Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 37「声門閉鎖:敵か味方か?」【VLTTW翻訳】



Ep. 37 "Glottal: Friend Or Foe?" - Voice Lessons To The World









Hi everybody! My name is Justin stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 37 of voice lessons to the world, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Krista A. in Manila, Philippines.






And Krista writes “Dear Justin, my voice teacher says I should avoid glottal at all costs and never do them. It will hurt my voice if I do. Is this true?”




Now thank you very much for that awesome question, Krista. Because a glottal is something that is very feared in the land of voice.






People are afraid to do it. People approach glottal with trepidation and are worried because of what they've been told that a glottal sound is going to hurt them, is going to ruin their voice so they can never speak or sing ever again.




So today we're going to talk about what is a glottal and is it really a friend or a foe.




1, 声門閉鎖とは?


Now first of all, what is it?






A glottal sound is called glottal because the vocal cords are called the glottis, also known as the glottis.




And if you look in here with a camera and a scope you see a kind of v-shape with the vocal cords. And they shut like this “huh” and when you breathe they go “huh” and then I go “huh”.




And what I get is a kind of glottal. It's a click of my cords if I say the word “Uh oh”. I have that clicking sound of “Uh oh”.


この時声門閉鎖が起こります。“Uh oh”(「おっと」の意)と言う時の声帯のクリック音のことです。




Now what happens is a muscle called the interarytenoids - you guys don't need to know that, but it's kind of fun, the interarytenoids - the muscle between the vocal cords shuts them “huh”.






When they open another muscle the posterior cricoarytenoids (Whoa!) opens them up. And then the interarytenoids shut them back “huh”. And then if I have again “Uh oh”, I get that click. Now that's what it is.


開く時は違う筋肉、後輪状披裂筋(すごい名前!)が声帯を開きます。そしてまた披裂筋が「ハッ」と声帯を閉じます。そしてもう一度 “Uh oh” と言うと、クリック音が出ます。これが声門閉鎖の正体です。




So you probably have heard this sound. Every time you hear a “I”, “A, E, I, O, U”, I'm getting that “Ah ah ah”, and the “Eh, Ee, I, Oh”. All of that has that glottal stop (It's called a glottal stop sometimes) before you hear the sound. So that's what it is.




2, 敵としての声門閉鎖


Now why do people say that the glottal is such a bad thing. I will admit that that's one of the more athletic things that one could do with their voice, right?




You're shutting the body of the vocal cords from the back so that you're getting quite a bit of compression. You're really pressing the vocal cords together.




Now if you have an injured voice, if you have nodes, if you have polyps, if you have a fatigued or raspy voice, if you're sick, if you're just very very tired vocally, probably a glottal you can see why that wouldn't be such a good idea. Slapping the vocal cords shut not always such a great thing.






But the problem is people have gotten overly fearful of this sound when it actually is a part of our natural speech. But you know, many medical voice doctors as well as speech therapists will recommend not doing a lot of that glottal edge when you are vocally fatigued. And we should follow their advice because again it is very athletic.




But now what I was saying about why it shouldn't be feared - It's a natural part of your speaking voice.


ではなぜ声門閉鎖を怖がるべきではないのかについて話しましょう - 声門閉鎖は話し声の一部だからです。


If I say “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”, in one sentence I've done four glottals. “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”.


“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream” * と言う時、一つのセンテンスで4回も声帯閉鎖を使っています。“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”




If I can't glottal that means I can never spill my ice cream ever again without completely destroying my voice. I need to be able to do glottals to communicate properly in pretty much any language.




If you listen to almost any language there's going to be glottals in it. Even when I say “any language” I would have to say “(H)any language” if I wanted to avoid that glottal.




Or I'd have to say “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream”. If I wanted to really avoid the glottal I need “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream”. I have to really avoid that versus “Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream”.


それか声門閉鎖を本当に避けるのなら “(H)Uh (h)oh, (h)I spilled my (h)ice cream” と言わなければならないでしょう。それに対しての (声門閉鎖を使って)“Uh oh, I spilled my ice cream” です。


Okay, so you see that it's actually a natural thing, ACTUALLY a natural thing. Glottals appear all the time in our speaking voice.




3, 味方としての声門閉鎖


So if we know that they're natural and we know that they don't necessarily harm our voices even though we have to be careful with them, how can we use them for singing good? that's the next step.






So one of the things that I've noticed in singers is sometimes people have a lack of compression in their voice.




If your voice is weak, if it's airy, if it's always kind of got that thin airy tone, if it goes to head voice too soon, what you may be lacking is a little bit of compression.




Now if your voice is very strained and very squeezed probably you have too much compression. But a lot of singers who don't have enough compression can benefit from some glottals.




A lot of singers can't even do it as they go up higher. If I'm doing an exercise just if I did it on an “Ah”, and I was singing “Ah” a singer that can't do a glottal or doesn't have enough compression might do “Hah”. They can't do “Ah”. It's always “Hah”. And they can't even get the chords shut to start the sound.




So singers that lack compression will not be able to do that glottal. We can use that glottal to build some of that compression to learn how to get the chords shut with moderation in our vocal technique work.




And so today I am actually going to give you an exercise that uses glottals just to see if you can do your glottals up and down the scale.






Now again this is not for everybody. If your voice is already too squeezed, too gripped, too strained, if you’re vocally fatigued, if you've got a vocal injury, these sorts of things, this is not the thing to be doing.




And in fact this isn't something that I want you guys just doing all the time. We want it again do glottals in moderation so that you learn this skill and that's it, right?




Don't just be glottal until the cows come home. We need to build the skill and then you got it.




So for those who may lack compression in the voice this is going to be a great exercise. But again, I don't want to be getting angry letters. I don't want to hear you know that this destroyed your voice. If you do this moderately and if you do this well, this is actually going to help you.




So another disclaimer, don't do this too loudly. And we don't want to be shutting the cords and blasting tons of air. We need good breath support when we do this.




声門閉鎖のエクササイズ:"Uh Oh"


We're gonna do an “Uh oh” exercise. All it is is this “Uh oh” right? I'm not gonna do it loud. It's like my speaking voice “Uh oh”. So I don't want “Uh oh”. I don’t want to be blasting air. It's just a gentle “Uh oh” on pitch so that we know that we get the chords shut.


では “Uh oh” のエクササイズをしましょう。ただ “Uh oh” と言うだけです。大きな声ではやらないで。しゃべるように “Uh oh” と言いましょう。(大きな声で)“Uh oh” はダメです。息を吐き出し過ぎないように。声帯が閉まるように、優しく “Uh oh” とピッチを付けて言いましょう。


All right, so guys are gonna be down here, “Uh oh”. And ladies up here, “Uh oh”. And we're just going to go up and down the scale with light glottals just to get this skill built in your voice if you don't have it. Here we go.


いいですか?男性は下の方で “Uh oh” 女性は上の方で “Uh oh” この技術を持っていない人でも身に付けられるように、軽い声門閉鎖で音階を上下に動いていきます。行きましょう!






So that's it. Just a little baby glottal, not doing that too hard, just a baby glottal to get the sense of compression. I want you guys to graduate from this fast. You're not again not glottaling up a storm all day because our glottals - a friend or a foe - they can be both, right?




Again if you got too much squeeze, get away from this stuff. If you don't have enough, try it a little bit to build some compression in your voice and then graduate from it really really soon.






So, Krista and all I hope that that illuminates your mind about the world of glottals and what they can do or not do for your voice. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、クリスタさん、みなさん。今回の内容が声門閉鎖の世界と、それが声に何をもたらし、もたらさないかを知るのに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion, don't let people tell you you can't sing. You know that's not true. Keep working hard on your voice and get with a great voice teacher in your area.




If you guys are in New York City you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 36「ミュージカルの歌い方」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 36 "Aspects of Musical Theater" - Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 36 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but our question for this week comes from Thomas J. in Athens, Greece.






And Thomas writes, "Dear Justin, I love your episode on pop versus classical singing. I'm wondering, what are some characteristics of musical theatre singing? Can you help?"




That's a great question, Thomas. Because I know that a lot of our viewers are more pop rock or maybe classical singers but there's also a lot of Broadway singers out there as well. So we want to talk today about aspects of musical theatre singing.




1, しゃべるようなスタイル


Now the first element that you're going to need to know about musical theatre singing versus all other singing is its conversational style.




So with Broadway musicals and with musical theatre songs, the songs are almost always trying to drive the story. They're trying to tell what's happening in the story, what's happening with the characters, maybe what the character wants, maybe tell about the action of the story.




But to do that, to be both actors and singers, the conversational quality of musical theatre singing is far beyond any of the other styles.






Let me show you what I mean by that in a song called "Purpose" from the musical Avenue Q.




If I just sing the first part of it and I'm not very conversational, here's kind of what would happen...





It's that little flame

That lights a fire under your ass 


It keeps you going strong

Like a car with a full tank of gas

Everything else has a purpose

So what's mine”




And that's not quite conversational. It's fairly smooth and legato but it's not conversational. If I add my musical theatre conversational style into it...







It's that little flame

That lights a fire under your ass 


It keeps you going strong

Like a car with a full tank of gas

Everything else has a purpose

So what's mine”




And you hear that it becomes a little bit more talky and a little bit more bringing out of the message and the action of the story that's being told.




2, スタイルの多様性


Now another thing about Broadway musicals, especially these days, is the stylistic diversity.




Broadway is an amalgamation of so many different styles of music. Some traditional and even classical, some pop, rock, R&B, country even. Especially these days we're hearing a lot more of the contemporary sounds in Broadway.




And then you have Broadway singing just straight up as it's always been. Classic Broadway tunes, show tunes, and then also jazz music is a very big part of musical theatre. So you really have almost every style of music in the musical theatre repertoire.






Because of this we need to have our neutral larynx coordinations, as we've talked about in the past, as one of our key elements. In other words, I need to be able to sound like myself, right? If I am using my neutral larynx I sound the most like myself.






So if I take, "I've Never Been In Love Before" from Guys and Dolls, and I use my neutral larynx something like this would happen...




I’ve never been in love before

Now all at once it's you

It's you forevermore”




And I sound like myself. So it really is accessible for my broadway-style communication.






Now since Broadway has a little bit more of those rock elements, I might have to do a little more high or rock larynx in certain situations. What if I took "One Song Glory" from Rent. Which is more of a rock musical.






“Find one song

One last refrain

Before the sun sets

One song to redeem this empty life

Time dies

Time dies”




And I get a little bit more into my rock belt in that scenario.






Now of course, like I say, musical theatre also has some of the more low larynx or traditional styles present. Right after I might have gone to see Rent I might actually go and see something like South Pacific, and I have "Some Enchanted Evening". And I get a more low larynx coordination.






“Some enchanted evening

You may see a stranger

You may see a stranger

Across a crowded room”




And you can hear that that's a little bit more deep, and also has more vibrato.




3, キャラクターヴォイス


Now on the topic of the different sounds that you hear, it's not that we always need to sound good in musical theatre. And that's something that gives musical theatre often a very bad rap. Is that people think that Broadway voices are sometimes really nasal and twangy and you get that sort of Broadway kind of sound that is very stereotypical.




Now of course that's not always true. But part of the reason that it gets that bad rap is there are moments where we do want to welcome into the equation character sounds and character singing. So these are sounds that are purposefully not beautiful sounds, that are sometimes an element that's necessary in musical theatre. 






If I have Ado Annie from Oklahoma and I'm singing it without a character voice...




“I’m just a girl who can't say no

I'm in a terrible fix”




That sounds actually a little strange when we're used to...






“I’m just a girl who can't say no

I’m in a terrible fix

I always say come on let's go

Just when I oughta say nix”




It sounds a lot better actually when I sound worse. Because what I'm trying to do is create a comic character that is very memorable.




So that's the reason why we'll sometimes hear this sort of Broadway or twangy character voice. There's not just the twangy character, there's many characters. But that's the reason why, is sometimes in Broadway singing we do need to add character to the voice.




4, ビブラートの重要性


Now finally vibrato is an element of a lot of Broadway singing. Pop and rock do not use as much vibrato as say classical, but musical theatre will use more than pop rock and a little bit less than classical.




So it's definitely very present in a lot of musical theatre songs. Especially the more traditional, or as they call it, legit musicals.






Les Mis being a little bit more of a legit musical. We have the song "Stars" and you can hear I'm gonna add some vibrato to it and take it away too. You can hear that Les Mis would be an example of a Broadway show that uses a little bit more vibrato.




“Stars in your multitudes

Scarce to be counted

Filling the darkness

With order and light"






"You are the sentinels

Silent and sure

Keeping watch in the night”




Doesn't sound quite right...






“Keeping watch in the night”




I have to add a little bit of vibrato to make it a legit or more traditional musical theatre sound. So that's another aspect of musical theatre singing. Is it's just a little bit more vibrato than a lot of the contemporary sounds would have.




5, 演技が一番


Now finally, I just want to tell you guys with Broadway singing, acting is number one.




Okay, now obviously we want to have a great voice. But here at New York Vocal Coaching we've had you know plenty of Broadway singers before they made it to Broadway.




Plenty of Broadway singers that are currently on Broadway that come to us to refine their vocal technique or work on some audition that's coming up or work on a role that they're doing.




And what I want to tell you guys, of all the Broadway actors or up-and-coming Broadway actors that I have worked with and that our staff has worked with, is acting is the number one.




In New York and and in the Broadway world you have to make sure that you're telling the story first. I know tons and tons of good singers, great singers actually, that just don't get cast as much as those that bring the acting to the equation with their Broadway singing.




You could actually have a less than perfect voice and be a spectacular actor and get cast far more than somebody with a pristine voice that doesn't know how to act.




So with musical theatre you really want to make sure that no matter what you do, with whatever you're focused on with your musical theatre Broadway sound, you're making acting- storytelling, having objectives, knowing who you're talking to, knowing what you want, knowing what the scene is about, put that as your number one and your Broadway singing is going to go to the next level. Because it's always gonna be your number one.


ですからミュージカルでは、何をやっているとしても、どういうミュージカル、ブロードウェイの声を練習しているとしても - 物語を伝えること、登場人物のこと、誰に話しているのかを知ること、何を求めているのかを知ること、どんなシーンなのかを知ること - といった演技のことを一番に置けば、あなたのブロードウェイの歌い方は次のレベルへとたどり着くことでしょう。これはいつでも、一番大事なことなのですから。




So Thomas and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、トーマスさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていれば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And we just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion. If you guys are doing Broadway singing we just encourage you to get out there do some auditions, get in a lot of shows, expand your repertoire, get with a great voice teacher in your area.




And if you guys are in New York City you can check us out at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はご遠慮ください。

Ep. 35「あごの突き出し」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 35 "Jaw Thrust" - Voice Lessons To The World






Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 35 of Voice Lessons To The World. The show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Max R. in Ontario, Canada.






And Max says, "Dear Justin, I sing with a lot of tension. I have a lot of tension in my sound. What can be done to fix this?"




That's an awesome point, Max. Because all of us, one hundred percent of singers, wrestle with vocal tension.




Now that's a very good job of keeping it real open for me there, Max. Because tension is such a broad term that there's so many different videos that I could do, and I will do, in the future on tension. Because it could be a lot of things.




But today I'm just going to pick one for you guys so we can start to eliminate vocal tension from your sound.






And the one we're going to be talking about today is jaw thrust. There's a tendency among singers, a habit really, of having jaw thrust. It's the following kind of movement, this... [Demonstrates jaw thrust] ...in the singing.




So maybe Max, and all, one of the tensions that you hear and feel is that jaw. Now, the jaw coming forward is going to put a bit of a strain in your sound and you're actually going to really feel it.






So before we talk about how to fix it, let's talk about why one would even do it. Why is there a tension in the jaw? Why does it even happen?






The first reason is because of, perhaps, too much breath. When we don't have our breath support in place, as we've talked about before, there's too much air coming at the vocal cords.




Somebody's got to hold it back. A pretty good one would be the jaw. Of course we don't want it but that's what happens. The jaw comes forward and helps to hold the air in. That's one.






Another thing is compression. Nobody really wants to crack. I've told you why you should be cracking and cracking up a storm.


もう一つはコンプレッションです。声を裏返したい人は誰もいません。なぜ声を裏返すべきかは - なぜそれをとことんやるべきかは - 以前にもお伝えしましたね。


But nobody really wants to and so to increase compression in a way that's not positive one could jut the jaw forward. And that will cause greater compression on the cords. So you crack less but the sound is tight.






The other thing it does is bring up the larynx. We've again talked about how the larynx being high isn't always a bad thing. But if the jaw is the one that's bringing it up, that's of course not a good thing at all.






Then finally, when we sing a higher note the air has got to get into the pharynx and into the head more and out the mouth less.




If we jut the jaw forward, we're going to increase the size of the pharynx, but again, not in a good way, in a way that causes a tension and limitation. So those are the reasons why somebody might have jaw thrust as a part of their singing.






But let's just talk about what we're really looking for when we sing and what we should do with our jaw.




So I want you try something crazy for me. I just want you to pretend you just kind of got a shot of Novocain to the jaw as a lot of voice teachers like to say.




Pretend somebody just gave you a shot of Novocain and I just make this sound for me, just go, duuuh. Try that out... Duuuh.




It's kind of sloppy, it's kind of stupid. I just want, duh. And it's not about the jaw being open per se. It's about it being released. Duh. And so when you feel that sort of idiot kind of feeling, Duh. One more time, try that for me… That's nice.




Then you feel the jaw come down and back and that's the key, down and back. It's kind of like the sensation of having your front teeth more forward than your back teeth.




You don't have to really try to jam it back. That's not really good. But if you just have our sort of idiot sound, duuuh, then you're going to find the correct jaw placement.




And that really goes for all the vowels. We're going to really talk about vowels in the future. But just so that you can see that I can do ah, eh, ee, oh, oo, all with that free, free jaw.




Now if you're getting into, like I say, ah, eh, ee, oh, oo, those sorts of things are really going to put the tension into the sound.






So what we have to do is make sure we're exercising the voice free from that jaw thrust. 






Now a good way to do that is just take a simple H sound. Today we're going to do h-u-h, huh. Which is kind of like duh, but just with the H.




So you're gonna feel like a real loser here. I hope there's nobody else in the room listening to you. I hope you're in the privacy of your own home for this one. But let's try this sound, just again go duh.




And now h-u-h, guys down here. Let's do, “HUH - HUH - HUH - HUH” And then ladies up here. “HUH - HUH - HUH - HUH”




And you can see that I'm sliding my voice. From 1-3, 3-5, 5-3, 3-1. I'm not moving my jaw at all. Look at it one more time before we start. ”HUH - HUH - HUH - HUH” I totally have my duh position. So here we go, let's try it.








Awesome stuff. So, you can feel what it is to have no jaw thrust in your sound. Some of you might need a mirror for that. Because this is another one of those things where it's tough to know that you're doing it.




A lot of times people do “HUH”, And they say no no no, my jaw is down. But really it's not. Sometimes you need to check this one out in the mirror.




But this is another thing too, where if you can do it without the jaw thrust, that's how you know you've got the note.


これもこういう類のことです - あごを突き出さないでできてはじめて、その音が出せるようになったとわかることでしょう。


If you have to jut the jaw, probably you're tensing the larynx, probably you're tensing the cords, and probably you're using too much air. So you might have to go back and examine your breath support as well. That's a good way just to work out the voice.




You can try some other vowels if you want. This is a good way to work out your voice with absolutely no jaw involvement. And that's going to train the good guys and not the bad guys.




And hopefully, Max and all, that will be helpful for you in starting to eliminate some of those elements of tension from your voice.






So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers.  If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていれば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy or that passion. Don't let people tell you that you can't sing. Just keep working hard at it and prove them wrong.




Find a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 34「ピッチ第一主義」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 34 "Pitch On A Pedestal" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 34 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but our question for this week comes from Verena T. in Salzburg, Austria.






And Verena writes, "Dear Justin, I'm not tone-deaf but I have problems staying on pitch. Can you help me?"




Now Verena that's a great question because I'm sure so many singers out there struggle with staying on pitch and so we need to address this.






But I'm not going to address this in the way that you guys probably think. Because there's a tip that I'm about to give you which to me is actually one of the best possible tips that I could ever give away.






Because singers and actually unfortunately even voice teachers make this mistake all the time. And that is putting pitch on the pedestal.




Now obviously I'm not going to have you guys going out there on stage singing way off-key. That's not our goal. But the problem that people have is putting too much emphasis actually on staying on pitch.




Now clearly one of our first steps as a singer is can we just match the pitches, can we stay on pitch. But very soon after that all the way to when you're an advanced elite singer, pitch should not be on the pedestal if your goal is to try to stay on pitch as a singer. That's probably one of the worst possible focuses that you could have.


確かにシンガーにとって最初のステップの一つは、ピッチを合わせられるか、そしてそれを保てるかでしょう。でもそのすぐあとから上級のエリートシンガーに至るまで は - ピッチを保つことを目標にしているのだとしたら - ピッチを一番に置くべきではないのです。これは重点を置く所としては考え得る最悪のことかもしれません。


And that just does not seem intuitive, that does not seem right that I would be saying that to you. That we don't want to value pitch. But today I would like to take pitch off its pedestal for you guys.






Now here's the reason why. If I put technique on the pedestal the pitch will soon follow.


その理由はこれです - もしテクニックを一番に考えれば、ピッチはついて来るのです。


What people do all the time is they're trying to stay on pitch so much, pitch is on the pedestal. So maybe you can get up to the note, maybe you can sing perfectly in tune. But what manipulation did you have to do in your voice to get it on pitch? And that is causing big problems.




So, actually often when we make technique number one in a voice lesson, a lot of times the pitch suffers. Maybe it's flat or sharp.




If I'm making an adjustment to my breathing, to my larynx, to my jaw or tongue, to my resonance, to the vocal cords themselves. If I make one of these adjustments, oftentimes the pitch suffers for a little bit.




Sometimes it's just a couple seconds, sometimes it's a few minutes. Sometimes it might take a few days or a few weeks to try to fix a certain area of your voice that has been manipulated.




But if you've got pitch on the pedestal then you're just manipulating something to get to the note and then you're going to have problems long-term.




If you can be flat and sharp for me, if you can put technique as your number one and risk being flat or sharp, then very soon that pitch will fix itself and then you're going to have perfect technique and be on the right note. That is what we want.






Let me give you a quick song example. If I'm trying to sing "You Raise Me Up" the Josh Groban song. And if I just sing it freely...






“You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas”




Fine. But what if I have a problem that most singers would have up through here...






“You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas”




Now I'm just straining a little bit on purpose so that you can see what I might end up doing if I hadn't coordinated those notes. What if I just took it away? Do that exact same approach, but took it away...






“You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains”




I might go flat. I didn't have all that [tension], so I might be flat. “You raise me up” Whoa.




But very soon by singing free and loose and not pushed, I will get...






“You raise me up

So I can stand on mountains

You rai-

You raise me up

To walk on stormy seas”




I will find the looseness and I will find the pitch and that's what we want.






So I'm going to give you guys a chance right now. I'm going to pick the simplest possible exercise I could ever give you.






It's gonna be one three five three one on a MUM. Just like this... “MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM




We're gonna go up and down. And I don't want you guys to focus on pitch. Even if you have pitch problems.




Verena or anybody, even if you think you have pitch problems you've got my permission. Let's sing wildly flat or sharp, doesn't matter to me.




Probably it won't be, but what I want you guys to focus on is a complete feeling of looseness, breath low, loose jaw, loose tongue, larynx free, resonance up here, all of that good stuff.


ピッチは外れないかもしれませんが、ここで集中してほしいことは - 完全に緩んでいるのを感じること、呼吸は深く、あごと舌は緩み、喉頭は自由に、共鳴は上の方で - といった類の良い感覚です。


I don't care if you're flat or sharp. I just want you to put technique and that free feeling

as your number one. Throw pitch out for now. Pitch will follow, maybe even in this exercise. We'll see.




Guys down here... “MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM” Ladies up here... “MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM - MUM” And here we go!










Awesome job. Way to put technique first. And like I say, the pitches will follow. I'm sure, like I said, you probably were right on most of those.




But when you're doing your exercises, you're not on stage, nobody cares, you're working on technique. You're not working on pitch. Try to be on pitch, but technique is number one, pitch is number two.






Now just real brief, I want to give you some practical ways to really answer your question, Verena.






A couple things I recommend while you're practicing, practice with an instrument. That's going to really help you to stay on pitch. 




If you're just practicing a capella you could go off pitch and not know it. So that's a way to actually fix pitch if that's what you're trying to do.






The other thing is make sure you're recording your voice lessons. If you're just taking the exercises and having your voice teacher work with you and then trying to remember what it was, you may be having pitch problems because you're not listening back to the adjustments that your teacher was making.






The next thing is make sure that you're recording your practices as well. So if you do a practice, listen back. If you had technique as your number one, were you on pitch or weren't you? You can go right back and verify if you are recording what you're doing. 






And then like I said, just be patient with what technique can bring to your pitches. If you make technique your number one I just guarantee the pitches will follow.




But as you're working on this with your teacher and on your own, just make sure you have some way to verify, whether you actually are on pitch so that our final product isn't you guys going out on stage and singing flat and sharp, but perfectly on pitch and with great technique.


ただ、先生とこれに取り組んでいる時も自分で取り組んでいる時も - 最終的にステージ上でフラットしたりシャープしたりせず、素晴らしいテクニックで完璧なピッチを取れるように - ピッチを保てているかどうかは確認ができるようにしてください。




So, Verena and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、ヴェレーナさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion. Don't let people tell you that you can't sing and don't let them tell you that you can't sing on pitch. You know what to do to fix it.




Find a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in New York City, you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 33「舌の引っ込み」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 33 "Tongue Retraction" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 33 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Greg F. in Eugene, Oregon.




And Greg says, "Dear Justin, what do I do about a retracted tongue?"




Whoa! Greg, thank you very much for that great question. And that's a good piece of vocal information. I don't know if a voice teacher gave that to you, if that's something that you figured out on your own, or something that you read, but a retracted tongue that's a great thing to bring up.




So we're gonna be talking about tongue retraction today. In future episodes we'll talk about the tongue in general.




There's a lot of things that we need to discuss about the tongue. It can really get in the way of your singing if you don't know what to do with it.




But tongue retraction is one big element of the tongue problems that people sometimes have with their singing. And it sounds like that's what you're having a problem with, Greg.






So, what is tongue retraction? Tongue retraction is when the tongue retracts back like this... in your singing.




Now you may not be aware that you're doing this. But many, many singers do without their knowledge. It's just that pull back.






Now why would they do it? That's the question. Why is this a common vocal tension

and why is this a big limitation?




The reason it's common is the tongue and the larynx are interwoven, they're right next door to each other.






So when the tongue retracts backwards it stabilizes the larynx. Perhaps it lowers it, perhaps it holds it in place, but that backwards tongue movement causes a laryngeal stability. It causes the larynx to stay where you told it to be.




Now that's a cheat and that causes a big limitation because then your tongue is tight.




But also, then your larynx isn't learning the skills on its own that it needs to because the tongue is always jamming it around. That's what tongue retraction is.




Now here's some of the things that it kind of can cause. I'm going to do some song examples for you so you can hear it. But then we're going to do an exercise to work on fixing it a little bit later.






Now I'm going to start with a more classical sound. The reason why is a lot of people that have had classical training tend to have this tongue retraction.




Not always but a lot of times because if your teacher is always telling you to lower the larynx. And that's not a bad thing, we do need to be able to sing with a low larynx.




But if it's all low larynx, low larynx, low larynx all day long, probably what's going to start to happen is the tongue will retract so that you get more and more and more low larynx and it becomes too much because the tongue is in the way.






Let me show you what I mean in a song called "Lonely House”. This is by Kurt Weill. I'm going to do a really retracted tongue sound.






“Lonely house, Lonely me”




Now I have a lot of space there but I'm also retracting my tongue. “Lonely me”




I'm not doing... “EE” I still have a low larynx there. I'm not doing... “EE” but “EE” With my larynx down and tongue up. “EE” There, I've just gone too far.






So you can take a listen... “Lonely house, Lonely me” That's with my tongue forward, still a classical sound.







“Lonely house, Lonely me”




I might be doing that- that's the retracted sound again- to try to get more space. But again, you can hear that's too much space for my sound. The tongue is in the way.






Now what if we went to a more rock example. I'm gonna pick something again with some E vowels in it "Let It Be" by The Beatles.




There's a little bit of a different issue in pop music. You're not going to get that [retracted tongue] sound with the tongue. But I might do something like this...






“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be”




Now that's the retracted sound. You probably couldn't quite tell at first but I'm going to explain this to you. Here's my tongue forward...






“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be”






“Let it be”

“Let it be”

“Let it be”




Did you hear it? It's more subtle in pop, but it still happens. I'm having to spread, we talked about that last time, I'm having to spread to compensate for the fact that my tongue is back here... “EE” So I have to go... “EE” But my tongue is still back.




But if it was just EE to begin with I'd get what I want.




“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me”





“When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me”




You can hear me go back and forth between the retracted and the forward. Now, again this is an example.






Justin, why would anybody do that? But if you listen carefully to your recordings of yourself you might hear some of those sounds happen and it might be because of the tongue retraction.




Classical singers, musical theater, rock, anywhere in between, tons of tongue retraction stabilizing the larynx.






Now what can we do to fix it? I'm going to give you an exercise right here. The E vowel is a great vowel, period. Everybody loves the E vowel. It's fantastic in so many ways. We're going to get to that in the future.




But can you do a good one, that's the question. If you can, awesomeness ensues in your voice. If you can't, big trouble happens.




So just being able to do a good E vowel, and I'm also going to give you a K, this stuff will help you to keep your tongue forward.






So doing an exercise like “Ke-Ke-Ke” makes it very difficult to cheat the larynx back and down with the tongue.




So we're going to do “Ke-Ke-Ke” together. Just so you can get a feeling of what it feels like to really have that tongue nice and tall and forward and not retracted. Right.




Now watch out for things like this... You can still cheat. “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” I could still do it. So I really need “Ke-Ke-Ke” right up front.




Now you can do this with a low larynx, a middle larynx, or more of a pop higher larynx.

Doesn't matter to me, just as long as these are just solid E vowels.




So we're gonna have these, guy's down here... “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” And ladies up here... “Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke” And let's just have that nice forward tall tongue together, not retracting.








Great stuff. So, just keeping that tongue, nice and tall, nice and forward. It's a harder skill than you'd think.




I want you guys watching out for that in your technique exercises, in your song work. You should never really have your tongue jamming back like that. That's only going to cause limitations that don't let your voice grow.






So, Greg and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、グレッグさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lost that joy, don't lose that passion. Get with a great voice teacher in your area. If you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。もしニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 32「口幅を広げること」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 32 "Spreading" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 32 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Ralph W. in Fiesole, Italy. 




And Ralph writes, "Dear Justin, my choir director tells me to not spread. 'Don't spread the sound' he says. What does this mean and is this something that I need to avoid as a singer?"




Now that's an awesome question, Ralph. And I want to just say spreading, as you're talking about here, is one of the great plagues of all singers.




Spreading is something that most singers struggle with at least to some extent. And it's definitely something to eliminate from your voice, or at least know how to. Because it's really gonna put limits on your upper range, and just your tone in general.




So we definitely want to talk about spreading and how to work through that as singers. 






First thing we'll say though is what is it, what is spreading?




So spreading is essentially moving the lip corners this way, out horizontally or wide, widening the sound, opening the mouth more this way. Especially as you go up for high notes. But just basically all through your range you could spread.






Now what this widening does is it does bring the air more out the mouth. Air out the mouth isn't always bad, but in this case it probably is.






It also is gonna raise the larynx up and put pressure on the cords. Raising the larynx, not always bad. Pressure on the cords, not always bad. But in this case, probably bad.






Now you know me, I don't like to say in Voice Land that anything is bad. We can use a lot of stuff that people usually call bad, for vocal good if we know what we're doing.




But spreading is something that is actually, usually, (between you and me) not a good idea.




Alright. In later videos I will show you how spreading can be used positively. But most of the time you want to be able to do your sound without spreading out the tone.






Now I'm going to just show you what I mean in a song example. And later we're gonna do an exercise. This is, "Why God Why" from Miss Saigon.




And I'm gonna do it first just without any spread at all, so you can hear what that would be and then I'll show you what spreading would sound like after that. So here's without a spread...






“Why God

What's your plan

I can't help her

No one can

I liked my memories as they were

But now I'll leave remembering her”




Now that's without a spread, but if I start spreading some of those high notes which is the tendency, some crazy stuff happens. I probably get...






“Why God” And that AH, that spread of the tone makes it more mouthy, makes the larynx come up, and in some ways it makes it easier.




But in other ways it puts more pressure on the cords and that's why it causes the limitation. It's using a pressure that we don't want, to get the notes.




So in that high section too...

“I liked my memories as they were

But now I'll leave remembering her”

I don't want to spread things out as I'm hitting that note.





“Remembering her”

I'm going to get it more in my head by not spreading.

So you see what that does in a song to my sound.






Now you might think “Well, why would you even have spread in the first place, Justin, when the other sounds so much better?”




Honestly most people are spreading, especially when you're training your voice,

they are spreading to go higher and they don't even know it.






So now we're going to get to some exercises to help you guys get through the spreading plague that tends to happen.






So first I just want you to feel this in your speaking voice. I'm just gonna say, in my own voice, “Hello my name is Justin.” And now try that using your own name. Here you go... And that's just a neutral mouth position.


まず最初に話し声でこれを感じてほしいのです。単に “Hello my name is Justin.” と言ってみましょう。あなたの名前を使ってやってみてください。どうぞ… これが自然な口のポジションです。


Now actually pucker your lips and say, “Hello my name is Justin.” Try it... Nice.


次に口をすぼめて、“Hello my name is Justin.” やってみましょう。いいですね。


Now I'd like you to spread. “Hello my name is Justin.” Great.


では広げてみてください。“Hello my name is Justin.” 素晴らしい。


And so what you see there is, as you move your mouth position, it changes the acoustics, it changes the resonance of your voice. But the spreadier one tends to be a lifty-er, squeezier, one that causes the problem.




Now I could eliminate it, I could do, “Hello my name is Justin.” but I have to really think about that to make that happen. It's not what it tends to do.


このままその傾向だけを消すこともできますが…(口幅を広げたまま、声だけを口をすぼめた時のように)“Hello my name is Justin.” これをするにはすごく考えないといけません。普通こうはならないものです。




So we're gonna do an exercise now, just a simple MA MA MA, alright? To see if you guys can feel what it is to go up in pitch and don't spread it out. Right?




Now you might need a mirror when you're practicing this. Because again, like I say, a lot of people don't know that they're spreading.




You sometimes have to see it to believe it. But this is the exercise. Guys will be down here... “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” And ladies up here... “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA “




And what we don't want is, of course, “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” [ Spreads ]

but “MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA - MA” Keep it inside and neutral as you go higher.

So here we go together...








Fantastic work. So that's great. So you felt what it was to go up higher without spreading things out.




まずはテクニックを、 パワーはあとから


Now some of you might have cracked to head voice or to falsetto at some point. That's fine. That's actually the thing that people are trying to eliminate with this.




But what I'm saying to you today is, as you go up in pitch if you have the note only with a spread, you really don't have the note. You need to be able to do every note in your range without changing the shape of it first.




Later, like I said, we might change it. But first you've got to be able to do it neutral. If you can do it neutral you have the note. If you spread it, you cheated it. And that's what's causing the problem.






So, Ralph and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、ラルフさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion. Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in New York City you can check us out at: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。それかニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 31「スタイルの変え方」【VLTTW翻訳】

Ep. 31 "Changing Your Style" - Voice Lessons To The World





Hi everybody. My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to Episode 31 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Mayra C. in Sao Paolo, Brazil.




And Mayra says, "Dear Justin, I really like your videos. They've expanded my thinking on vocal technique. I've been singing for a long time, but everything I sing sounds the same. I'd really like to change my style, but I don't know how to do it. Can you help?"




Now Mayra that's an awesome question. And I really appreciate your kind words, as well as that question about changing style.




I think so many of us want to do more than one style, and you guys know that I'm very big on us all being able to do a multitude of styles.




But for your question, “How do we change our style if we've been locked into one thing? How can we get out of that one style that we've been doing?" It's a great question.




But the first thing we're going to talk about is being open to other artists. So you need to be able to get lots of sounds in your ears to be able to change your style.




It's great to have a few artists that you always listen to that you're inspired by. But one thing that if you want to stretch past your comfort zone and really change your style, is you're going to have to get those other artists in your ear.




Maybe you always listen to R&B. That's great. But can you expand your listening to some things that you wouldn't maybe think that you would like. Maybe some opera, maybe some jazz, maybe some gospel, maybe some rock.




No matter what you listen to a lot, go ahead and challenge yourself to listen to something that you think that you don't like.




Maybe some people think that they hate country, and actually when they start listening to it they say, "Hey, maybe that's not so bad after all, and maybe there's some ways I can use those sounds in my style, even though it's very, very different."




So get other artists in your ear. Part of the reason why that's true, is that there are no original artists. Now that's kind of facetious. But truly there is no such thing as an original artist.




The only real original artists were the person that was in the woods one day and found a big rock and a couple of sticks and started hitting that rock and said, "Oh that's rhythm! Well that sounds pretty good." That's an original artist.




Maybe another person picked up a stick in the woods and hollowed it out and blew in it and it made a couple notes and they said, "Oh! Music!" Now those are original artists.




But everybody else since then has been somewhat inspired by the past. Every generation builds on itself. Every generation inspires the next. Nobody can actually do something truly unique. Nor should they really try. Because everybody is really influenced by the past and that's not a bad thing.




What you want to do, is not try to create something that's truly different, but to take artists and take sounds and expand on them in your own way, and that will truly change your style and make you a unique artist.




But you don't want to try to reinvent the wheel. Everybody's inspired by the past. So go ahead and quote/unquote "steal from the best." Make sure you've got lots of artists in your ear so that you can be influenced and inspired by those artists and take that and make something new.




Now the next thing I want to do is be open to other styles. And the reason why is because styles are now becoming very cross pollinated.




If you hear an R&B song it might have some rock sounds in it, some pop, maybe some jazz. There's a lot of crossover. Musical theater, a lot of the Broadway shows are using pop and rock sounds. It's a little bit less of the traditional, it's a little bit more of the contemporary although they're not losing the traditional either.




Classical singers are known to do a lot of crossover work. It could be an opera singer that releases a pop or musical theater or jazz album. There's a lot of ways that styles merge.




So if you're open-minded to a lot of different styles then you're really going to be able to incorporate that into your sound.




Now next, I want to talk about being open to the larynx. Because those things I mentioned so far, are a little bit more of practical tasks for you guys in order to be able to expand your style.




But there's some technical things as well. And as we've talked about in the past, the larynx is a style changer. It could be many other things. But mostly, if you're going to be adjusting the larynx position purposefully, that's going to be one of your key technical skills for changing your style.




Now again, the neutral larynx is our ultimate larynx. That does the freest, healthiest, best things. But, it's not bad or wrong or unhealthy to do other kinds of things.




Again we don't want to slam the larynx up or jam it down. But there's different gradations of larynx height that determine your style.




Pop rock contemporary music is going to be a little bit of a higher larynx than say a classical singer who's going to use a little bit of a lower, deeper larynx and a more open pharynx. These are just differences. They're not good or bad.




But you guys need to be able to mess with your laryngeal position, if you're going to do a multitude of styles. Now by just singing lots of songs you're probably going to get that down.




But I just want to inspire you guys to do a little bit of that in your practicing. Let me give you an example of what I mean by that.




Let's say I have an e vowel. I could just say, "E," but I could also perhaps do an, "E," or maybe, "E," or perhaps "E" or "E." There's a ton of "Es" that I could do. None of them are right or wrong. They're just different.




So depending on what I'm working on in my practice, I might choose a different thing to focus on from trying to change my style.


練習の中で何を鍛えているのかによって - スタイルを変えようとして - 集中することが異なるかもしれません。


So if I just had any old exercise, the simplest possible thing I could do, and I did, "me me me me me..." I'm going for a plain sound. Plain, "me me me me me me me me me me..." It's fine. It's just a plain old sound.




But what if I am working on a little bit of a lower larynx? Then I might try, "me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me..." I'm experimenting with some depth.




Or what if I'm trying to work on a little bit of my breathiness? And a little bit of a higher larynx position, "me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me..." I can manipulate not only the larynx height, but kind of the style of my exercises.




So don't just do your exercises in one way. Figure out some different sounds that you're working on. Maybe you need a teacher to help you, or maybe these videos help you. But you need to be able to do your exercises in more than one way. 




So be conscious of what you're going for when you're doing your exercises and know that there's adjustments that you can make that will facilitate that style.




And then finally, I want you guys to be open to yourself. Changing your style is great. I definitely want you to be experimenting with lots of listening, with lots of trying of different song styles and variations of your technique. But don't be afraid to be yourself. 




A lot of times people say I got to change my style because I just don't sound right. But really sometimes that's just because we're judging our own voice too much.




I do tell you to steal from the best. I did tell you to be inspired by other artists. But what I don't want you guys trying to do is sound like other people. You should be inspired by them but don't try to change your style so that you can sound different from yourself.




Your voice will always be the best voice. Maybe it's not as big as somebody else's voice. Maybe it's not as high and flexible as somebody else's voice. That's fine.




You don't need to change your voice to be somebody else. You just need to open up your stylistic possibilities. But never lose sight of being yourself when you sing. A sound that sounds like you will always be better than a sound that sounds like somebody else.




Be inspired by the style, but make sure that whatever you do (whatever larynx position, whatever style that you're working on), it still is a version of yourself. That's always going to serve you the best.


スタイルからヒントを得てください。でも、何をしているにしても - どの喉頭のポジションでも、どんなスタイルを練習しているとしても - それは自分自身のあり方の一つです。いつでもこういう捉え方すれば、きっとそれが役に立つでしょう。


So Myra and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys as singers today. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to: Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com


というわけで、マイラさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立っていればと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


And we just encourage you not to lose that joy, don't lose that passion... Keep messing with different styles. Keep messing with different kinds of technique for your voice. It's going to open up a lot of possibilities for you.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area to help you. Or if you guys are in New York City you can check us out: www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れたヴォイスティーチャーに付きましょう。それかニューヨークにいるのなら www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。


And if you like these videos you can visit: www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたなら、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳はJustin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。