Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 49「巻き舌とタングトリルのやり方」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード49「巻き舌とタングトリルのやり方」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 49 "How To Roll Your R's And Tongue Trills" - Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I’m the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Ep. 49 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we wanna help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.
And I’ll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Anthony C. in West Haven, CT.


And Anthony writes, “Dear Justin, I would love to learn how to roll my R’s, but I can’t do it. Can you show me how to do it?”
Yes, Anthony. I think I can. And this is a great question because we do need to be able to roll our R’s and do tongue trills often when we sing and when we speak.

1. タングトリル、巻き舌とは?

Now, most of you probably know what this is, but let’s talk about what is a tongue trill or a rolled R.
It’s where the front of your tongue comes up and meets your hard palate, or your alveolar ridge, you get a sort of “Rrr...” sound.
Now it’s not the back, “Chh...”. It’s the front, “Rrr...”, buzzing against your hard palate.

2. どうしてタングトリルは必要なの?

Now why do we even need this? For one thing we need this if we’re gonna be doing some classical repertoire that uses Italian or maybe Spanish or if we wanna speak those languages we need to “Rrr...” roll our R’s.
And also it makes for a great vocal exercise. So, those of you that already know how to do this, hang in there for the end because we’re gonna do an exercise together where you get a chance to work some tongue trills. They’re really great for the voice.
And then finally... Is there any sound that you guys really don’t wanna be able to make? We know that on this show we’re gonna cover every sound that there is out there over time. And we wanna be versatile with our voices. We wanna not have limitations. We don’t wanna have sounds that we can’t do.
So if you wanna be able to do a tongue trill, now’s your chance to be able to do it.

3. できないと思う?できます!

Now, some people think that they can’t do a tongue trill. And most of the time this is not true.
I will admit though there’s a genetic issue sometimes for people with tongue trill. There are some people that just will not be able to do the trill.
But here’s the two things that genetically speaking if you can do it you’re gonna be able to do the trill.
Here’s what they are. Number one, you need to be able to lift your tongue like this. In the front, it’s gotta lift up and touch the hard palate. That’s the first thing.
Second thing, though this is the one that’s harder for some people, is you have to be able to curl your tongue. The sides of the tongue have to be able to come up or else the trill won’t work.
So if you can curl your tongue in a sort of u-shape in the middle and the sides, and you can lift it, you will be able to do the trill.
Alright. Even if you can’t do now, we’re gonna work together right now to be able to do it.

4. タングトリルのコツ

So here are some steps for you guys to be able to do a tongue trill. Okay, first I’m gonna tell you a couple common ways that people have helped people get it in the past.
One is repeating words that kind of have the sound of it like say the word “Butter”. If we say “Butter, butter, butter...”, It kinda puts the tongue in that trill kinda place. Try that out. Say “Butter” a bunch of times. Here we go. That was nice. So you feel that “Butter...” right?
一つは、例えば “Butter”* など、それっぽい言葉を繰り返すことです。 “Butter, butter, butter...” と言うと、舌をトリルが起きるようなところに持っていけます。やってみて。 “Butter” と何回も言ってみて。どうぞ!いいですね。 “Butter” を感じられたでしょうか。
*訳注:アメリカ英語の"T"は、単語の途中だと日本語のラ行っぽい音に音になります。カタカナ表記だと"Butter"は「バター」ですが、実際には「バラー」のような感じの音になります。日本語でも巻き舌の練習を考えている人はたくさんいらっしゃるので、「巻き舌 やり方」などと検索して、お気に入りの練習法を見つけてみてくださいね。
Now another thing is to kinda use a Scottish accent. Just say it for me,  “Scotland is GRRREAT!” Okay? Try that out. That’s right. “Scotland is GRRREAT!” It was nice. Good, good job, Right?
もう一つは、スコットランドのアクセントを真似してみることです。言ってみてください。「スコットランド・イズ・(巻き舌で)グルルレイト!」 いいですか?やってみて。そうです!「スコットランド・イズ・グルルレイト!」いい感じです。上手にできましたね。
So that “Grr, Grr, Grr” sound - that is gonna start the tongue trilling. So that’s kind of just few ways that people have talked about in the past.
この 「グルル、グルル、グルル」という音がタングトリルを呼んでくるでしょう。以上が昔から話されてきた方法でした。

5. 舌全体を使おう

What I like to do for you guys today is talk about how it’s not just the front of the tongue we need to address to get this trill right, but the whole tongue. I’m gonna show you what I mean.
So first of all, the front. Here’s what we have to do with the front. First of all, we need the jaw and mouth relaxed and then the tip is going to come up, not to meet the teeth. If you’re meeting the teeth, you’re too far forward for the trill.
We’re trying for the alveolar ridge, whoa, that is a part of the hard palate. It’s a little further back from the teeth. It’s not the gums, it’s not the teeth, it’s a little further back on the hard palate. That’s your alveolar ridge. That’s where the trill is going to take place. So that’s one thing you really have to know. 
The other thing is that tip of the tongue has to be loose. If that tip is tight, you will never do the trill. That is what is flapping. So if you tighten that guy, it’s not gonna be able to flap.
So really when you’re trying these, “Rrr...” trills, you gotta keep the front, super relaxed and touching the right place.
Now that’s just the front, most people have trouble because they’re only thinking about the front when they’re doing the trill
But now we need to know the sides and then also the back. So here’s the sides. The sides, as I say, they have to be able to curl up. You have to curl your tongue on the sides to, first of all, meet the teeth. Let’s try touching the sides of the tongue to the teeth. Probably the molars. Right. Okay.
So you’re gonna meet the sides of the teeth. This is not how to do it, but the first step to doing it.
When you do the actual trill, it’s going to be inside the teeth. But first, meet the teeth with the sides of the tongue. That’s good.
Okay, So if you’ve got that, now just think about a few of these sounds that you may have heard. This is kind of a retroflex tongue, this "err" sound that we have a curl and a pull back of the tongue, "err".
これができたら、今までに聞いたことがあるかもしれない、次のような声について考えてみましょう。そり舌の感じで、舌を丸めて後ろに引く感じの "err" という声です。
You may have heard of this with the annoucer Tom Brokaw “NBC nightly news with Tom Brokaw”, that has that kind of curl to the sides.
Or Austin Powers Dr. Evil does the “I’m still hip. I’m still cool, taka, taka, taka...” that sort of “huh” of the sides of the tongue. You’ve gotta engage that when you’re doing “Rrrrrah!” or else that won’t stabilize things. So that’s what you gotta do with the sides. 
もしくは、オースティン・パワーズのドクター・イーブルが「アイム・スティル・ヒップ、アイム・スティル・クール、タカタカタカ…」 と言う時のような、舌の両脇の感じです。 「ルルルルラー!」とトリルをするには、これができなければならず、そうでないと安定しません。ということで、舌の両脇では以上のことができなければなりません。
Now Finally the back. The back is another thing that people miss. We can’t have the back shoving down. And we can’t have it totally loose. It has to have a little bit of upward activity.
One way to find this is with a sort of velociraptor sound. Try this crazy thing for me. Try a “Chhhhh!”. Okay. Here you go. Very scary, good. One more time, “Chhhh!” It was great.
この状態を見つける一つの方法は、ヴェロキラプトル(恐竜)みたいな声を出すことです。おかしくなったつもりでやってみてください。 「ガー!」いいですか?どうそ!とても恐い感じで、いいですよ。もう1回。 「ガー!」素晴らしい!
So we have that “Chh, chh”, the back of the tongue also engaged. That’s one of the great things.
この 「ガー、ガー」で、舌の後ろ側も使えるようになりましたね。素晴らしいことです。
If you are trying the “Rrr, rrr”, that D or R sound in the front, “Rrr, rrr”, and then you engage “Chh, chh” in the back, “Chhrrr, chhrrr...”, you’re also curling the sides, “Chhrrr, chhrrr”, that is how you’re gonna be able to find the trill.
舌先の「ルルル、ルルル」 というDやRの音をやってみて、それから舌の後ろ側の「ガー、ガー」という音を用い、更に両脇を丸めて「ガルルラ、ガルルラ」とできれば、トリルを見つけることができるでしょう。
Again, most people are neglecting the lift of the back and the lift of the sides when they are doing the trill.
So I hope that that helps you guys start finding the mechanics of all the aspects of the tongue so that you can get the trill.


One more bonus tip for you. If you try another trill like a lip trill, “bbbb...” some people can trick themselves into doing it by feeding their tongue through that trill, “bbbbrrrrr, bbbbrrrrr”, and using the one trill to influence the other. That’s just another nice trick for you to try as you’re experimenting.


So that’s how to do it. Let’s fast forward to say that you figured that out after some practice and now also those folks who already know how to do this, we’re gonna put it to an exercise.
We’re gonna go up and down with a tounge trill. This helps with your breath support. It helps with your flexibility, and with your registration because we’re making an even sound, even volume, even production all across the range.
So here’s what it’s gonna be. 1-3-5-8-5-3-1 guys down here, “Rrr...”. And ladies up here, “Rrr...”. And here we go together with the trill.
Grrreat! Alright. Awsome stuff. So, now you know a little bit more about how to do that trill, how to get that mechanics right. And then also you can use it in an exercise to help build your voice.


So Anthony and all, I hope that’s been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you’ve got questions that you’d like to see us answer on the show, you can send an e-mail to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
ということで、アンソニー、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てばと願っています。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com までメールしてくださいね。
And so we just encourage you. Don’t lose that joy. Don’t lose that passion. Don’t let people tell you you can’t sing. You and I both know that’s just not true.
Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York city or you want to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.

素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーをあなたの地域で見つけましょう。ニューヨークにいるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたければ www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。

And if you guys like these videos, I just encourage you to download our free app for iPad, iPhone and hopefully more in the future. So many great tips, videos, articles, more stuff to help you guys grow as singers. So check out that free app. And you can also visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
動画が気に入ってもらえたのなら、iPhoneiPadで使える(これからもっと増やしていきたいと思います)無料のアプリをダウンロードしてみてください。たくさんのヒントや、動画、記事など、シンガーのみなさんの成長に役立つ内容が盛りだくさんですから、チェックしてくださいね。www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にもアクセスしてみてください。


I’m Justin Stoney. We’ll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。