Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 12「声の裏返り」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード12「声の裏返り」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 12 "Cracking"- Voice Lessons To The World
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 12 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show we want to help you guys by answering your questions on singing from all over the world.


I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for the week comes from Tory G. in Utah.
And Tori writes, "Dear Justin, Do you have any advice on preventing cracking?"
That's a great question, Tori. And I think that a lot of people are going to want to know about cracking.

1. 裏返るのは良いこと

And the first thing I want to tell you before I tell you some ways to not to crack, I wanna first tell you that cracking is actually a great thing.
Now obviously we don't want our voices to crack in the middle of the performance or something like that. But let me tell you why cracking is actually a great thing.

A. 声の保護のため

The first reason is that your voice needs to crack. If it didn't crack you would actually hurt it. Because we're trying to balance the force on the vocal cords, the compression, on the vocal cords... (I'll get to that in a minute.) 
ひとつめの理由は、声には裏返ることが必要だということです。もし裏返らないとしたら、声を痛めてしまうことになるでしょう。声帯の力 - 声帯のコンプレッション - のバランスを保とうとしていますからね(これに関してはあとで説明します)。
But if you were not able to relieve that pressure - to crack - your voice would actually get hurt many more times than it does because it can’t let go and crack. So that one thing is to protect your voice.
もしその圧力を和らげられないと - つまり裏返せないと - 声帯を解放して裏返せないわけですから、裏返す場合よりもずっと頻繁に声を痛めることになってしまうでしょう。というわけでひとつめの理由は声を守るためでした。

B. ミックスを学ぶのに必要不可欠であるため

The second thing is for developing your mix. I want you guys - singers out there - that are practicing a lot, working on your voices to know that if you're not cracking a lot of times in your technique, you're probably not working on the mix correctly - because you've got to be able to crack as you're working.
You need to get to the place where the voice wants to crack, and work through that territory if you're going to develop a great mix.
So cracking is a necessary part to your vocal progress. You got to be in the area where it wants to crack and crack and crack a bunch of times if you wanna see progress. So cracking is also a big part of your technical development.

2. コンプレッション

So now we don't want to really crack all the time. So how are we going to prevent it? Let's talk about compression.
Compression is the means by which you're going to find the ability to not crack. If your chords come together really really hard like this - this is a lot of compression. It’s too much force.
But then - this is the opposite of compression. I have air leakage through my vocal chords.
But if I come together clean and solid a little bit of compression it sounds like a clear sound.
Now as I go higher, my cords are getting tighter they're lengthening out but they also have a tendency to come apart and to relieve the compression. And it becomes a balance of how much compression we're going to use as we go higher.
If you use none - your voice will go - into complete head voice way earlier than you want.
If you use too much you're going to be straining and gripping the cords.
So as we go higher, what we need, Tory, and all singers, is to develop the ability to find gradations of compression. Not to much, not too little, but just right, and to fine-tune that as we go through our range. So that's something that you're gonna get.
And again, if you don't crack a little bit, you're not gonna find the head voice side of things, and if you don't ever strain actually you're not going to find the balanced compression.
We don't want strain, we don't want cracking. But we've got a have both of them to find that middle.
So I'm gonna give you a compression exercise. Your goal is not to squeeze it, and your goal is not to crack. Your goal is to find something right in between. But I'm gonna give you a pretty hard consonant as we talked about before, to give you a little bit of that compression.

3. コンプレッションのバランスをとる

Try this sound for me just say, "Gig gig gig gig gig." Try that out. Now that's good.
Now compare that feeling to this feeling, just say, "who-hoo-hoo." It's good.
Now you feel that the "gig gig gig" versus the "who hoo hoo," "gig gig gig gig" gives you a little bit of a sort of tighter feeling on the cords. Not a strain. It's a big difference, a more compressed feeling.
One more time with, "who hoo hoo." And now give me a, "gig gig gig." It's good.
So you can feel that that's a little bit of a more compressed sound, the "gig."
Now we're going to put this on pitches. This exercise you probably be able to take higher without cracking than something like a" who" or something else. So this is giving you a chance to balance your compression and reduce the amount of cracking.


So, guys are going to be down here. "Gig gig gig gig." And ladies up here, "gig gig gig gig."
And again, we're going to go all the way up. You're not going to strain it, gonna try to not crack, you're gonna let the "gig gig" take care of your work for you. So here we go. (Exercise)
Nice job. So some of you might be able to go even higher than that and some of you might have been cracking already.
But that hard consonant and that sense of light compression, a light feeling of the vocal cords coming together not being too separate, not being too gripped, that's going to help you to find a balance and not crack as you go higher. That is actually one way of accessing the mix. So that's compression for you.
でもこの硬い子音と少しのコンプレッションの感覚 (声帯を離し過ぎず、締め付け過ぎず、軽く集まっている感じ)が、高い声に行っても裏返らないようなバランスを手に入れるのに役立つことでしょう。これがミックスを手に入れるための一つの方法です。以上がコンプレッションでした。

4. 息の支え

I just want to throw one more thing in there about cracking. You also want to make sure that your breath support is intact. We talked about that in the past.
Okay, so you want to make sure you're breathing is down here - and not up here - because if you slam the air - the cords are going to say, "You know what I just can't deal with all this air that you're throwing at me. I'm gonna have to get out of the way of all that air."
So if you're over breathing, if you're pushing the volume, if you're getting louder as you go higher, the cords aren't going to like that.
They might strain up and keep you from cracking for awhile. But eventually the compression is going to be too much, the air is going to be too much, they're going to get out of the way.
So you need to get the air deep in the body and you need to make sure you have a steady kind of breath. Don't slam that air or else you're probably going to crack more.
ですから息は体の奥深くに保って、息は一定に吐くようにする必要があります。* 息を押し出さないようにしないと、もっと裏返ってしまうことになるかもしれませんよ。
*訳注:ここでジャスティンは "steady" (一定に)という単語を "sssssteady" と、"s" を長く発音してます。息を「スーッ」と長く吐くことで、「一定に」ということを強調しているのですね。


So think about compression, do some compression exercises to get the light closure and the balance closure. Know that breathing is a factor as you work on this.
And then finally, like I say, cracking is a good thing. It protects your voice. It's just your cords going to a headier recipe than you wanted them to.
You need to have it for protection and you need to have it a bunch of times when you're working out your voice. If you're not cracking and you're only straining, you're only working one side of things.
Don't be afraid to crack when you're practicing. When you're in front of your voice teacher, when you're at home. The only place we don't want you cracking is out on stage. So do a lot of cracking before you get there.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today. If you have questions you want to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
というわけで、今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えて欲しい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
And we just encourage you guys to just keep practicing even if you're cracking a lot, go right on through there. Don't lose the joy. Don't lose the passion. Don't let people tell you can't sing, because we all know that's just not true.
If you guys are in New York City, we encourage you to check out our website at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com. Get with a great voice teacher in your area.
If you guys like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてください。 
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 11「緊張に打ち克つには」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード11「緊張に打ち克つには」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 11 "Combatting Nerves"- Voice Lessons To The World 
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 11 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show we want to help you guys as singers by answering a question from all around the world.

今週の質問:人前で歌うのに緊張する… アドバイスはある?

I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but for now our question for the week comes from Peter E., in Appleton Wisconsin.
And Peter says, "Dear Justin, I've got a pretty good voice, but I'm always so nervous to sing in public. Do you have any advice?"


Well Peter thank you so much for bringing that up cuz I know a lot of people are wondering about this. What can we do as singers to reduce our nerves and increase our confidence when we're on stage?
I'm going to give you some tips today. The first couple might sound a little obvious, but I think they go overlooked a lot, and so I think it'd be good to talk about these.

1. テクニック

The first of them, is technique. Your vocal technique. A lot of people neglect their technique, and then when they get out on stage they don't have something reliable.
If you're doing your vocal technique exercises pretty much every day - if you're working with a voice teacher that can help you to do that - or if you're working on your own - it doesn't matter - you need to have a routine to train your vocal muscles, so that they know what to do when you get out on stage.
If you sound pretty good most of the time and then you get in a nervous situation, you may not be able to rely on those muscles. But if you've been doing your technique, and you have something that you can count on, that right there is going to decrease the nerves big time, because your voice and those muscles are very reliable.

2. 準備

The second one also obvious but good to talk about: preparation.
Lot of people say, "oh yeah, it's, it's pretty good. I've got my performance down pretty well," and then they go out on stage and then they really don't.
You need to make sure that what song you're singing, you know the notes inside and out. There's no chance you're gonna miss a note. There's no chance you're gonna forget a word. You've got that thing down.
Make sure that you've prepared so well, that there's literally no chance that you could forget something. That also is gonna calm you down so you don't have to be thinking, "well what's coming next," when you're on stage.

3. 呼吸の仕方は?

The third one's a little less obvious. Breathing. Now, we all know to breathe. But, how do we breathe to calm ourselves down?
Everybody would think, "Well, if I need to breathe, I'm going to, take some deep breaths before I go out on stage," so we do - and we're sort of huffing and puffing backstage to try to make sure that we reduce our nerves.
But one of the great secrets about breathing, is that the exhalation is the body's relaxation function. So I need to do a long exhale.
That - will calm me down. Not this - those deep breaths that we think, "Oh well I gotta do that to reduce my nerves," those are actually going to increase our anxiety. You need to do a long, slow exhale if you're going to calm yourself down before you sing. 
Now the cool thing is singing itself is done on a long exhalation. So singing is done on the body's relaxation function.
So if you want to reduce your nerves, make sure that you do you're practicing what you're about to do, before you go out on stage, not what you're not about to do, which is this: (exhales hard).
ですから緊張を和らげたいのであれば、ステージに上がる前に、これからすること(歌うこと - 長い呼気)を練習するようにして、これからしないこと(強く吐くこと)はしないようにしましょう。

4. 演技

So, the next thing, is acting while you sing. Doesn't matter if you're a musical theatre singer, or an opera singer, pop, rock - every style of music - you need to be somewhat of an actor when you sing.
Every style needs to communicate a message, to communicate the lyric, and if you can focus on that you're going to be a lot less nervous.
If you focus on your sound, you're constantly judging, you're constantly trying to make it sound right, you're constantly hoping for your best possible sounds and your ear is too active.
When you perform you want to be communicating the message, you wanna be conveying perhaps an emotion depending on the situation.
But you want to focus on communicating the lyric, and not thinking about how you sound. So become an actor when you sing, if you want to reduce the nerves, and not be focused on your voice so much.

 5. 感動させようとしないこと

And then one more thing about changing your mindset. Don't go to impress. Nobody in the audience wants you to try to impress them.
When you go to see a show you don't sit in the audience thinking, "well boy I really hope somebody really impresses me," you're there to have a good time.
If you see a concert same thing, you don't say, "Well I want them to impress." You say, "Well I wanna see my favorite band, I wanna see my favorite singer. I wanna see them up there having a good time and I want to have a good time too."
There's rarely an instance where everybody's there to see whether you're going to impress them or not. Yet when we go out on stage usually we think, "Oh...everybody's wanting me to impress them." So we've got the whole wrong mindset.
We're trying to be good enough for our audience, when the audience themselves is not really thinking that way.
So if you can think, "My audience wants me to have a good time. I wanna show my audience a good time." Then, you've got the right mindset.
You're not going in there with a judgmental thinking. You're going in there with an entertainment mindset, which is going to be much more helpful, in reducing your nerves. 


So you wanna work out your technique. You wanna' have something solid that you can rely on. You wanna' make sure your music, your words, your melody, everything you're gonna do, has been totally prepared.
You wanna' make sure that before the performance you can get in touch with your long, slow exhale. Let it be long. Let it be easy. Don't huff and puff.
Then, you wanna make sure you communicate those lyrics, you wanna' make sure that you're an actor, and then don't impress anybody. Get the focus off of that.
And I betcha Peter, and everybody else, if you can follow those things, you're being way less nervous when you have to perform in public.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you've got questions that you wanna see as answer on the show, you can send an email to: questions@voicelessonstotheworld.com.
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So we just encourage you guys not to lose the joy, don't lose the passion. Never let anybody tell you you can't sing, cause' you know that's not true.
And if you're nervous, just go ahead and push through those nerves any way because it's the only way. You gotta' just get out there and don't let those nerves stop you.
We encourage you to get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you're in New York City, you can check out: www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com.
あなたの地域の素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーに就くようにしましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら、www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。 
And if you like these videos, you can visit: www.voicelessonstotheworld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.voicelessonstotheworld.com もチェックしてみてください。
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 10「中音か高音か」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード10「中音か高音か」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 10 "Middle Notes or High Notes"- Voice Lessons To The World



Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney. I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 10 of Voice Lessons to the World - the show we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.


I'll give you a chance to ask questions a little later, but the question for the week comes from Sara J. in Los Angeles, California.
And Sara asks, "Dear Justin, Do you have any secrets for hitting the high notes?"
And yes, Sara, I think I do. And I'm happy to give you those secrets. But today, I'm only gonna give you one and in future videos I'll give you tons more.
But the first one that I want to give it to you guys is a great secret, and a great trick that you absolutely have to know if you wanna be a great singer.


The biggest key to hitting the high notes, is not the high notes. It's the middle notes.
I'm gonna show you what I mean by this. But if you want to hit high notes, you don't want to focus on your high notes - you want to focus on your middle notes. I'm gonna show you how to do that. 
So a lot of people don't have high notes because they're just trying to slam the high notes all the time. They say, "I gotta have high notes," they go up there and they strain - and they work on straining.
They're actually just building up worse and worse habits on their high notes, when all along, if they had worked on their middle notes, the high notes just start to appear.

1. 中音とは?

So the first thing that we're gonna' talk about is, what do I mean by middle notes?
This could be debatable, but I'm gonna give you what I think of as middle notes. First for the guys, and then for the ladies.
So here we go with, what are the middle notes that guys need to work on?
Here they are over here. So guys, if this is middle C right here, your middle notes are going to be this A-flatthrough this E-flatThese notes here.
And so for the ladies, it's just right above where the guys are. Come and check this out.
So ladies at middle C is right here. Your middle notes are gonna be this E-flatthrough this B-flat - here.


So again guys you're gonna be A-flat through E-flat, and ladies, you're going to be above that, E-flat through B-flat.
Those are the problematic notes for most males and females. They neglect that area of their voices, and then they lack the high note as a result.

2. 中音をどうすればいいの?


So part 2 is, what we have to do about these middle notes? How do we make them appropriate for bridging the gap between them and the high notes?

a. ボリューム

So, part A, is that, you first don't want to get louder. As I go through my middle, here's kinda' what it sounds like if I haven't worked out my middle notes, if I'm a guy, and I am.
If I have, "ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a, ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a, ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a,  ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a, ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a" You see, through my middle there, I'm getting louder.

b. 喉頭(のど)

And then, B., I'm lifting my larynx, and feeling a sense of squeeze as I go higher.

c. 頭の共鳴

And then, C., I'm not using any of my head resonance.
So the three things that we're gonna have to do in our middle voices, in those territories I showed you is: don't get louder as you go higher, don't squeeze your larynx as you go higher, and don't lose your head resonance or your nasal resonance as you go higher.
So let me show you a little bit of a difference of what I mean.
If on this middle note I was going, "ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a," instead I go "ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a," and I sorta throw it back up here, I leave my larynx calm, I don't get louder, "ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a, ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a, ma - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a,"
I'm staying calm, I'm not getting louder, and I'm sending some resonance up into here. If I do that I'm gonna be able to extend my range all the way.

3. (中音は)どう役立つの?

So that's part 3 then, is "Justin, what is it going to do for me, if I do what you say I work out my middle notes?" It's gonna do a bunch of things.

a. より良いミックス

First of all, you're gonna have a mix up top. If you raise your larynx and you push it out the mouth you won't have a mix, you'll just be straight up belting - all the time.

b. 声量のコントロール

You're gonna have volume control. You're gonna be able to hit high notes without going louder. You hear tons of people, they got high notes, but it's always loud, it's always too pushed.

c. ビブラートと自由

Then you're also going to be able to probably find vibrato up top. And you're also going to be able to hit these notes without straining.
And then finally, you probably not going to have a limit to your high notes. The better your mix is, the better those middle notes are, the more you're going to be able to extend your range, and the mix will just continue on up.
So, that's my first tip for you, Sara, and everybody, about how to hit high notes. You gotta work on your middle notes first.
Don't raise your larynx, don't get louder to go higher, and try to work to feel a sense of the air moving up and back and into here, and not out as you go higher.
You're gonna' find a better, easier bridge right in between, and then you're gonna be able to extend your range with volume control and that mix ability.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys as singers. If you have questions you can send an email to: questions@voicelessonstotheworld.com. And we'll take your questions and we'll try to answer them on future episodes of the show.
というわけで、今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。質問がある場合は Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。質問を受け付け、今後のエピソードで答えていけるようにします。
But in the meantime, I would just encourage you not to lose to joy and the passion. Don't let people tell you you can't sing, 'cause you know that's not true.
Get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys in New York City you can check us out at: www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com.
あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら、 www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。 
And if you like videos you can visit: www.voicelessonstotheworld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.voicelessonstotheworld.com にアクセスしてみてください。
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 9 「あなたは音痴ではない」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード9「あなたは音痴ではない」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 9 "You're Not Tone Deaf"- Voice Lessons To The World
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney. I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 9 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.


I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but first we've got our question for the week from Amanda B. in Houston, Texas.
And Amanda says, "Dear Justin, I'd love to sing but I've always been told I'm tone deaf. Is there any hope for me?"
Well Amanda, thank you for that question. I'm glad you asked that question and I think probably a lot of people out there would love to know the answer to this question.
There's so much mythology surrounding tone deafness and so many people think that they are tone deaf and it's preventing a lot of potential singers and people that love to sing, just like yourself, from singing because they think they're tone deaf.

1. 音痴は実在する?

So the first thing I'll talk about is, is tone deafness real? And the answer to that is, yes. Tone deafness is actually real.
There is a condition, it's called, "amusia," which means not musical. It's a cognitive disorder, though. It's caused by brain damage sometimes it can be genetic. But sometimes it can be caused by a brain injury.
「失音楽症」という障害があって、これは音楽的でない(Amusia = not musical)という意味です。認知障害の一つです。脳の損傷によって起こる場合と、遺伝で起こる場合があります。
But this is so rare and the amount of people that say, "oh I'm tone deaf... oh I can't sing... oh no don't ask me to sing I'm tone deaf..." The amount of people that say that, is very high. But the amount of people who are actually tone-deaf, is very low.
ただしこれはとても珍しい障害で、その珍しさの割に「音痴なんです… 歌えません… 音痴なので歌わせないでください…」と訴える人はとても多いのです。本当の意味で音痴(失音楽症)の人は、とても少ないのに。
So in my experience - I've worked with thousands of singers, and I've been in voice land all my life - I have literally never met a person who is actually tone deaf. I've had plenty of singers come to me thinking that they were tone-deaf, but I've never ever seen it.
私の経験で言うと - 今まで何千人も教えてきて、ずっと声の世界で生きてきましたが - 本当の音痴(失音楽症)の人に会ったことは一度もありません。たくさんのシンガーが自分は音痴だと思って私のところに来ますが、一度も音痴の人に会うことはありませんでした。
So why are all these singers and probably yourself included, I can't guarantee it but I imagine that you're actually one of these singers who is quote/unquote tone deaf and not actually tone deaf, why? Why are all these singers thinking that they're tone deaf? 
My thoughts on this is that it's actually due to something in the mind, and then something in the mechanics.

2. 歌うなと言われた

Oftentimes when people are young, they have a joy for singing and they just sing very naturally. But so many people report at some point being told, "Well you can't sing. You're off pitch. Oh you should stop singing. Uh why don't you quiet that down..."
And they start to develop a fear. And singing is a very vulnerable thing anyway. So if you've been told that you're off pitch, you've been told that you sound bad, then you start to have fear and hesitation built into the voice.
This fear and this hesitation causes you to underdo the sound, and that often causes you to be flat.
この不安やためらいは声をしっかり出すことを妨げ、その結果として声がフラット* してしまうことはよくあるのです。
So then, your experience with singing, is trying really hard and being flat, and then being told you're wrong, and then trying really hard being flat being told you wrong - and a vicious cycle starts, where the mechanics start to respond to the mind, and the hesitation and the fear and the mechanics all get wrapped up into one.
So your voice starts to behave as though its tone deaf. It starts to behave where it can't actually stay on pitch.
But it's not that you can't hear it. Most people can hear just fine. They have a great ear for music, they would stay on pitch, but they're just too afraid, they're too hesitant from something in the past, to actually stay on pitch.
Amanda, I'm thinking that that's probably you, because that's most people.

3. 音痴はどうやって直せばいい?

So now what do we do to fix it? If we know that it's due to the mind, the very first thing we need to tell ourselves is, "This is in my mind. This is not an actual problem. I don't have an ear problem. But I might have a vocal problem."

a. 大胆に歌おう

What that problem is, is probably hesitation. So the very first thing I'd have you do, is just at home, when nobody's around - don't let anybody judge you - go ahead and just sing out, but sing bold. Don't sing hesitatingly, sing bold. And sing any song that you love to sing.
問題はおそらくためらいですから、まずはじめにしてほしいのは、自分の部屋で、誰も居ないときに - 誰にもあなたを批判させずに - 大声で思い切り歌ってみることです。ためらわずに、大胆に歌いましょう。なんでもいいので好きな曲を歌ってください。
And I tell you what, if you can sing, "three blind mice," just that, I pretty much guarantee you you're not tone-deaf.
いいことを教えましょう。単に「スリー・ブラインド・マイス * 」と歌えるのなら、それが音痴ではないことの保証になるとみてほぼ間違いないでしょう。
Somebody that's tone-deaf, that truly with tone deafness would try to sing, "three blind mice" and it would come out, "three blind mice" and you say, "no no no, three blind mice," and you get "three blind mice," and they don't actually distinguish pitch.
If you can delineate different pitches just singing any of your favorite songs, probably you are not tone deaf. So that's step one to just determine whether you are.

b. レッスンを検討しよう

Then the next thing, if you can, get with a great voice teacher, because from the under-singing you might not have developed your head voice, which is this sound.
次に、もしできるのなら、優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就いてみることです。ためらいながら歌っているとしたら、 ヘッドヴォイスを育てられていないかもしれないからです。(裏声で)この声のことです。
Or you might not have developed your chest voice, which is this sound. We'll talk about that in later videos. And there might be a registration problem.
So get with an instructor that can help you to use the mechanics better, so that you can stay on pitch, after you know how to be a little bit bold with your singing.

c. ピッチを合わせる練習をしよう

Then another step would be, if you can't get with a voice teacher, is if you can just find a piano, or something online that has a piano feature and just give yourself any note on the piano, you can pick a "C."
それからもしヴォイスティーチャーに就くことができない場合、もうひとつのステップは、ピアノか、それに代わるものをオンラインで見つけたら、何か一音弾いてみることです。Cの音* を選びましょうか。
And just try on a "me me me", try finding this note. "me me me"
Now maybe if you've had problems you might try it and you have, "me me me, me me me" or "me me me, me me me."
But you're alone. You're at home. Nobody cares. Mess with it. Do you hear it, "me me me me me me me," and you get it to match up with the pitch.
Practice that and you'll very quickly train your voice to match your ear again, because again it's probably not your ear, it's your brain and your mechanics functioning together in a way that we don't want.


So Amanda, and all I just want you to know the tone deafness is so rare. Probably you don't have this, so if you can get that out of your head and just be inspired to try to sing, know that the voice can be trained.
That's why voice teachers have jobs. We're not running a racket here. You really actually can learn how to sing and you can break through tone deafness unless it's that medical condition that I say is extremely rare.
So I hope that inspires you to try singing and to try to break through the tone deafness that you probably don't have. 
So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to:
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So like I say, I hope that that inspires you guys to just not lose the joy, not lose the passion, don't let people tell you you're tone deaf, don't let them tell you you can't sing, because as we know that leads to that vicious cycle and you know that it's not true.
So hoping to get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you're in New York City, you can check us out at: www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com.
あなたの地域で優れたヴォイスティーチャーに就けるよう願っています。ニューヨークにいるのなら、私たちのウェブサイト www.newyorkvocalcoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。 
And if you like these videos you can check out: www.voicelessonstotheworld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.voicelessonstotheworld.com もチェックしてみてくださいね。 
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time!








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 8「硬い子音」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード8「硬い子音」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 8 "Hard Consonants"- Voice Lessons To The World 
エピソード8 「硬い子音」
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 8 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show where we're gonna help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.


And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But for now we've got this week's question from V.H. in Yonkers, New York.
And V. writes, "Dear Justin, I'm a tenor. I have no problem hitting high notes. I'm inspired by the band "Foreigner." Lou Gramm is my idol. However when I sing a Foreigner song, I can't reach the notes no matter what key I change it to. Can you explain this?"
Now that, is a great mystery there, V. And I never heard you sing. But hopefully I can help you find the answer to this.
Now I have to admit, I was not at Foreigner aficionado. Had to go and do some research on Foreigner to answer this question for you. But the core of your question is what really matters because I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this.


You wanna sing a songand no matter what key you put it in, the song is still difficult. And in your technique you can hit a lot of notes you've got high range, but a particular song is giving you trouble no matter what the key.
And then we've got a mystery. What is causing that song to be difficult? And in doing a little of that research for you, V, I think I might have the answer.
I've never heard you sing before, however its gonna' lead us to the title of today. Hard Consonants.


Hard consonants can very often be that X factor that's making a song difficult. Even if you've got the technique.
Now a lot of rock singers use percussive consonants, they use hard consonants, and a lot of times what they're doing, the consonants are not as hard as they actually sound to us.
ロック・シンガーの多くはパーカッシヴな(打楽器的な)子音 - 硬い子音を使いますが、彼らは大抵、私たちの耳に聞こえるほどは子音を硬くしていません。
And so when we imitate the style we use hard consonants. I'm gonna show you what I mean in a second. But this is probably the X Factor that's making the song difficult no matter what key you're putting the song in.


So I'm gonna work with, "I Want to Know What Love is," by Foreigner, a little bit. And I'm not gonna do the chorus. Cause I don't think that’s so hard. I think the bridge leading up to it, is your problem, V.
So if I have this phrase right here, "In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again." Okay, so there's that section. Now when I did that I did not do hard consonants.
But let me show you what I mean, by hard consonants. "In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again." And instantly, it doesn't sound as good. And it's also... it doesn't feel too comfortable.
I'm blasting air across the consonants. And this is a really common thing, again not just in rock, but in all styles of music.
We're used to technique exercises that feel really good, but we go over to a song, and then we tend to chew the consonants, or hit them too hard, or force breath pressure through them.
Now again a rock, a rock sound, you're gonna tend towards that in order to imitate Lou Gramm or any other your favorite artists, you might push too hard on the consonants.


So, I'm gonna give you 3 ways to fix hard consonants.

1. 不明瞭に発音する

First one's kinda goofy. You first try it, by slurring words a little bit. So I've got, "In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again." So I'm first gonna try, "In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again." "In my life... there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again."
That sounds insane, however that was really easy to sing. So if you’re having a problem with those hard consonants, try slurring your words first.
A lot of rock singers, they make that their final product. That's why you can't understand what the words are.

2. 話すときと同じ息の圧力を使う

Second step though, if you do want to hear what the words are is, speak it with the breath pressure that you want. 
Instead of, "In my life there's been heartache and pain," and you're really hitting it, try it simply, "In my life there's been heartache and pain." "In my life there's been heartache and pain." It feels like the same pressure as speech.

3. 子音を柔らかくする練習

If you're still having problems though, the third thing that you can do, is look at what consonant is actually getting too much of the hit.
In that first phrase, "in my life there's been a heartache and pain," there's 3 that might be called culprits. You've got the L of "life," you've got the H of "heartache," and you've got the P of "pain."
If the "life" is giving me trouble, "In my li - in my li -" and I have that L that's too tough, I could do, "la la la la la." Or, "lie lie lie lie lie," to get that L kind of fluttery and then I do, "In my life there's been heartache and pain."
Or if it's the H "ha ha ha ha ha heartache and pain." And then it's a lot simpler after I practiced the consonant very easily.


So no matter what style you're singing, if you're having problems - in any key - and you know that you got those notes in your technique - check out the consonants.
Make sure you're not hitting them hard. Try slurring it. Try with the energy of speech. Try it with that constant that's giving you trouble and do it gently, and then see if that song becomes easier.
My bet is, for V, or anybody else out there, that if you try that, you're going to not only be able to do the key that's you were trying, but a lot higher than you were trying as well.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys as singers. If you have questions that you wanna see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So we just encourage you guys not lose the joy, don't lose the passion. Never let anybody tell you you can't sing because you know that's not true.
Get a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in New York City, you can visit us at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
あなたの地域の優れた先生に就きましょう。もしニューヨークにいるのなら、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。
And if you like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてくださいね。 
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see ya next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 7 「弱い声を強くするには」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード7「弱い声を強くするには」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 7 "My Voice Is Weak"- Voice Lessons To The World
エピソード7 「弱い声を強くするには」
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 7 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show where we wanna help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.


We're going to give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question of the week comes from Mary S. in Galway, Ireland.
And Mary says, "Dear Justin, I'm a new singer. I'm a beginner. And my voice is very weak. What can I do to strengthen it?"
Well Mary, first of all, welcome to singing. It's great to hear that you’re a new singer and a beginner.
But we know that you're going to strengthen your voice and work really hard at it. And encourage you just to keep going.
But one of the things that I find with brand new singers, one of tendencies is this sort of weakness that you're talking about.


And I can do a lot of videos in the future about different ways to strengthen the voice cuz there's actually a lot. But one of the very first things that people start off with is breathiness. 
And I betcha', Mary, that that's what's going on in your voice. I bet that it's a little bit breathy.
And for those of you that don't know what a breathy sound is, it's sort of this leaky sound where there's air passing through my vocal chords. They're kind of slack. They're kind of apart. They're not coming together cleanly and making a clear sound, but they're breathy.
So if I try to sing a phrase and I try a "mum," I get: "mum mum mum mum mum." I don't have any, "mum mum mum mum mum," any clarity and strength in my voice.
Most beginning singers struggle with that, Mary, and we can fix that as long as we know how and why.


So one thing before we start with that, that I want you to know, is breathiness is not a bad thing.
A lot of people think it is. But actually we're gonna want that later for stylistic effect. And it can actually be a really good thing. But we want to be under control with it.
And at first, it just sort of happens. And so one of the very first things to fix as a new and beggining singer is that breathiness.


So let me give you a few reasons why the breathiness might be happening.

1. 息が多過ぎる


The very first is too much breath. A lot of beginning singers, they take these high breaths that we talked about, these - (inhales) up (exhales) and down breaths - which expels the air really fast across the cords.
ひとつめは、息が多過ぎることです。初心者の多くは、以前お話ししたハイ・ブレス(胸式呼吸)になっていて - このように肩を上下して呼吸しているので - 声帯に対して息をとても速く吐き出してしまいます。
One of the cords' defense mechanisms is just to get the heck outta the way of that airSo they go slack because there's too much (exhales) exhale coming at them.
And so you get a - "huh" - breathy sound. So you get this up and down - (inhales) "mum mum mum" (inhales) "mum mum mum" - breathiness that's coming from that too fast air.
So you gonna want to work on your support, Mary, you're gonna want to make sure that you bring the air down here (inhales). And that you don't blast on your exhale. That's one thing that will help you correct your breathiness.

2. 歌はきれいなものではない

The second thing, is a lot of times it's psychological. 
A lot of times people that are new to singing think, "Well, you know, what do I have to do to sound good. And singing, it's so beautiful, it's so pretty, I need to make my voice sound pretty."
That's a big mistake. You wanna - you don't wanna make your voice sound pretty. You want to make your voice sound like you.
So if you go in thinking that singing is a "pretty" thing then, you're probably going to manipulate your voice and instead of singing clearly "mum mum mum mum mum," you're going to think, "Well, I gotta be pretty. mum mum mum..." and then we get this sort of airy, breathy tone.
So change up the thinking. Pretty sounds will happen later. But don't try to be pretty. Let your voice be strong, let it be clear. Even if it doesn't sound good to you, it probably sounds a lot better than you think, if you just go clearly into the sound and don't try to be pretty.

3. 話し声を歌声に

Point number three is, a lot of times people aren't aware how much their speaking voice carries over into their singing voice at first.
And we really are going to need to use your speaking voice, Mary, if we're going to get those strong sounds into the voice.
So if I walked up to somebody and I said, "hey there!", I would just say, "hey there." I wouldn't go, "hey there." If I did I might get arrested or something like that.
If I said, "hey there," and I let my cords go apart. I'd just say, "hey there." So I have no problem with my speaking voice. I don't just all of a sudden randomly become breathy.
Alright so you don't want to randomly become breathy in your singing voice. So if I can just close my cords and be clear in my speaking voice, I can close my cords and be clear in my singing voice, too.
So I don't go, "hey there." I speak into the sound, "hey there." And I use my speaking voice on pitch.


Now I'm gonna do that with you right now. We're gonna try this. But first, before we do, let's practice that. So just try speaking clearly. Just say, "hey there." Go ahead. Good. Now I hope you didn't go, "hey there." Alright. So you can speak clearly. "hey there." K great.
So now if you can speak clearly, you're gonna take your speaking voice and put that to pitches. Guys are gonna be down here, and you're gonna do, "hey there." Ladies up here, "hey there."
And you're gonna speak right in. Don't let it go breathy. Don't let it be pretty. Don't blast the breath, just speak on pitch. Here we go. [Exercise]
So already you can see that just by speaking into your sound - not letting it be too pretty, not letting it be too airy, you already have more strength to your voice.
So that's a really simple way to start developing strength. Like I say there's a lot of other components to vocal strength. But when you're starting off, that's the first thing you wanna fix. Don't let those cords go slack. Don't be pretty.
Don't be afraid to use a more speaky tone into your sound and you're gonna get a lot more strength, Mary, and everybody out there who is new to singing or may struggle with breathiness that they didn't intend.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today. If you have questions for us that you wanna see answered on the show, you can send an email to:
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So we just encourage you, especially if you're new to singing, to just not lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Work really hard with your voice and get with a voice teacher you trust in your area.
If you're ever in New York City, you can check out our website at:
ニューヨークに来ることがあれば、私たちのウェブサイト www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。
And if you like these videos you can check out:
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてください。
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.









※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 6「ビブラートのスピード」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード6「ビブラートのスピード」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 6 "Vibrato Speeds" - Voice Lessons To The World 
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 6 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.


I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but for now the question for the week comes from Kyle C. in Grand Rapids Michigan.
And Kyle writes, "Dear Justin, I've always been told my vibrato is too slow. Was I just born this way? Or is there something I can do to fix it?"
Now Kyle, that's an awesome question. And I'll answer that in 3 parts. First of all, what is vibrato? Second of all, do I need vibrato? And third of all, can I change the speed of my vibrato?

1. ビブラートとは?

So first of all, what is vibrato? Now I know a lot of you guys know this. But there's some people out there that might not.
Vibrato is a stylistic effect that's used in the voice. It's essentially a small pitch bend of any given note and it's a fast oscillation or vibration of the note and that's why it's called vibrato. So it flutters or bends quickly as the note is sustained.
The bend is not enough to actually sorta change the feel of the pitch. But the note actually does move up and down. So let me show you what that sounds like.



If I use no vibrato it sounds like this: On a me, "me me me me me." That's no vibrato, or straight tone.


Now with vibrato it sounds like this: "me me me me me." Now you can hear that little flutter or vibration, "eeeee." That's vibrato.

2. ビブラートは必要?

Now the next question is, "do I need vibrato?" And if you're a classical or traditional singer, you use vibrato all the time. And that's great. So you do definitely need vibrato.
For pop, rock, and R&B; contemporary music singers, you actually need it too. And the big misconception out there is that vibrato is only for classical singers.
But contemporary singers, I want you to know that you really should be working on your vibrato as well, because many many pop-rock songs - actually most pop-rock songs and R&B; songs do use vibrato.


So let me just show you an example of this. If I just take a song like, "Ordinary People," by John Legend, and I sing, "Cuz we're ordinary people we don't know which way to go." That sounds a little strange without vibrato.
But if I throw it back in, "Cuz were ordinary people maybe we should take it slow." The vibrato at the ends of those phrases actually makes the pop sound sound better.
So pop, rock, R&B;, country, contemporary music you do actually use vibrato as well. So I would work on that.

3. ビブラートのスピードは変えられる?

But then the next question is, can we change the speed of it? That's a great question Kyle, because a lot of people think, "Well I can sing with vibrato, but my vibrato is my vibrato. I can't change it." And that's not actually true.
If your vibrato is too slow, Kyle, I want to just show you what the rate of a vibrato that our ear really accepts is and show you kinda what it sounds like as I move from too slow to right on.
So our ear - it's been determined - likes the sound of 6 hertz per second when we hear vibrato. So that's 6 of those little flips. 6 hertz of those little pitch bends per second.
So I'm gonna take my voice from one hertz to 6 hertz so that you can see the difference as I shift my voice in terms of its rate.


So let's take an "a" vowel. If I do one hertz, "a a a a" Now 2 hertz, "aa aa aa a" Now 3 hertz, "aaa aaa aaa a" Now 4, "aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa" Now 5, "aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa" And now 6 "aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa"
And when I’m on 6, "aaaaaa" Now it's starting to sound like the vibrato that I'm used to hearing.
So clearly, Kyle, if I can just change the rate of my vibrato, the amount of hertz, or flips per second - and clearly vibrato is something that can be manipulated or changed.
ですからカイルさん、ビブラートの速さ - 1秒に何ヘルツ、何回揺れるのか - が変えられるということは、間違いなくビブラートは操作したり変えたりできるものだということですね。
Now you don't need to be able to do something crazy like that like changing the hertz of your vibrato at home. That's not necessary. But the point is, yes, you can change it.
And so if you know that you can change it and then you go to mess with it and to play with it. You're going to find out that you can do faster or slower vibratos depending on the situation.
Couple reasons why your vibrato might be too slow, Kyle, might be a depressed larynx, might be too much air, maybe you imitated somebody that had a really slow vibrato in the past. Sometimes it's due to a lack of resonance in the voice. It could actually be a lot of things.
But, I just want you to know that your vibrato speed is not stuck. It's not set in stone. You weren't born that way. You can change it.
And just knowing that you can change it, hopefully will inspire you to go and play with that on your own and find a vibrato that's closer to what our ear really loves to hear.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys as singers. If you have questions that you like to see answered on the show you can send an email to:
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
We just encourage you not to lose the joy, don't lose the passion. Never let anybody tell you, you can't sing, because you and I know that's just not true.
Just keep practicing and working hard every day. If you guys are in New York City check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
毎日練習を頑張り続けましょう。ニューヨークにいるのなら、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてくださいね。
And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。
I'm Justine Stoney. See you next time.








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