Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 47「コンプレッションのためのヴォーカルフライ - ヴォーカルフライ三部作・パート2 - 」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード47「コンプレッションのためのヴォーカルフライ - ヴォーカルフライ三部作・パート2 - 」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 47 "Vocal Fry For Compression" - Vocal Fry Trilogy Part 2 - Voice Lessons To The World

エピソード47「コンプレッションのためのヴォーカルフライ - ヴォーカルフライ三部作・パート2 - 








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 47 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for this week comes from Sidd P. in Kanpur, India. And this is going to be part two of our Vocal Fry Trilogy, okay.






Sidd writes, "Dear Justin, I've heard that the vocal fry can help me with my high notes. How does this work?"




It's a great question, Sidd. And you're right to assume now that the vocal fry can do great things for us technically, with our high notes, with our style, the works. So today I'm going to show you how the vocal fry really applies to style and to technique.




1. ヴォーカルフライとは?


So just a little recap, last episode we talked about what is the fry, right? The fry is a register beneath our chest voice where the cords make a sound that's a little bit different than normal singing which is a sort of [vocal fry] sound, right?




The cords get short, fat, loose, but also compressed at the same time. So, light but compressed. And it's a register of our voice that today, like I say, we're going to work on style and technique.




Now we heard last time some sort of crazy examples. Elmer Fudd in my speaking voice, that's an excessive vocal fry. And then Britney Spears actually gets a bad rap a lot for excessively using vocal fry in her singing voice. So we heard some of the extremes. But now for something that's a little bit less extreme.




2. スタイルのためのヴォーカルフライ


When you're doing a pop, rock, R&B; or even country song, the vocal fry is very, very present throughout, often. Right? And a lot of times what we do is start the note with a fry, right? We begin the pitch with a low vocal fry and then enter into the note. And this typically happens when the word starts with a vowel. It doesn't have to but that's typically when it happens.






So what I'm going to do now is do a song by Ryan Adams called "Oh My Sweet Carolina" and I want you guys to see if you can hear all the times that I'm using my vocal fry to get into the notes. It's a kind of cool, stylistic, and technical effect.




So here it is, and I've got my soul mate here today to help out. "Oh my sweet Carolina".




”Well I went down to Houston

And I stopped in San Antone

I passed up the station for the bus

Was trying to find me something

But I wasn't sure just what

I ended up with pockets full of dust

Oh my sweet Carolina

What compels me to go

Oh my sweet disposition

May you one day carry me home”




Alright, so that's "Oh my sweet Carolina" by Ryan Adams. And you heard all the times that I was vocal frying into the pitch, right? “Oh my…” Right?




I could have just done... “Oh my sweet Carolina” But I do... “Oh my sweet Carolina” And it helps me to not only get into that pitch in a compressed light way, but it also is a cool stylistic effect for our more contemporary sounds.




3. テクニックのためのヴォーカルフライ


Now let's talk about how this can really benefit us technically. That song is not all that high. But what's cool is when I'm entering through a fry I have a light connected sound. Connected meaning not going to my falsetto.




So even though that goes to... “Oh my sweet Carolina” If I did want to go sky high with it the vocal fry could help. “Oh my sweet Carolina” ”Oh my sweet Carolina” “Oh my sweet Carolina” “Oh my sweet Carolina”




Now it's going way higher than the song. But the “Oh my sweet Carolina” that can help me get up into my high notes with very little effort whatsoever because the fry is helping me out.




4. コンプレッションのためのヴォーカルフライ


So now how does this work? The vocal cords are getting a little bit of that compression while also remaining not squeezed. So we're not blowing lots of air here.




We're just allowing the naturalness of that fry to help assist us with closing the cords. It's called medial compression and the vocal fry helps us with that medial - to the center- compression, right? 


フライの自然な作用 (声帯が閉じるのを促すこと)を活かすことができます。これは「ミディアルコンプレッション」と呼ばれ、ヴォーカルフライがミディアル(中央への)コンプレッションを促してくれるのです。




So you heard what it is stylistically and you heard me sort of messing around going sky-high with it. Now I'm going to give you a chance to do an exercise that will help you both with your style and technique all at once, where we're going to enter in through the fry and I'm going to actually let you go sky-high with this.




Now if it does go to falsetto, that's not a problem. But we are going to let the fry help us to feel a light medial compression today, okay?




So the exercise is going to be "Oh no no no”. Right? You hear how that's got a little bit of a conversational quality to it. But we're going to put it as a vocal exercise. And we're gonna do 8-5-3-1.


今回のエクササイズは「オーノーノーノー」です。会話のような感じ* が少し含まれているのがわかるでしょう。この感じをヴォーカルエクササイズに入れていきます。8-5-3-1(音階のパターン)でやります。




So the exercise will be this... “OH - NO - NO - NO” So you start with that fry... “OH - NO - NO - NO” So that's gonna be guys down there. Ladies up here... “OH - NO - NO - NO” Right? And we're going to go up and down together on "Oh no no no". Okay, so here we go!








Spectacular stuff. So you see that that you can use the fry to find a light, compressed sound going up and down. You're going to use that for your technique, sometimes. And you're going to use that for your style, sometimes.




Now I will admit that that can be a little bit fatiguing, right? It's not going to damage your voice but it can be a little bit fatiguing.




So don't just do this fry, just like we said with the glottals, don't just do it til the cows come home, right? We've got to do this stuff in moderation.





When you're building these muscles and some of these coordinations, it can fatigue your voice a little bit. Don't worry about it but also don't overdo this kind of work. It's very athletic vocally.






But, Sidd and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. And if you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


ということで、シドさん、みなさん。今回の内容がみなさんの役に立てばと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And we just encourage you, don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing because you and I both know that is not true.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York City or you want to Skype with one of our staff you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーをあなたの地域で見つけましょう。ニューヨークにいるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたければ www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。


And I also just encourage you guys to download our free app for iPhone, iPad, and more in the future. It's got free videos, articles, tips, resources for you guys to help you take your singing to the next level. So check out the app or visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


それから無料のアプリもぜひダウンロードしてみてください。iPhoneiPad用ですが、もっと増やしていきます。動画や記事、ヒントや教材など、みなさんの歌を次のレベルへと連れていけるような内容が盛りだくさんです。チェックしてくださいね。それか www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。