Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 12「声の裏返り」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード12「声の裏返り」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 12 "Cracking"- Voice Lessons To The World
Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to Episode 12 of Voice Lessons to the World, the show we want to help you guys by answering your questions on singing from all over the world.


I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for the week comes from Tory G. in Utah.
And Tori writes, "Dear Justin, Do you have any advice on preventing cracking?"
That's a great question, Tori. And I think that a lot of people are going to want to know about cracking.

1. 裏返るのは良いこと

And the first thing I want to tell you before I tell you some ways to not to crack, I wanna first tell you that cracking is actually a great thing.
Now obviously we don't want our voices to crack in the middle of the performance or something like that. But let me tell you why cracking is actually a great thing.

A. 声の保護のため

The first reason is that your voice needs to crack. If it didn't crack you would actually hurt it. Because we're trying to balance the force on the vocal cords, the compression, on the vocal cords... (I'll get to that in a minute.) 
ひとつめの理由は、声には裏返ることが必要だということです。もし裏返らないとしたら、声を痛めてしまうことになるでしょう。声帯の力 - 声帯のコンプレッション - のバランスを保とうとしていますからね(これに関してはあとで説明します)。
But if you were not able to relieve that pressure - to crack - your voice would actually get hurt many more times than it does because it can’t let go and crack. So that one thing is to protect your voice.
もしその圧力を和らげられないと - つまり裏返せないと - 声帯を解放して裏返せないわけですから、裏返す場合よりもずっと頻繁に声を痛めることになってしまうでしょう。というわけでひとつめの理由は声を守るためでした。

B. ミックスを学ぶのに必要不可欠であるため

The second thing is for developing your mix. I want you guys - singers out there - that are practicing a lot, working on your voices to know that if you're not cracking a lot of times in your technique, you're probably not working on the mix correctly - because you've got to be able to crack as you're working.
You need to get to the place where the voice wants to crack, and work through that territory if you're going to develop a great mix.
So cracking is a necessary part to your vocal progress. You got to be in the area where it wants to crack and crack and crack a bunch of times if you wanna see progress. So cracking is also a big part of your technical development.

2. コンプレッション

So now we don't want to really crack all the time. So how are we going to prevent it? Let's talk about compression.
Compression is the means by which you're going to find the ability to not crack. If your chords come together really really hard like this - this is a lot of compression. It’s too much force.
But then - this is the opposite of compression. I have air leakage through my vocal chords.
But if I come together clean and solid a little bit of compression it sounds like a clear sound.
Now as I go higher, my cords are getting tighter they're lengthening out but they also have a tendency to come apart and to relieve the compression. And it becomes a balance of how much compression we're going to use as we go higher.
If you use none - your voice will go - into complete head voice way earlier than you want.
If you use too much you're going to be straining and gripping the cords.
So as we go higher, what we need, Tory, and all singers, is to develop the ability to find gradations of compression. Not to much, not too little, but just right, and to fine-tune that as we go through our range. So that's something that you're gonna get.
And again, if you don't crack a little bit, you're not gonna find the head voice side of things, and if you don't ever strain actually you're not going to find the balanced compression.
We don't want strain, we don't want cracking. But we've got a have both of them to find that middle.
So I'm gonna give you a compression exercise. Your goal is not to squeeze it, and your goal is not to crack. Your goal is to find something right in between. But I'm gonna give you a pretty hard consonant as we talked about before, to give you a little bit of that compression.

3. コンプレッションのバランスをとる

Try this sound for me just say, "Gig gig gig gig gig." Try that out. Now that's good.
Now compare that feeling to this feeling, just say, "who-hoo-hoo." It's good.
Now you feel that the "gig gig gig" versus the "who hoo hoo," "gig gig gig gig" gives you a little bit of a sort of tighter feeling on the cords. Not a strain. It's a big difference, a more compressed feeling.
One more time with, "who hoo hoo." And now give me a, "gig gig gig." It's good.
So you can feel that that's a little bit of a more compressed sound, the "gig."
Now we're going to put this on pitches. This exercise you probably be able to take higher without cracking than something like a" who" or something else. So this is giving you a chance to balance your compression and reduce the amount of cracking.


So, guys are going to be down here. "Gig gig gig gig." And ladies up here, "gig gig gig gig."
And again, we're going to go all the way up. You're not going to strain it, gonna try to not crack, you're gonna let the "gig gig" take care of your work for you. So here we go. (Exercise)
Nice job. So some of you might be able to go even higher than that and some of you might have been cracking already.
But that hard consonant and that sense of light compression, a light feeling of the vocal cords coming together not being too separate, not being too gripped, that's going to help you to find a balance and not crack as you go higher. That is actually one way of accessing the mix. So that's compression for you.
でもこの硬い子音と少しのコンプレッションの感覚 (声帯を離し過ぎず、締め付け過ぎず、軽く集まっている感じ)が、高い声に行っても裏返らないようなバランスを手に入れるのに役立つことでしょう。これがミックスを手に入れるための一つの方法です。以上がコンプレッションでした。

4. 息の支え

I just want to throw one more thing in there about cracking. You also want to make sure that your breath support is intact. We talked about that in the past.
Okay, so you want to make sure you're breathing is down here - and not up here - because if you slam the air - the cords are going to say, "You know what I just can't deal with all this air that you're throwing at me. I'm gonna have to get out of the way of all that air."
So if you're over breathing, if you're pushing the volume, if you're getting louder as you go higher, the cords aren't going to like that.
They might strain up and keep you from cracking for awhile. But eventually the compression is going to be too much, the air is going to be too much, they're going to get out of the way.
So you need to get the air deep in the body and you need to make sure you have a steady kind of breath. Don't slam that air or else you're probably going to crack more.
ですから息は体の奥深くに保って、息は一定に吐くようにする必要があります。* 息を押し出さないようにしないと、もっと裏返ってしまうことになるかもしれませんよ。
*訳注:ここでジャスティンは "steady" (一定に)という単語を "sssssteady" と、"s" を長く発音してます。息を「スーッ」と長く吐くことで、「一定に」ということを強調しているのですね。


So think about compression, do some compression exercises to get the light closure and the balance closure. Know that breathing is a factor as you work on this.
And then finally, like I say, cracking is a good thing. It protects your voice. It's just your cords going to a headier recipe than you wanted them to.
You need to have it for protection and you need to have it a bunch of times when you're working out your voice. If you're not cracking and you're only straining, you're only working one side of things.
Don't be afraid to crack when you're practicing. When you're in front of your voice teacher, when you're at home. The only place we don't want you cracking is out on stage. So do a lot of cracking before you get there.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today. If you have questions you want to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
というわけで、今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えて欲しい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
And we just encourage you guys to just keep practicing even if you're cracking a lot, go right on through there. Don't lose the joy. Don't lose the passion. Don't let people tell you can't sing, because we all know that's just not true.
If you guys are in New York City, we encourage you to check out our website at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com. Get with a great voice teacher in your area.
If you guys like these videos you can check out: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com もチェックしてみてください。 
I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。