Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 72「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の三 - ベルティングのコツ」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード72「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の三 - ベルティングのコツ」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 72 "How To Belt Trilogy 3 - Belt Singing Tips" - Voice Lessons To The World

Ep. 72「ベルティングの歌い方三部作の三 - ベルティングのコツ」






Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to episode 72 of Voice Lessons To The World. And, part three of our How To Belt Trilogy. ♪ Yeah ♪ Ahhh... [hits piano] I'll tell you I will be glad to be done with her. 


But let's see what we got here today. This is from James D. in Blackpool, England. And James writes, "Dear Justin, can you give me some ideas to make my voice sound beltier?"
Now of course that's the perfect question for us to ask. And we looked already at two very specific kinds of belting. So today we're going to look further at even more ideas surrounding belting. Because as we know it is not just one thing. It is a very, very nuanced art form. 
Actually more than I can even cover in three episodes. So know that we're gonna do even more belting to come in the future. But we'll start off the day with more ideas by just going back to the question of - what is belting?
実際に三話ではとてもカバーできないくらいですから、今後もさらにベルティングについてやっていくことを覚えておいてほしいのですが、まずはこの質問に戻ることから始めて、アイディアを探っていきましょう - ベルティングとは何でしょうか?

1. ベルティングとは?

So let's revisit it again, what is belting? Well, belting is that drag of registers, vocal registers, past where they would naturally be.
So in episode one we looked at dragging chest voice up where things become a kind of shout.
Then in episode 2 we looked at taking the mix voice up higher than it would go. And that's the belt to use almost all the time because it's got that great nasal resonance to it and also head resonance, as big features protecting the sound.
But those aren't the only varieties of belting. And also there's some other tricks that I would like you to know that help make things sound beltier. This can be applied to chest voice, to mix, even head voice and falsetto.
There are tricks that we can do that can disguise things to sound belty if we want them for that stylistic effect or technical effect on the voice to increase the beltiness of the sound.

2. その他のオプション


So let's look at some other alternatives, other tricks that we can add to our belt.
Belting is called belting because it's basically a kind of shout. Now, we're not shouting very often. When we drag the chest voice up then we are doing a kind of controlled shout. But, when we take the mix up we know that we're not shouting at all. 
So what we want to do is learn some qualities of shoutiness that make something sound acoustically belty without doing the actual shout gesture itself.
So what are some of those qualities of a shout? Well, there's the mouth exit. There's the mouth acoustical shape, this one... [Demonstrates]
There's perhaps, sometimes, a high larynx. Now of course we don't want to be blowing lots of air, or blasting volume, at a high larynx. But, the larynx does come up.
There's the nasal resonance that can give it a shine and a real zing to the sound.
And then sometimes there's even a bit of a raspy quality to the sound. Now we're gonna look at rasp a lot more in videos later on. But some rasp in the sound can actually increase the belty quality as well.
それからときには少し荒い声質も使えます。ラスプ* については今後の動画でさらに見ていくことにしますが、やや荒いような声もベルトの性質を高めてくれるでしょう。
So that's it, those are some shouty qualities that don't necessarily mean shoutiness. The mouth exit, the mouth shape, the raise of the larynx, the nasal resonance, and the raspiness. And so we want to be able to use some of these coordinations.
以上が、必ずしもシャウト自体を意味しないような、シャウトっぽい性質 - 口から声を出すこと、口の形、喉頭の持ち上げ、鼻腔共鳴、そして荒い声質 - でした。こういった声の使い方をいくつかできるようになりたいですね。
Like I say, whether I'm in chest voice or mix or getting up into head voice and falsetto, anywhere that I'm at in my range if I want something to sound beltier I can apply belt tricks to make it do that even if I'm not dragging a shout.
チェストヴォイスでも、ミックスでも、ヘッドヴォイスやファルセットに上がって行っても - 声域のどこであったとしても - よりベルティーな声が欲しいときには、(シャウトを引っぱらなくてもベルティーになるように)ベルトのコツを当てはめることができます。
And a really good song to demonstrate this with is actually "Gethsemane" from the musical Jesus Christ Super Star, because it goes sky, sky high but we're doing it right, here. We're letting the cords lengthen. The cricothyroid is lengthening the vocal cords,
the air is staying in, and we're doing acoustical shapes and sounds that make it sound beltier and actually quite rockin' up at the top even though it's quite light to the voice.

3. 曲例:ゲッセマネの園

So let's check this out with "Gethsemane" from Jesus Christ Super Star. In the musical Jesus Christ Super Star, I don't want to give it away, but Jesus dies. [hits piano] And when he does he has to sing a Jesus kind of high note which happens to be a G5.
それでは「ジーザス・クライスト・スーパースター」より 「ゲッセマネの園」を見ていきましょう。このミュージカルでは(ネタバレはしたくないのですが)、イエス・キリストが死にます。そのときにイエスは、G5* という高音を歌わなければなりません。
And, you think, well why would anyone even want to belt that high? What's the purpose of going all the way up there that high in a belt? There better be a darn good artistic, or dramatic, or musical reason for doing so.
And in this case in fact there is. The man is dying on a cross. And so there's a dramatic reason why Andrew Loyd Webber made the piece go that high.
実際にこの場合では理由があります。イエスは十字架にかけられて死ぬのです。アンドリュー・ロイド・ウェバー* がこの曲においてこんな高音まで行かせたのには、劇的な理由があるのです。
So let's take a look at it. It's very, very dramatic. "Gethsemane" from Jesus Christ Super Star.
♪ Alright, I'll die
Just watch me die
See how I die
See how I
Die ♪
Phew! That is just way, way up there in the stratosphere. But here's the cool thing. That doesn't really cost the voice very much. It's actually not that hard to do. Maybe technically it's difficult but not physically.
As we go higher and higher we actually lighten the vocal cords if we're doing things properly. If you're yelling and pushing chest up, like we did in the first episode, if that stuff goes too high of course it starts to cost you.
But, if you move into the mix, you move into head voice and sometimes Falsetto even, in a reinforced falsetto when you go up way high in the voice and then disguise it with other tricks and resonances it gives that impression of belt, belt, belt, belt, belt, belt, belt, all the way up there.

4. ベルティングのコツ

And so we're next gonna look at some of these belt tips and tricks that are a little bit different from what we've looked at yet.
These are some tips and strategies that I'd like you to keep in mind because what we're about to do is an exercise that covers all of what we have done in the entire How To Belt Trilogy. ♪ Yeah ♪ [hits piano] Don't listen to her, listen to me.
So, what we need is steady breath support, right? You're not gonna get loud to go high now, everything is gonna stay the same breath wise, volume wise.
You're going to use nasal resonance in all the registers, cause this exercise is gonna go from chest, to mix, up into head voice, reinforced falsetto, all of that high, high, highest of belting. So you're gonna keep the resonance involved in all of what you do.
Steady volume, steady breath, resonance, and then you can play around with some of those alternative acoustical shapes that I mentioned earlier in today's lesson. And so you're gonna mess with all of that stuff. The exercise will facilitate it. 
This exercise is in honor of my very good friend Manny Cooner. Who probably knows more about vocal technique than any cat in the history of mankind. [hits piano]
このエクササイズは私の良き友であるメニー・クーナー* に敬意を表してのものです。彼はおそらく人類の歴史上、他のどの猫よりもヴォーカルテクニックについて知っている猫でしょう。

5. 「ミャウ」でエクササイズ

So this is gonna be the Manny Cooner exercise. This is Meow, [laughs] m-e-o-w, Meow. On a 1-5-1-5-1.
Now in the Manny Cooner exercise the M is going to bringing you into the nasal resonance which we know is so, so important.
The E vowel will lift the tongue and brighten the sound and help you to not push out the mouth, so we're gonna have that access here.
The AH vowel will give you a more acoustic belty shape with the front opening.
And then the OO will bring us right back into the head just to make sure we don't get too pushy.
So we have Manny Cooner to thank for this great belt exercise. So here we go,
ladies and guys on the same note. You're starting in chest, you're moving up into mix-land, up into head, and then reinforced falsetto kinds of territory.
The one thing I don't want you doing is pushing volume. It shouldn't hurt, it shouldn't feel like a strain. We're lightening up, you can connect as long as you can currently go and then let it get lighter. That way you're building the mix the right way, the light way and not the pushed way.
So here we go with a Manny Cooner... [Exercise]
Awesome job! And I know that Manny Cooner is very, very proud of you. And so am I because this has just been such an awesome How To Belt Trilogy. ♪ Whoa ♪ [hits piano] Ha! I finally got her. And I'm so glad about that! Took her down after all this nonsense. 
So thank you guys for joining me for this How To Belt Trilogy. I really hope James, and Fathur, and all that we've had ask questions on this Trilogy, I hope it's been helpful for you guys.
And singers around the world, I hope this has helped you to increase your knowledge of what belting is all about and to try out some of these belts.
Like I say, there's more work for us to do on belting to come. And I'm not gonna spare these tips from you. We're gonna do more of this in the future. But this trilogy really helped us to kick things off. And I hope it helped you guys.


So if you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So I just encourage you, don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing because you and I both know it's just false, not true.
Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you're in the New York City area or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff members you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプ(でレッスン)をしたければ、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。
I also encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad, and hopefully more in the future. Great resources, tips, articles, videos, all kinds of things to help you guys get to the next level on your singing journey. Or you can simply visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
無料のアプリもダウンロードするようにお勧めしています。iPhoneiPad専用ですが、もっと増やせていけたらと思います。優れた教材や、歌のコツ、記事、動画など、あらゆる種類の内容で、みなさんが歌の旅において次のレベルへと辿り着けるよう応援しています。あるいはシンプルに www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスすることもできますよ。
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。