Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 68「ウォームアップのやり方」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード68「ウォームアップのやり方」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 68 "How To Warm Up Your Voice" - Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 68 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Sargon O. in Sydney, Australia.






And Sargon writes, "Dear Justin, I always wake up and have morning voice. What can I do to warm up my voice?"




Now Sargon, that's an awesome question. And I think it's a question that everybody is going to want to know the answer to. How do we warm up our voice?




But first, Sargon, a confession... I'm actually not a huge fan of vocal warm ups. That's not something I'm into. I love to give you guys fierce vocal technique exercises. Right? Great concepts and exercises to work on your voice. If you really want to get great at singing, you've really got to do that kind of work.




But what if you really needed a true vocal warm up? That's another thing, and that's what we're gonna do today.




So if you've got that big audition, or if you're feeling groggy in the morning, or you've got a big performance and you need a really good vocal warm up, that's what we're gonna do today.




And we're gonna warm up the physical body, the face, the jaw, the tongue, every vocal register, and we're even gonna warm up the soul. So here we go with your vocal warm up.




1. 体のウォームアップ


And first things first, let's warm up the physical body.




So here we go soldiers, on your feet! First thing I want to see is 20 jumping jacks from you. So here we go with jumping jacks. 1, 2, 3, 4… And, rest. Fantastic stuff. Now you got that breath moving little bit.


では全隊行くぞ、位置について!最初にジャンピング・ジャックを20回やりましょう。行きます。1, 2, 3, 4… 休憩しましょう。よくできました。少し呼吸を使いましたね。


Next thing is to reach your arms up over your head, and now you're gonna fold over and touch your toes. Good job. Reach up again, up to the sky. And then fold over and touch your toes. So nice. Now, inhale, one more time reach up to the sky and then fold over touch your toes. And then come on back up here.




Now, a couple of exhales, here we go. Blow out the air. And another one, inhale... Blow it out. Get that breath goin', so nice. Inhale. And blow out the air. And last one, inhale.




And now let's do a hiss. Sssssssssss... Hang onto that hiss, go go go. Ssssssssss... And that's it. Now we've got the breath and body going.


次はヒス* をやりましょう。「スー…」。息を保って、続けます。「スー…」これで息と体がウォームアップできましたね。




2. 顔、あご、舌のウォームアップ


Next thing, let's get the face, jaw, and tongue moving.




First thing I want to see here is just a little head roll. So roll your head to one side. And then to the other, good for you. Another one, roll. And then, roll. And then upwards roll. And then roll. One more time, roll. And, roll. Good for you, gettin' that head, neck, warmed up.




Now here's a great friend of ours... Piggy-Lion! It's gonna be super weird. Make this face, piggy... Lion! Piggy... Lion! Say it with me now, come on... Piggy... Lion! Ah-huh! Piggy... Lion! That's fantastic. Getting the jaw, tongue, mouth, warmed up.


次はみんなの仲間、ピギー・ライオン* です!とっても変な感じですが…顔真似してくださいね。ピギー…ライオン!ピギー…ライオン!一緒に言いましょう。行きます。ピギー…ライオン!ピギー…ライオン!素晴らしい!あごと舌、口がウォームアップできましたね。




Now, the next thing, let's do a couple tongue twisters to get the articulators warmed up. Say this one for me, unique New York, unique New York, unique New York. So nice!


次は早口言葉* で発音器官をウォームアップしましょう。言ってみてください。「ユニーク・ニューヨーク、ユニーク・ニューヨーク、ユニーク・ニューヨーク」いいですね!




Now how about this one... Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather red leather, yellow leather. Super nice!




Now- the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue, the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue, the lips the teeth the tip of the tongue... Super nice.




Now that's your warm up for jaw, face, and tongue.




3. 鼻腔共鳴のエクササイズ


Next we're gonna warm up the different registers of the voice, starting with the nasal resonance.




So to get the sound into the nasal cavity, into our nasal resonators, we're just going to use the letter N. Say for me, Nnnnnn... So nice, yes that's right. Feel that buzz, one more time... Nnnnnn... You got it, that's the resonance right up in the nasal cavity.


鼻腔(鼻の共鳴腔)に声を持っていくために、アルファベットのNを使いましょう。言ってみてください「ンー…* 」いいですね、合ってます。鼻の震えを感じて、もう一度。「ンー…」できましたね。これが上の方 - 鼻腔で起きる共鳴です。




So here we go, guys down here, “Nnn.” Ladies up here, “Nnn.“ And let's establish that resonance. Here we go! [Exercise]




Awesome job! You're feeling that resonance already.




4. ファルセット/ヘッドヴォイスのエクササイズ


Now we're gonna get up into the head voice for females and the falsetto territory for males with a flexibility exercise. So, we're warming up falsetto and head voice. To warm up the top here, let's use an owl sound. An H-U, hu. So here we go with this sound, hu hu. Try that. So nice. One more time, hu hu. Good for you.




Now, guys and girls, same exact place in the voice. Let's go right here! [Exercise]




Now you've got the top and your falsetto and head voice stretched out.




5. チェストヴォイスのエクササイズ


Now let's work the strength. We're down into chest voice. Here we go with a chest voice strengthening exercise. So to get the chest warmed up we're gonna use Y-O, yo. Say that for me, yo. Fantastic, real tough. Yo. That's right.




It's gonna have a nice low larynx, high tongue with the Y, and you're gonna speak strong and deep into this sound.




Guys right here, “Yo-Yo.” Ladies up here, “Yo-Yo.” And here we go!








6. ミックスヴォイスのエクササイズ


Next we're gonna warm up the mix for our last vocal exercise. Blending all of the strength, resonance, and flexibility into a mix exercise. So for our mix exercise we’re going to use Kay-Nayn, K-A-Y-N-A-Y-N. This is going to establish your resonance up here, plus some of our flexibility and strength down here.




So, guys right here, “Kay-Nayn.” And ladies up here, “Kay-Nayn.” And here we go together! [Exercise]




Awesome! Now you guys are starting to feel real warm. The body's warm, the face is warm, and you've warmed up all kinds of registers and resonances.




7. 心のウォームアップ


And last but not least, we're gonna warm up the soul. To warm up the soul, I'm going to give you guys three soul reminders.




Soul reminder number one - Singing is a miracle! Can you believe that we can even do this? These two little vocal cords are going to slap together tens or hundreds of thousands of times today to produce all kinds of vocal glory?


ソウル・リマインダーその1 - 歌うことは奇跡なんです。そもそもこんなことができるって信じられますか?今日も小さな声帯が、何十、何百万回もパタパタとはためいて、声という栄光を生み出しているんですよ?


The fact that this is even possible is something that we can be thankful for. Wow, I get to sing today. How amazing is that? Not everybody has that possibility to sing every day. And you and I do? What a miracle.




Point number two. I can look at my voice and say “It's so bad, I'm so discouraged, I hate how I sound, I'm never gonna be good enough or make it.” You have that choice, you can look at it that way.




Or you can choose to say “I’m getting better at my singing, I love to sing, I love what it does for me, I love to give it away to others, I feel good about my singing.” That's your choice. You can choose either of them.




And point number three - You look good. Did I tell you that recently? You are lookin' really good. You're lookin' fit, you're lookin' like you got that sparkle, you got a twinkle in your eye, a smile on your face, you just seem like you got that swagger, that confidence.


その3 - みなさん、いい顔してますよ。最近言ってましたっけ?すごくいい顔をしていますよ。シュッとしてるし、輝いて見えるし、瞳もキラキラしているし、笑顔だし、余裕と自信があるように見えますよ。


So I don't know what you've been doing, but I want to be the first person today to tell you, you have got it goin' on. You are lookin' really, really good.




So those are your soul reminders for today. I hope everybody's feeling all warmed up at this point. 






And I hope that this has been helpful for you Sargon, and for singers everywhere. So if you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


サーゴンさんやシンガーのみなさんにとって今回の内容が役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you, don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion. Don't let people tell you that you can't sing. You and I both know more than anybody that is not true.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in the New York City area or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れた先生に就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたい方は、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


And if you like these videos I encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPad, iPhone, and hopefully more in the future. Lots of free resources, videos, articles, tips, all kinds of great stuff there to help you guys as singers. Or you can check out www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


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I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。