Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 37「声門閉鎖:敵か味方か?」【VLTTW翻訳】



Ep. 37 "Glottal: Friend Or Foe?" - Voice Lessons To The World









Hi everybody! My name is Justin stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 37 of voice lessons to the world, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Krista A. in Manila, Philippines.






And Krista writes “Dear Justin, my voice teacher says I should avoid glottal at all costs and never do them. It will hurt my voice if I do. Is this true?”




Now thank you very much for that awesome question, Krista. Because a glottal is something that is very feared in the land of voice.






People are afraid to do it. People approach glottal with trepidation and are worried because of what they've been told that a glottal sound is going to hurt them, is going to ruin their voice so they can never speak or sing ever again.




So today we're going to talk about what is a glottal and is it really a friend or a foe.




1, 声門閉鎖とは?


Now first of all, what is it?






A glottal sound is called glottal because the vocal cords are called the glottis, also known as the glottis.




And if you look in here with a camera and a scope you see a kind of v-shape with the vocal cords. And they shut like this “huh” and when you breathe they go “huh” and then I go “huh”.




And what I get is a kind of glottal. It's a click of my cords if I say the word “Uh oh”. I have that clicking sound of “Uh oh”.


この時声門閉鎖が起こります。“Uh oh”(「おっと」の意)と言う時の声帯のクリック音のことです。




Now what happens is a muscle called the interarytenoids - you guys don't need to know that, but it's kind of fun, the interarytenoids - the muscle between the vocal cords shuts them “huh”.






When they open another muscle the posterior cricoarytenoids (Whoa!) opens them up. And then the interarytenoids shut them back “huh”. And then if I have again “Uh oh”, I get that click. Now that's what it is.


開く時は違う筋肉、後輪状披裂筋(すごい名前!)が声帯を開きます。そしてまた披裂筋が「ハッ」と声帯を閉じます。そしてもう一度 “Uh oh” と言うと、クリック音が出ます。これが声門閉鎖の正体です。




So you probably have heard this sound. Every time you hear a “I”, “A, E, I, O, U”, I'm getting that “Ah ah ah”, and the “Eh, Ee, I, Oh”. All of that has that glottal stop (It's called a glottal stop sometimes) before you hear the sound. So that's what it is.




2, 敵としての声門閉鎖


Now why do people say that the glottal is such a bad thing. I will admit that that's one of the more athletic things that one could do with their voice, right?




You're shutting the body of the vocal cords from the back so that you're getting quite a bit of compression. You're really pressing the vocal cords together.




Now if you have an injured voice, if you have nodes, if you have polyps, if you have a fatigued or raspy voice, if you're sick, if you're just very very tired vocally, probably a glottal you can see why that wouldn't be such a good idea. Slapping the vocal cords shut not always such a great thing.






But the problem is people have gotten overly fearful of this sound when it actually is a part of our natural speech. But you know, many medical voice doctors as well as speech therapists will recommend not doing a lot of that glottal edge when you are vocally fatigued. And we should follow their advice because again it is very athletic.




But now what I was saying about why it shouldn't be feared - It's a natural part of your speaking voice.


ではなぜ声門閉鎖を怖がるべきではないのかについて話しましょう - 声門閉鎖は話し声の一部だからです。


If I say “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”, in one sentence I've done four glottals. “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”.


“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream” * と言う時、一つのセンテンスで4回も声帯閉鎖を使っています。“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”




If I can't glottal that means I can never spill my ice cream ever again without completely destroying my voice. I need to be able to do glottals to communicate properly in pretty much any language.




If you listen to almost any language there's going to be glottals in it. Even when I say “any language” I would have to say “(H)any language” if I wanted to avoid that glottal.




Or I'd have to say “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream”. If I wanted to really avoid the glottal I need “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream”. I have to really avoid that versus “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”.


それか声門閉鎖を本当に避けるのなら “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream” と言わなければならないでしょう。それに対しての (声門閉鎖を使って)“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream” です。


Okay, so you see that it's actually a natural thing, ACTUALLY a natural thing. Glottals appear all the time in our speaking voice.




3, 味方としての声門閉鎖


So if we know that they're natural and we know that they don't necessarily harm our voices even though we have to be careful with them, how can we use them for singing good? that's the next step.






So one of the things that I've noticed in singers is sometimes people have a lack of compression in their voice.




If your voice is weak, if it's airy, if it's always kind of got that thin airy tone, if it goes to head voice too soon, what you may be lacking is a little bit of compression.




Now if your voice is very strained and very squeezed probably you have too much compression. But a lot of singers who don't have enough compression can benefit from some glottals.




A lot of singers can't even do it as they go up higher. If I'm doing an exercise just if I did it on an “Ah”, and I was singing “Ah” a singer that can't do a glottal or doesn't have enough compression might do “Hah”. They can't do “Ah”. It's always “Hah”. And they can't even get the chords shut to start the sound.




So singers that lack compression will not be able to do that glottal. We can use that glottal to build some of that compression to learn how to get the chords shut with moderation in our vocal technique work.




And so today I am actually going to give you an exercise that uses glottals just to see if you can do your glottals up and down the scale.






Now again this is not for everybody. If your voice is already too squeezed, too gripped, too strained, if you’re vocally fatigued, if you've got a vocal injury, these sorts of things, this is not the thing to be doing.




And in fact this isn't something that I want you guys just doing all the time. We want it again do glottals in moderation so that you learn this skill and that's it, right?




Don't just be glottal until the cows come home. We need to build the skill and then you got it.




So for those who may lack compression in the voice this is going to be a great exercise. But again, I don't want to be getting angry letters. I don't want to hear you know that this destroyed your voice. If you do this moderately and if you do this well, this is actually going to help you.




So another disclaimer, don't do this too loudly. And we don't want to be shutting the cords and blasting tons of air. We need good breath support when we do this.




声門閉鎖のエクササイズ:"Uh Oh"


We're gonna do an “Uh oh” exercise. All it is is this “Uh oh” right? I'm not gonna do it loud. It's like my speaking voice “Uh oh”. So I don't want “Uh oh”. I don’t want to be blasting air. It's just a gentle “Uh oh” on pitch so that we know that we get the chords shut.


では “Uh oh” のエクササイズをしましょう。ただ “Uh oh” と言うだけです。大きな声ではやらないで。しゃべるように “Uh oh” と言いましょう。(大きな声で)“Uh oh” はダメです。息を吐き出し過ぎないように。声帯が閉まるように、優しく “Uh oh” とピッチを付けて言いましょう。


All right, so guys are gonna be down here, “Uh oh”. And ladies up here, “Uh oh”. And we're just going to go up and down the scale with light glottals just to get this skill built in your voice if you don't have it. Here we go.


いいですか?男性は下の方で “Uh oh” 女性は上の方で “Uh oh” この技術を持っていない人でも身に付けられるように、軽い声門閉鎖で音階を上下に動いていきます。行きましょう!






So that's it. Just a little baby glottal, not doing that too hard, just a baby glottal to get the sense of compression. I want you guys to graduate from this fast. You're not again not glottaling up a storm all day because our glottals - a friend or a foe - they can be both, right?




Again if you got too much squeeze, get away from this stuff. If you don't have enough, try it a little bit to build some compression in your voice and then graduate from it really really soon.






So, Krista and all I hope that that illuminates your mind about the world of glottals and what they can do or not do for your voice. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、クリスタさん、みなさん。今回の内容が声門閉鎖の世界と、それが声に何をもたらし、もたらさないかを知るのに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion, don't let people tell you you can't sing. You know that's not true. Keep working hard on your voice and get with a great voice teacher in your area.




If you guys are in New York City you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。