Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 86「チェストヴォイスの歌い方」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード86「チェストヴォイスの歌い方」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 86 "How To Sing Chest Voice"








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in NewYork City. Welcome to episode 86 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you as singers by answering your questions from all over.


みなさん、こんにちは!ニューヨーク・ヴォーカル・コーチング(NYVC)創設者のジャスティン ・ストーニーです。ようこそ、ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールドのエピソード86へ!このショーでは世界中のみなさんからの質問に答えることで、シンガーのみなさんを応援していきたいと思います。




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for this week comes from Justin L. in Davao City, Philippines. Justin, that is a nice name. Justin writes, "Dear Justin, how do I develop my chest voice register?" Now Justin, I love the question. Love! Because we get questions all the time on vocal registers.


みなさんが質問する機会についてはのちほど説明するとして、今週の質問はフィリピン、ダヴバオ市のジャスティン・Lさんから来ています。ジャスティンとは、いい名前ですね。ジャスティンさんはこう書いています。「ジャスティンさん、こんにちは。チェストヴォイスの声区を育てるには、どうしたらいいですか?」ジャスティンさん… その質問、大好きですよ。大好き!声区に関する質問は、いつも受けていますからね。


And this question is gonna inspire a new five part series on vocal registration. So, pack your suit cases, pack your sunglasses, pack your sunscreen, pack your cat. Because for the next five episodes we're going on a Vocal Register World Tour.


この質問が、新しく「五部作の声区シリーズ」という着想を与えてくれました。ということで… スーツケースを用意して。サングラスを詰めて。日焼け止めを詰めて。猫を詰めて(?)。ここから5つのエピソードで、声区の世界ツアーへと出かけましょう!


That's right, the first stop on our world tour is chest voice. We're gonna talk about what it is, how it applies to songs, how to develop it, and give you an exercise to practice it.


そうです。世界ツアーの最初の寄港地は、チェストヴォイスです。チェストヴォイスとは何なのか、曲にどう応用するのか、どう育てるのか - こういったことについて話していき、最後にチェストヴォイスを練習するためのエクササイズを提供します。


1. チェストヴォイスとは話し声のこと!


But what is chest voice? First of all, it's your speaking voice! Most of us speak in our chest voice. There's some people that speak in head voice. There's some people who speak in Falsetto. There's even some people that speak in vocal fry. But most people speak in chest voice. And this is very good news. Because truly, if you can speak it you can sing it. We'll see!




2. 最も「甲状披裂筋優勢」な声の出し方


But chest voice isn't just our speaking voice. It's also the most thyroarytenoid dominant production. [Hits piano] The thyroarytenoid muscle doesn't have to be an intimidating word. It's really just the muscle inside your vocal folds, that shortens them and thickens them. Lowering the pitch, and making things stronger. Chest voice is the most thyroarytenoid dominant vocal register.




3. 声の強さにおける最大の可能性


This is also what gives it the greatest potential for vocal strength. All this shortening and thickening increases what we call CQ, that's closed quotient. It just means how long the vocal cords stay shut in their vibration. Higher CQ equals greater vocal strength. Like when we're engaging in a shout or the call function of our voice. Or the stage speaking voice function of our sound, and perhaps even in some kind of belting that we do when we sing.




4. チェストヴォイスと声域


But let's make sure that we know where chest voice is in our vocal range. Because it's so TA dominant chest voice really likes to live in the lower part of the voice. It's really for your low notes and maybe your middle notes. Some males might be able to go up to E4, perhaps G4. Some ladies might go to A4, maybe all the way up to C5.


さて、ここでチェストヴォイスが私たちの声域のどのあたりにあるのか、確かめましょう。とてもTA(Thyroarytnoid=甲状披裂筋)優勢の声なので、チェストヴォイスは声の低い部分にいたがります。低音のため、もしくは中音のためにあるのですね。男性は(チェストヴォイスで)E4* まで、もしかするとG4まで上がることができるかもしれません。女性はA4まで、もしかするとその上のC5まで行けるかもしれません。




But at a certain point it starts to feel and sound "shouty" and "yelly". And that doesn't feel so great for the voice. It's not so good to push chest voice up high all the time when it really wants to live a bit lower.




5. チェストヴォイスとスタイル


Now let's talk about chest voice and style. Because chest voice is such a strong production, it works well in certain styles but not in others. For example, an operatic or traditional male is almost always in chest voice. Whereas an operatic female is almost never in chest voice.




In contemporary music though, pop, rock, R&B, country, gospel, a female singer will be quite often in chest voice. Whereas a male also will be in chest voice but not as much as he would have been in traditional music.






Speaking of that, let's see how chest voice applies to a song. This is "Ol' Man River" by Jerome Kern. For our chest voice song I wanted to think of the chestiest thing I could possibly imagine. And "Ol' Man River" came right to mind. Now I'm no bass, but this is gonna be as much TA as my voice can handle.




♪ I get wear and sick o' tryin' ♪

♪ I'm tired o' livin' and scared o' dyin' ♪

♪ But ol' man river he just keeps rollin' along ♪


(歌 - チェストヴォイスで)


Now that's a lot of that call function, that shout function. We certainly wouldn't want something lighter for a song like this... ♪ But ol' man river he just keeps rollin' along ♪ It just wouldn't be right.


呼んだり、叫んだりする機能が強い歌い方でしたね。こういう曲には軽い声は使いたくないでしょう。(歌 - 軽い声で)適切ではありませんね。


But I don't want to give you the impression that chest voice is only for an operatic sound. You can still bring chest voice into a more poppy production. ♪ But ol' man river he just keeps rollin' along ♪ It can still have chest even if it's not operatic for a male and like I said, for a female as well.


ただ、みなさんに「チェストヴォイスはオペラ風の声だけに使えるものだ」という印象は与えたくありません。よりポップな声の出し方にもチェストヴォイスを持ち込むことができます。(歌 - よりポップに)オペラ風でなかったとしても、男性も、(先ほど言ったように)女性も、チェストを使うことができるのです。




So now, next let's look at some tips for helping you to sing in chest voice.






Tip number one is that neutral and low larynxes accommodate chest voice the best. When the larynx is neutral or low the cords have more slack to them. It gives them a greater mechanical advantage for the stronger sounds. It's actually not so good for them to have a higher larynx and a lot of chest voice. It gets really tight. Hey! Hey! It's not so good for you. But the... Hey, hey kind of feeling, of dropping and opening in chest voice accommodates the sound and is a lot healthier too.






Tip two, it's called chest voice for a reason. Now I didn't come up with these terms. Chest voice, head voice, mix. It can be very confusing. I prefer more specific things like thyroarytenoid dominant production. [Hits piano] But it's what we got cause it's what they named it back in the day. Why did they do it? Because when we're in chest voice we feel conductive vibrations of the chest.


ヒントその2は、「チェストヴォイスと呼ばれるには理由がある」です。チェストヴォイス、ヘッドヴォイス、ミックス - これらの用語は私が考えたわけではありません。とても紛らわしいかもしれませんね。私としてはもっと明確な言い方 - 甲状披裂筋優勢の発声法(!)とか - の方が好きですが、チェストヴォイスなどの用語は昔付けられた名前なので、使っているわけですね。でも、どうしてそう名付けたのでしょうか?それは、チェストヴォイスで歌うときに、 振動が胸に伝わるのが感じられるからです。


Try this out... Hey, hey! [head voice] Great. Now... Hey, hey. [chest voice] Nice! You feel more of those vibrations when you're in chest voice. So it can be a good indication to you of when you're in chest.






Tip number three, the audacity of the breath. From day one on this show we've talked about great breathing technique, good breath support. So you know that singing relies on a slow, small, steady stream of breath.




But chest voice is a little bit different. We still want our breath into the ribcage and low abdominals. But with chest voice we can be a little bit more bold, a little more intense, a little more audacious with our breath. We can use just a little bit more, and that will actually encourage chest voice more than the other vocal registers.






Tip number four, have no fear chest voice is here. One of the biggest reasons that singers can't sing in chest voice is actually a mental block. They judge the sound and say it sounds bad, it sounds wrong, it sounds ugly, sounds like too much, sounds like a sound I don't want other people to hear me make.




But I promise you chest voice is not a register that you can be shy and tentative with. We're gonna do an exercise in a minute and you have to make not just a joyful noise but actually a bold noise. You have to let it out and have no fear or else chest voice ain't gonna happen.






Tip number five, take it easy. The reason some people are afraid of chest voice is they've been told it's bad for them. It's very much not bad for you. Not for males, not for females. But what is bad is doing chest voice all the time, and doing it too loud and too high, and just too much.




But as long as you take it easy and you're sensitive to your voice, and you develop the other registers of your voice alongside chest voice, then everything's going to work better than ever.






With that in mind, let's do our vocal exercise now. This is gonna be YOH on a 5-1. It sounds like this... ♪ YOH ♪ And so you're going to speak a "YOH" on pitch.




We're gonna start with guys and then bring in the ladies as we go. Guys down here... ♪ YOH ♪ Here we go... [Exercise]




Wonderful job with that! And so, this is just the first part of our Vocal Register World Tour. First stop, chest voice.






I hope that's been helpful to you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある方は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And you know I encourage you to not lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing, you and I both know that's not true.




Get with a great voice teacher near you. Or if you're in New York or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff, check out NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


お住まいの地域で、素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプ(でレッスン)をしたい方は、 NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。


If you'd like a vocal course that you can do in the comfort of your own home the Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course is a 12-part course that takes you on a journey from beginner to master level vocal exercises. You can check that out at VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


家にいながらできるヴォーカルコースが欲しい方には、ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド・ヴォーカル・コースがありますよ。初心者からマスターのレベルまで、12パートのコースで、ヴォーカル・エクササイズの旅へとお連れします。 VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com でチェックしてくださいね。


And if you'd like free daily vocal tips sent to you every day sign up at DailyVocalTips.com.


無料のデイリー・ヴォーカル・ティップス(歌のコツ)を送ってほしい方は、 DailyVocalTips.com に登録してくださいね。 


I'm Justin Stoney. Until next time, make a joyful noise.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。