Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 71「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の二 - 高音のミックス」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード71「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の二 - 高音のミックス」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 71 "How To Belt Trilogy 2 - Mixed High Notes" - Voice Lessons To The World

エピソード71「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の二 - 高音のミックス






Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to episode 71 of Voice Lessons To The World. And, part two of our How To Belt Trilogy. ♪ Yeah ♪ Yeah. [hits piano]
So, uh, anyway, last time we talked about dragging chest voice up. Which is kind of the "bad" kind of belting but still something you need to be able to do.
さて、前回はチェストヴォイスの引っぱりについて話しました。悪い感じ* のベルティングですが、できることが必要なものでもあります。


And today our question comes from Fathur S. in Bogor, Indonesia. And Fathur writes, "Dear Justin, how do I belt the high notes?"
And Fathur that is a great question for us today. But before we get into that we should revisit the topic- what is belting?

1. ベルティングとは?

If you remember last time, belting we can define as a drag of a lower gear up past where it would natively go to achieve a kind of belty sound.
Now last time what we looked at was a true chest drag. It's really, basically a kind of shout. Now this is not the voice that I would want you doing all the time. In fact I would use it very sparingly. That voice will fatigue your cords and in some extreme cases if you do it too much, or you abuse it, could even injure your voice.
The one we really want is the chest dominant mix. We want to take our mix up higher
and it will still sound belty.
So that chest drag is basically a kind of controlled shout. And the mix, this is the one that I'd have you use probably 90, maybe even 95, percent of the time.
When we use the mix we're going to be balancing the cricothyroids- woah [hits piano]- with the thyroarytenoids- woah [hits piano]. Okay, fancy words that basically just mean flexibility and strength to the vocal cords. We're balancing them out.
And instead of pushing out or getting louder, raising the larynx, or one of those shouty qualities. Instead we're using nasal resonance and head resonance in the belting.
So what that's gonna achieve is really high notes that sound strong like chest voice. They sound like they're being belted or maybe even yelled, but they're really not. They're actually in that mix.
So what we're gonna do today is first look at this chest dominant mix belting in a song. Then I'm gonna give you some tips and then we're gonna try it out together in an exercise.

2. 曲例:レナード・コーエンの「ハレルヤ」

So the song I'd like to look at is "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. The song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen was made famous by Jeff Buckley who's just a great, great singer.
And last time for a male we went up to only around G4, which is pretty high for a chest belt, but not really very high for a mix. This song I'm gonna take up past there - the Ab, all the way up actually to a Db5, which gets quite high for both a male and even for a female in this kind of mixed belt.
前回はG4* の辺りまでしか行きませんでした。これは男性のチェストベルトとしてはかなり高い音ですが、ミックスとしてはそれほど高い音ではありません。この曲ではそれを越えて、Abから、さらにずっと上のDb5* まで行きます。男性にとって、そして女性にとってさえも、この種類のミックスド・ベルトとしては相当高い音です。
But this is just a great song, one of my very favorite songs. And here's a bit of that extension containing head resonance from the great song "Hallelujah".
♪ Well there was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me, do ya
Remember when I moved in you
The holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was hallelujah
Hallelujah ♪
And so you see as I extend up there into that upper mixed belt territory it really moves into the head resonators. It's not a push of chest anymore like the first kind of belting. It starts to become contained. And it's still got that substance to it but it's really effortless because of the head resonance that's involved.

3. ベルティングの秘訣

So what we're gonna do next is look at some belting tips that can help build the mix and the chest dominant mix in your voice.
Tips for this kind of belting are very different than what we did last time. If you remember last time we kind of threw technique out the window and said let's see if we can actually really belt because not everybody can.
Last time we did- whoa! Where the sound is opening up, larynx can rise, breath can come out, the sound can get louder. That's a real kind of shout.
This could not be more different, which is what makes this one the safer belt and the one that I would recommend you do very, very often.
Here we're gonna keep more of a narrow embouchure, alright. We're not going to be widening things in the front.
We're gonna keep the tongue more tall like our NG, more of this tongue.
*訳注:英語で "Sing" と発音するときのngの音のことです。日本語だと「りんご」と言うときの「ん」がそれに近いですね。
So, stuff blocking the mouth so that it doesn't get out like a shout but stays in like head voice however it has that strong quality at the same time.
We are gonna have nasal resonance and head resonance of course. So if you feel that [hum] kind of nasal sensation or the air "back and up", those are positive qualities.
We also don't want to be pushing breath or getting louder. Don't take too much, don't use too much. This kind of mixing and belting is gonna rely on light compression to the cords. And that can't happen if you're slamming the air too much. So really maintain good breath support. Don't take too much, use a constant air flow.
And then if you're aware of your larynx also this is not gonna be raising, [Demonstrates raised larynx] just like we did last time where we didn't care about it, we just let it happen. Here you're gonna be more sensitive. Keep the larynx as stable, as neutral, as you possibly can.
So those are some tips for making that chest dominant mix happen.

4. 「ハレルヤ」でエクササイズ

Now we're gonna look at an exercise. This is going to be, hallelujah.
So we're gonna use this great word, hallelujah. It's great to say, it's great to sing. And it's from our Leonard Cohen song.
And, hallelujah, why is this so great to sing? Well, the "ah" vowel releases the jaw, and the "eh" vowel is gonna give us that taller tongue. The "oo" will be blocking the mouth, all qualities that help you keep the air in the head for your mixed belting.
Then if you remember "L in a Cell", episode 67, that L becoming... [demonstrates] using nasal resonance then we get our nasal resonance present too.
So you got nose, embouchure, tongue, jaw, everything contained in this belting. So I'm gonna have the guys start and then I'm gonna bring in the ladies after we start. So it's gonna be this... ♪ Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah! What a great job with that mix finding the contained, resonant space for your belting. It's so, so important and I hope that you guys belt like that almost all the time when you're belting.
But there is more to go because we have part three of our How To Belt Trilogy.
♪ Yeah ♪ Ugh... [hits piano] Yeah. So stay tuned for that. Next time we'll have more good work.


But Fathur and all, I hope that this has been helpful for you guys today as singers.
If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
というわけで、今回の内容がファスルさんやシンガーのみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
And I just encourage you don't lost that joy, don't lost that passion, do not let people
tell you that you can't sing cause you can I both know it's simply not true.
Get with a great voice teacher in your area or if you guys are in the New York City area
or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイス・ティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプ(でレッスン)をしたければ、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。
And if you like these videos you can download our free app. It's for iPad, iPhone, and hopefully more in the future. A lot of great resources, articles, tips, videos, ways to help you guys take your game to the next level as singers. Or you can simply just visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
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I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








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