” Yes. “Christine, that's all I ask of you” I don't think so. “Christine, that's all I ask of you” I throw it back in there and you can hear that instantly. That makes the style appropriate.


(ビブラートなしで)“Then say you share with me one love one lifetime” あまりいい感じではないです。(ビブラートを付けて)“Let me lead you from your solitude” これですね。(ビブラートなしで)“Say you need me with you here beside you” 違います。(ビブラートを付けて)“Anywhere you go let me go to” イエス。(ビブラートなしで)“Christine, that's all I ask of you” そうは思わないなあ※。(ビブラートを付けて)“Christine, that's all I ask of you” ビブラートを戻すとすぐにそれに気付くでしょう。ビブラートを付けるのがこのスタイルでは適切ですね。


※訳注 “Christine, that's all I ask of you” 「クリスティーン、君に求めるのはこれだけなんだ」という歌詞なのに、ビブラートがないせいで感情がこもっていないように聞こえるので、「そうは思わないなあ」と言っている、ジャスティンのジョーク。


So that pitch bend, that vibrato that I add, you can hear stylistically and even emotionally make certain songs sound like what they need to be.




Now, Miguel, you asked “Can we learn it? Can we develop it?” The answer is yes. We're going to start today with an exercise that does pitch bends. We're just going to take a slow one first and then a fast one.




Here's the slow one, we're going to do with “ME”, this following exercise.




So it's this “ME ME ME ME ME” Hear that again, “ME ME ME ME ME” So we're gonna be moving that top note around.




So guys will be down here, “ME ME ME ME ME”, ladies up here, “ME ME ME ME ME”. We're gonna do this together. Here we go.








Great job! So that “ME”, that's a slow vibrato, but it's actually a kind of vibrato. Right now it's pretty wobbly, but it's going to set us up for the ability of moving those pitches.




Now we're gonna do a faster one, same exact thing, but you're gonna speed it up. “ME ME ME ME ME”. Get that? Okay, and ladies, “ME ME ME ME ME” Right? So here we go together with a faster version of that pitch bend exercise.








Awesome stuff! So I hope you can see why that would help you to start getting that vibrato, that pitch bend. It's just “ME”, you can start finding how not just resting on a note but being able to move it around can start to develop your vibrato.




So that's just stage one, Miguel. We're going to have more vibrato exercises and ideas to come.




But I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers and starting to see that you can develop vibrato if you have the right information and the right exercises.




So if you guys have questions that you want to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Don't let people tell you you can't sing. Don't let people tell you that you can't develop vibrato. Work hard at it.




Find a great voice teacher in your area that can help you. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーを見つけましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit us at: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳はJustin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。