Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 65「あなたは完全に失敗者だ!?」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード65「あなたは完全に失敗者だ!?」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 65 "You're A Complete Failure" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 65 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your vocal questions from all over the world.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for this week comes from Ona B. in Kaunas, Lithuania.




And Ona writes, "Dear Justin, I'm a perfectionist and I know that this is getting in the way of my singing. Any advice for a perfectionist like me?"




Now, Ona, that's a fantastic question. And I really appreciate you bringing up that topic of perfectionism because perfectionism is actually one of the worst plagues in the entire Vocal Kingdom.




Perfectionism can stand in the way of your vocal potential more than just about anything. So, I think this is definitely an important topic for us to discuss.






But before we do, I'd like to share something that I've never shared here on Voice Lessons To The World. Which is that... I personally am a complete and total failure. [hits piano]




No really, it's true. And my hope today is that I can show you guys why you're a complete and total failure too, alright. So that's gonna be our topic for today, is reasons why you're a complete and total failure.




1. 完璧であることにおいて


The first one is you're a failure... [hits piano] at being perfect.




So if we're perfectionists and we're judging by a perfect standard, we always have to be perfect- in our singing, in our life.




Then we're always actually going to be a failure, right? Because nobody's perfect. There's no perfect person and there's no perfect singer.




So if our standards are perfection, then we're always going to feel not good enough. Like we have to live up to a higher standard, like we have to do more, like something's wrong with us.




And so that's why we always have that feeling of being a failure when we're perfectionists. Is because by those standards we're always going to be a failure.




So repeat after me, I'm a failure at being perfect and it's okay to fail. That was nice.




2. ヴォーカルテクニックにおいて


Now next, you're a failure... [hits piano] at vocal technique.




To be great as a singer, to have great vocal technique, we've got to make all kinds of bizarre sounds.




We need nasal ones, we need deep ones, we need breathy ones, we need tight ones, we need low ones, we need high ones, we need all kinds of sounds in our voice in order to get great vocal technique.




But if we're perfectionists then we're never gonna be willing to make those odd, bizarre, imperfect sounds that really make singers great.




Not only that but we're always going to be trying to be perfectly on pitch instead of allowing the voice to learn where that pitch is. Being willing to be flat and sharp sometimes as we're working on vocal technique. Being willing to crack. We've talked about that in the past.


それだけではなく、声にピッチの居場所を学ぶ過程を認めず、いつも完璧にピッチを取ろうとしてしまいます。ヴォーカルテクニックに取り組んでいるときは、たまにフラットしたりシャープしたり* するのを厭わないことです。声が裏返るのを厭わないことです。このことは以前に話しましたよね。




We need to be able to make a lot of different kinds of sounds that may not be perfect in order to improve our vocal technique.




So repeat after me, I'm a failure at vocal technique and it's okay to fail.




3. 練習において


Next you're a failure... [hits piano] at practicing.




A lot of times when we're perfectionists, we have some problems with our vocal practice. Either it's that we procrastinate and avoid and put off our vocal practicing altogether or we're practicing so hard that other problems result.




If we have to be perfect, sometimes we're afraid to practice because practicing is going to be the place where we learn that we're not perfect. But there's things in our voice that we have to work out.




So, that causes us to avoid it, to put it off, and to save it for another day. And then we realize “Oh, three months have gone by and I still haven't practiced” Why is that? It's the perfectionism.




The other thing is we can sometimes be practicing so hard trying to get every detail right, just be so perfect with everything, and that also builds in frustration and tension to the voice.




We need to have enjoyable practices where we have a goal in mind, we're working hard, but we're also giving ourself a break. That's what's gonna make a successful practice, it's also gonna inspire you to practice more.




So say it with me now, I'm a failure at practicing and it's okay to fail.




4. 成功を楽しむことにおいて


Next, you're a failure... [hits piano] at enjoying success.




The voice really loves it when we give it positive reinforcement.




If you're always saying, “Oh, it could have been better” “Oh, it wasn't enough” “Oh, I didn't like how I did” that actually builds in more fear, more stress, more tension, into the voice.




If you had a successful practice session, a successful lesson, a successful audition, or a successful performance, you need to take that time to enjoy the success that you had.




Don't always just be looking for the future and not taking time to enjoy that moment. Because you need to value each step along your vocal journey. It's actually gonna make the journey move faster towards where you want to be if you're valuing your success.




So say it with me, I'm a failure at enjoying success and it's okay to fail.




5. 「世間」に対して


Now next, you're a failure... [hits piano] to all of "them".




One of the things that us perfectionists often do is we create "them"- these other people that may not even be real. What do they think? What are they going to think of me? "Them".




It could be real people for sure. But a lot of times it's imaginary fans, imaginary audience members, imaginary casting people, industry people, imaginary critics.




First of all, it doesn't matter what they think anyway. But a lot of times, like I say, they're not even real people to begin with.




What matters is what you think, how are you doing with your voice, are you growing and are you enjoying every step of your music making?




So say it with me now, I'm a failure to all of "them" and it's okay to fail.




6. パフォーマンスにおいて


Now next you're a failure... [hits piano] at performing.




The best performances that we see are from people who are willing to make mistakes. They go so far, they're so brave and so daring.




And the performance - whether that's a high note that they could easily crack on but they take the risk and they hit the note and it's amazing, or an emotional scene where the actor is so invested and you just say how are they so risky, how are they so brave to do that?




It's hard when you're a perfectionist because if you're always trying to avoid making a mistake, you can never get that brave, daring, awesome performance that it takes.




We need to be willing to make mistakes as performers so that we get our most true and most daring performance.




So say it with me, I'm a failure at performing and it's okay to fail.




7. キャリアにおいて


Now next, you're a failure... [hits piano] at your career.




One of the biggest mistakes that I see people making with perfectionism is that they never get out there.




They're always working so hard to get it perfect before they show anybody - they don't want to show this song, They don't want to go to this audition, They don't want to release this album, because it's not perfect.




There's no perfect artist and we love people's flaws. So, unfortunately so many people with beautiful voices and so much talent - we don't even get to see them because they keep it locked up until it's perfect. And really the truth is, it will never be perfect.




And so then we're missing out on so many great artists that are holding back their potential because they're afraid that people won't think it's perfect.




The other thing that's a little unfortunate about people's careers is sometimes I see people with great careers - we got some folks that are top recording artists and Broadway stars  - and a lot of times, it's not enough.




And that's kind of a sad thing when it's not quite enough for folks that you can't take that time to say “This was an incredible victory and I am really doing well as an artist.”




I will really encourage any professional artist to take stock of where you're at and say  “Wow, look at how far I have come on my artistic journey.”




But, that being said, let's say it together. I’m a failure at my career and it's okay to fail.




8. 人生において


Now next, you're a failure... [hits piano] at life.




Okay, now that's a good one. So, artists have this tendency sometimes to want to create an image of themselves through their art. A perfect image of somebody else. Some perfect singer, some perfect artist, some celebrity.




And the truth is you don't ever get to be that. You always get to be you.




And you might be very, very successful but you never get to be that perfect singer. You never get to be that perfect star, that perfect celebrity - even the celebrities that we have, they're still just people, alright. So you never really get to be that thing that you may possibly, as a perfectionist, be working towards.




And so it's good to know that that's not really going to happen. And then you can enjoy who you are - who you are in this life independent of your artistry. And then they're both gonna take off more - your life and your art - when you're free from having to be a perfect image of somebody else.




So say it with me, I'm a failure at life and it's okay to fail.




9. 幸せにおいて


Okay, so next you're a failure... [hits piano] at happiness.




One of the things that I think is the most important about this discussion is that I want you guys to be able to enjoy your singing, right?




Singing is not the thing to be frustrated, defeated, broken about. Singing is the thing that's supposed to make you happy. It's supposed to bring joy to you and to the people around you.




It doesn't matter if you are a top level singer or if you're just starting off. You can hardly stay on pitch, it's fine. Singing is a joyful thing and it's a good thing for all of us.




And so if your perfectionism is causing you to get so frustrated and so down, turn it around. Sing it for a different reason. Sing, as we always say, for the joy and for the passion. Don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion.




We want you to be singing for that purpose at any level whether you're a top, top pro or you're just starting off, anywhere in between.




Singing ought not be frustrating and defeating for you. Even if there's difficult times - there's a lot of hard technique to work through - Don't let yourself get discouraged and hold yourself to a high standard. Enjoy where you are so that you have that happiness and joy when you sing.




So, I'm a failure at happiness and it's okay to fail.




10. 歌うことにおいて(成功者!)


Now last, you're a success... [victory music] at singing.




That's right, singing is actually perfect for helping us eliminate our perfectionist tendencies.




Singing, if you do it with joy, will allow you to be goofy and allow you to be ridiculous, allow you to be okay with making mistakes, allow you to be braver, allow you to be more confident, allow you to know yourself on a deeper level and to work through things - emotional, mental, spiritual, vocal technique.




Singing is one of the greatest ways to get in touch with the fact that we're all imperfect successes. Singing will do that for you.




So, repeat after me, I'm a success because I know I'm not perfect but I choose to sing and live with joy and passion anyway.






And I hope that that's been helpful for you, Ona and for all of us perfectionists. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、オナさんや完璧主義者である私たちにとって、今回の内容が役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And today, more than ever, I'll say to you guys again. Don't lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Don't let people tell you that you can't sing even if that's your perfectionist self, you know it's not true.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area or if you guys are in the New York City area or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れた先生に就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたい方は、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


And if you like these videos, I encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPad, iPhone, and hopefully more in the future. A lot of free resources, articles, tips, great stuff to help you guys grow as singers. Or you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、ぜひ無料のアプリをダウンロードしてみてください。iPhone/iPad専用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。教材や記事、歌のコツなど、盛りだくさんの内容でシンガーのみなさんの成長を応援しています。もしくは www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。