Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 28「息が混じるのは悪いこと?」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード28「息が混じるのは悪いこと?」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 28 "Bad To Be Breathy?"- Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney, and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to Episode 28 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys the singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Nadia T. in St. Petersburg, Russia. And Nadia writes, "Dear Justin, I've been told that it's bad for me to sing breathily. Is it really unhealthy for my voice if I sing breathy?"




Now that's a great question, Nadia. And I really appreciate that question. And a lot of people think that breathiness is bad. So we're going to talk about that today, about whether or not breathiness can hurt your voice. 




1. 息混じりの声の様々な側面


So is it bad to be breathy? First of all, let's make sure we know what breathiness is.




This voice that I'm using right here, this is not a breathy voice. But if I let some air pass through my voice, this then becomes a breathy voice. Ok, so you can hear that difference in my speaking voice.




Now let me just flat out tell you the answer to your question, Nadia. No, it's not bad to be breathy. Ok. It's a it's a common thinking about the voice, that breathiness is bad or dangerous or harmful. And I just I don't want you guys to be afraid of it.




It's definitely not something that you want to do all the time. But it certainly isn't something to be afraid of. I think a lot of people, because they've heard what you've heard, are actually afraid of breathiness.




Now there's a lot of things that the voice can do that people think are unhealthy. Belting, vocal fry, breathiness, even a high larynx. And these are things that of course, if one were to do all the time could be unhealthy. And breathiness is one of those things that could be unhealthy for you. But there's nothing inherently unhealthy about it. It's a natural part of your vocal function.




So anything done in moderation or for specific reason, and done in control, can be just fine for your voice, including breathiness.




Now we've done in the past we talked about this. A lot of beginners, a lot of people that are starting off, their voices are just breathy because they haven't learned how to be solid, how to make strong clean closed sounds. If you're a beginner, and you're starting off, I do want you to not go breathy all the time. It's going to really limit what you're doing.


さて、これは以前にも話したことなのですが… 多くの初心者や歌を始めたばかりの人は、声が息混じりになってしまいがちです。これはまだ声の作り方 - しっかりとした、強くて、声帯が閉まった声 - を学んでいないからです。もしみなさんが初心者で、歌を始めたばかりなのだとしたら、いつも息混じりにはなるのはやめるようにしてほしいのです。やれることに限界ができてしまいますからね。


But if you're more advanced and you need breathiness as a part of your style, you shouldn't be afraid of it hurting your voice ruining your technique, especially if you do it healthily, and you do it within moderation.




Ok, so one more thing just so that you can know more about what breathiness is, and why it's not necessarily unhealthy. You have your two vocal cords (we'll talk more about this in the future), and they're controlled in the back by the arytenoid cartilages (whoa!), and those bring the cords together. There's muscles that bring the backs of the cords together.




When my cords are separate, there's less distance between those cartilages. When its clean, there's even less, and then when I go compressed like this, there's even a tighter seal. So we're talking about how much we're going to be sealing the vocal cords when we're talking about breathiness. So that's all it is.




When you go for a breathy sound you're basically relieving some of the pressure, the compression, on the backs of your vocal cords, on the cartilages in the back. So that's what it is.




2. スタイルのための息混じりの声


Now it's really an important thing for you know as far as style. If I take a song like, "Name," by the Goo Goo dolls, This is a song that's just really not going to sound quite right without breathiness.




So I have this song, "Even though the moment passed me by... still can't turn away..." It's a breathy production. If I did a clean production of a rock song like that, "and they even though the moment passed by..." That really doesn't sound right at all. Or with vibrato in within a clean sound, "and he even though the moment passed me by..." would sound even weirder.


それでは、歌ってみます。「(息混じりの声で)Even though the moment passed me by... still can't turn away...」 今のは息混じりの歌い方でしたね。もしこのようなロックの曲で、はっきりした歌い方をしたら、「(はっきりした声で)and they even though the moment passed by...」あまりいい感じには聴こえないですね。その声にビブラートも加えたら、「(ビブラートも加えて)and he even though the moment passed me by...」もっと変な感じがします。


So being able to make my voice breathy, is actually going to be really important: "And even though the moment passed me by, I still can't tune away..." and I get into my rock sound.


ですから、声を息混じりにできるのは、とても大事なことなんです。「(息混じりの声で)And even though the moment passed me by, I still can't tune away...」これでロックの声に入っていけます。


So, that's just an example of where in a rock sound, and you can hear this in pop, maybe even in broadway, where a breathy tone is going to be necessary to make the song sound like what it is.




3. 息混じりの声の利点


Now, it's not just style though. There's other benefits to being breathy. There is, of course, head voice, we know is a kind of lighter, and maybe airier sound than chest voice. It's not as full of a sound.




When your voice goes to head voice, the cords do tend to get a little bit more separate. So by having the skill of separation, you can actually invite head voice into more of your middle range. This is why breathiness can actually benefit the voice.




Also, like I say, it's reducing that compression. So this is going to give you a greater control over your compression. Right? If I know how to make my voice really tight, or a little bit tight, or not tight at all, then I have control over my compression. That's going to be a really really handy skill.




And then finally for those voices that have tended towards too much squeeze and too much grip, if I have that ability to be breathy, to relieve the compression, then that's also going to help me be less tight with my singing.




So there's a lot of technical benefits as well as stylistic benefits to being breathy.






So again, Nadia, and all, I don't want you to just run haywire with breathiness. Again, anything done in extremes, could be harmful to the voice. There's even, even operatic sounds. There are opera singers who hurt their voices. You can overdo anything. Breathless included.




Beginners, like I say, might want to stay away from breathiness, you want to get your voice clean and solid first. But I just don't want people to have this myth that they just cannot be breathy or else they're going to injure their voices. It's a totally appropriate function of both style, and of technique. So, Nadia, just don't be afraid to experiment with it.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area that can show you how to do it well and healthily, and just one more thing. Just make sure that you don't equate breathiness with breath. If you've shoved lots of air through a breathy situation, that's probably going to be pretty uncomfortable.




So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions you'd like us to answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy and that passion. Don't stop working hard on your voice and trying some new things. Don't be afraid to try new ideas and new concepts. You might just find some discoveries in your voice, like with breathiness.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York City, you can check us out at: www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。


And if you like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。