Ep. 87「ヘッドヴォイスの歌い方」【VLTTW翻訳】
今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード87「ヘッドヴォイスの歌い方」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 87 "How To Sing Head Voice"
- 今週の質問:ヘッドヴォイスの見つけ方を教えて!
- 1. 輪状甲状筋優勢の声
- 2. 声の柔軟性
- 3. ヘッドヴォイスは高い音のためにある
- 4. 頭の共鳴
- 5. ヘッドヴォイス論争
- 男声の曲例:スノウ・パトロールの「チェイシング・カーズ」
- 女声の曲例:「マイ・フェア・レディー」より「一晩中踊れたら」
- ヘッドヴォイスを育てるためのヒント
- 6-4-4-1で「ヴウォーム」のエクササイズ
- 終わりに
Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to episode 87 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you as singers by answering your questions from all over.
And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Carlos G. in Puerto Natales, Chile. And Carlos writes, "Dear Justin, how do I find my head voice?"
Now Carlos, what a great coincidence. And not just because I have a head cold today you can hear. [Hits piano] But also because this is part 2 of our Vocal Register World Tour. So, pack your passport, pack your luggage, pack your kit bag, pack your cat bag, we're going on a Vocal Register World Tour.
カルロスさん… なんという偶然なのでしょうか。こう言ったのは(みなさんお分かりかと思いますが)私が鼻風邪を引いているから、ということだけではありませんよ(笑)* 今回は声区ワールド・ツアーのパート2でもありますからね。それでは、パスポートを詰めて、荷物を詰めて、ナップザックを詰めて、キャット・バッグ(?)を詰めて… 声区ワールド・ツアーへと旅立ちましょう!
*訳注:鼻風邪 = a head cold ヘッドヴォイスとかけて冗談を言っているのですね。
The second stop on our world tour is head voice. And so we're going to talk about what it is, look at it in some songs, and then give you some tips and an exercise to develop it. But first of all, what is head voice? Well, head voice is a cricothyroid dominant production.
1. 輪状甲状筋優勢の声
What we mean is that the cricothyroid muscle is very present in this register. The cricothyroid muscle is a muscle that runs between the cricoid cartilage and the thyroid cartilage in the larynx. It moves those two cartilages together.
When this happens the vocal cords stretch out, thin out. This stretching causes the pitches to go up, the vocal folds to vibrate faster, and registers like head voice to be encouraged.
2. 声の柔軟性
It's also a register of vocal flexibility. In the last episode with the thyroarytenoid dominant production, we saw that equaled vocal strength. Head voice is really just the exact opposite. It's vocal flexibility.
You can think about when you go to the gym. You do strength work and also flexibility work. Head voice is very much like your flexibility work. And this flexibility causes things like agility for the voice, vibrato, pitch accuracy, and the ability to go higher without getting louder or pushing. So you can see why that's very important.
3. ヘッドヴォイスは高い音のためにある
Not only that but head voice is built for high notes. The vocal folds vibrate hundreds, even thousands, of times per second. In chest voice with that high closed quotient and all that thick mass, it's going to be hard to make the vocal folds vibrate fast enough. But in head voice with the cords thinning out, the closed quotient decreases, the vocal cords don't stay together as long. This allows them to vibrate more quickly and allows you to sing high notes more easily.
4. 頭の共鳴
But head voice also involves resonance. When the vocal cords stretch out, the larynx tilts and rocks. This sends the air up and into the head resonance. So when we feel more head resonance we get more stretch to the cords. When we feel the air move out into the room you get less stretch. So resonance is a key ingredient for head voice and any of the stretching that we want.
また、ヘッドヴォイスは共鳴も必要とします。声帯が伸びるとき、喉頭は傾きます。それによって息は上の方 - 頭の共鳴 - へと送られます。頭の共鳴をより感じるときは、声帯をより伸ばしており、息を部屋の方へと出しているように感じるときは、声帯をあまり伸ばしていません。共鳴は、ヘッドヴォイスや声帯を伸ばすことの鍵となる成分なのですね。
5. ヘッドヴォイス論争
So that should make head voice very clear on a cord level, on a larynx level, and on a resonance level. Yet still, there can be controversy. Most of the confusion and the controversy come from the fact that we use head voice differently for a male than we do for a female.
Now both genders have the tilting and rocking, the stretching of the cords, the use of the resonance, and the reduction of the closed quotient. But for males the vocal cords stay connected, like a mix with chest voice. And for females they disconnect from chest voice. So males stay connected, females do not stay connected in head voice.
This is best heard in some song examples. So let's do it. Here's a male song example to illustrate male head voice. I chose "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol so that you could hear a very light production that's not falsetto.
曲例で聞けばよくわかると思うので、やっていきましょう。次に歌うのは男性のヘッドヴォイスの曲例です。ファルセットではないけれども、とても軽い声の出し方 - これがわかるように、スノウ・パトロールの「チェイシング・カーズ」を選びました。
"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world"
(歌 - 男性のヘッドヴォイスで)
Now, I didn't do... "If I lay [falsetto]" And I didn't do... "If I lay [chest]" But something right in between. It's very light but not disconnected.
Now what about a female head voice? A female singer singing purely in her head voice might sing a song like "I Could Have Danced All Night" from My Fair Lady.
"I could have danced all night
I could have danced all night
And still have begged for more"
(歌 - 女性のようなヘッドヴォイスで)
Now, I ain't no lady. [hits piano] But you can hear that that's at least a passable job at a female head voice. You can also hear the difference between that and the male head voice.
So now that we've heard these song examples, let's look, male or female, at some tips for developing head voice.
First place we're going to start is with breathing. And we'll see that it's very different than what we saw with chest voice. It's that still, small breath. In head voice we're really going to have to mind our breath support. And you know what that means, it means don't let the ribcage collapse, don't let the upper abdominals squeeze as you exhale.
You might say, Justin if we're going to high notes and all those fast vibrations of the vocal cords happen, then don't we need more breath? Well, no. That's where the CT stretch takes over and we don't need, and we should not use lots of forceful breath for head voice. Instead it's that small breath. Very different than what we talked about with chest voice.
Next let's look at the larynx. We don't want a low larynx, necessarily. Or a high larynx. But what about a wide larynx? Since head voice can be used in all styles, all larynx positions can be used. But no matter what we do, we want to have a sense of width to the larynx. A sense of wideness, a sense of give.
We don't want the cords coming towards the center being too solid, too strong, too compressed. No, we want to be moving them towards decompression, towards breathiness. Head voice doesn't have to be breathy, but we want to go in that direction so that the closed quotient doesn't get too high. But we go towards that open quotient, towards head voice.
Next let's talk about the things that make it go "mmm". We talk a lot on this show about the importance of nasal resonance. It's not going to make you sound nasal, it's just going to bring the sound up into the nasal resonance, and the head resonance. You can practice this on sounds like N, M, and NG. All the sounds that a guy with a cold like me has trouble with.
Or you can try the vowels OO and EE that bring head resonance. All of these different sounds you can practice to build the resonance that you're going to need for your head voice. We're going to do an exercise in a few minutes, but you can also practice those sounds.
Next, dare to be that guy or that lady. There's a psychological component with head voice just like there was with chest voice. But chest voice is our speaking voice, so it's a little easier to identify with.
Guys, you can't always be this guy, you just can't. You got to learn how to be this guy too. If you can talk like this guy then you'll learn how to do head voice. But if you talk like this guy all the time you're never gonna learn how to do your head voice.
Now ladies, you can't always be this lady. You also have to be this lady. If you're never talking like this and you don't know how to do that then your head voice is not going to develop if you're always this lady all the time. [Hits piano]
Last, head voice is not optional. Now, I know we all want to belt, we all want to mix, we all want to make strong rockin' vocal sounds. And who's got time for a head voice? Nobody! No, somebody. Us. You and I.
最後に、ヘッドヴォイスはオプションではありません。確かに、ベルトやミックス、強くロックする声が欲しいのは分かりますよ。さて、一体誰がヘッドヴォイスのために時間を割くのでしょうか?誰も割かないでしょう!いやいや、誰かが割かなければならないのです。私たち - そう、あなたと私です。
And here's why, because head voice is our flexibility. Head voice is our vocal health. It's something that you need to be practicing every single day. Just like an athlete always stretches out, you always need your head voice to be in good shape.
I'm actually glad that I'm doing this episode today sick. Because since I've got my head voice worked out, it helps to protect me. I might not be feeling good, but my voice is feeling great. Because it can stretch right out thanks to head voice. So please promise me that you will value head voice and keep it in your daily practice.
Speaking of which, we're going to move to our vocal exercise. This is going to be VWOHM, V-W-O-H-M on a 6-4-4-1 slide. It sounds like this... "Vwohm" So the V is for that small breath, the O is for that tilt and stretch. And the M is for that resonance.
Now this is going to be guys and ladies together. Ladies start off in a light mix and then go to head voice. Guys start off in a head voice and then if it gets too high go to falsetto. Here we go together with VWOHM... [Exercise]
Fantastic work with that head voice. So Carlos and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. And this has been part two of our vocal register world tour.
If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
このショーで答えてほしい質問がある方は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
And I just encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing. You and I both know it's not true. Get with a great voice teacher near you or if you're in New York or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff check out NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。「ヘタクソ!」などとは誰にも言わせないでください。あなたも私も、それが本当のことでないと知っているのですから。お住まいの地域で、素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプ(でレッスン)をしたい方は、 NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてくださいね。
If you'd like a vocal course you can do at home, the Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course is a twelve part course that takes you on a singing journey from beginner to master level vocal exercises. You can find that at VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
家でできるヴォーカルコースが欲しい方には、ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド・ヴォーカル・コースがありますよ。初心者からマスターのレベルまで、12パートのコースで、歌の旅へとお連れします。こちらは VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com でご案内しています。
If you'd like free daily vocal tips sent to your email every day sign up at DailyVocalTips.com.
無料のデイリー・ヴォーカル・ティップス(歌のコツ)を送ってほしい方は、 DailyVocalTips.com に登録してくださいね。
I'm Justin Stoney. Until next time, make a joyful noise.
※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。