Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 63「ヘッドヴォイスのパワー!」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード63「ヘッドヴォイスのパワー!」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 63 "Head Voice POWER!" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 63 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Allison C. in Walnut Creek, California.




And Allison writes, "Dear Justin, my belt and my chest voice and mix are very strong but my head voice is very weak. I can't sing legit or classical songs because my head voice is always so thin. Can I make my head voice powerful like my chest voice?




It's a fantastic question Allison, and that's really true. So many of us are working on the connected registers to get them power and tone, but what about the disconnected registers? These ones up here, can those be strong as well? And absolutely they can.


素晴らしい質問ですよ、アリソンさん。本当ですよね。繋がった声区* のパワーや声質に取り組んでいる人は多いですが、繋がっていない声区* についてはどうでしょうか?(裏声で)上の方のこの声も強くできるんでしょうか?ええ、もちろんできますよ。




So today we're gonna learn how to get some more power into your head voice.




1. ヘッドヴォイスとは?


But first we need to talk about some terms. What is head voice?






Now I know we've talked about this a little bit in the past. The thing to keep in mind is that terminology is very different depending on which teacher you talk to, which school, which method, there's no standard in the voice.




So people use a lot of different words to describe the same thing. And that can be very confusing for singers. So just know that the terms really vary. It doesn't really matter as long as we're using the same language for what we're talking about.






So today what we're gonna say is that a female head voice is essentially the same thing as a male falsetto. That's typically what we're saying.




When the female voice disconnects it goes into head voice. Same thing when the male voice disconnects it goes into falsetto. Actually, a male head voice is kind of a mix, but a female head voice is very much like a male falsetto.




So those are the words that we're gonna be using today. We're going to have an episode basically that helps females get a stronger head voice and males get a stronger falsetto. It's gonna be about the equivalent.




2. どうやって力強くするの?


So then how do we get a stronger head voice if we're a female and a stronger falsetto if we're a male? Here's some really great tips, I think, to help you guys get some more strength in that register.






First of all, we need to be able to lower the larynx, right? We know that lots of different larynx positions are effective for great vocal technique. But a low larynx invites more possibility for power into the voice. So we need to be able to lower the larynx.




Remember, a high larynx is a kind of brighter, squeezier sound, perhaps. Right? And we can use that larynx. A neutral larynx, is very much like my speaking voice. It's natural. And a low larynx is a little bit looser and a little bit deeper, right?




So, high larynx. [Demonstrates high larynx] Neutral larynx. [Demonstrates neutral larynx] Low larynx. [Demonstrates low larynx]




We have to be able to do a low larynx sound in order to invite more power up into those coordinations. That's one thing.






Next thing is the jaw. We need to make sure that we don't have thrust, or a hole to the jaw or too small of a jaw position, or just overall jaw tension when we're singing. So we have to be able to loosen. Later we're gonna do an exercise to help you with all of these things.






You're also gonna need great breath support in order to get power. We can't be blasting the cords. They won't be able to withstand it.




So you can't be breathing like this. [Exhales] Or have too much slam from down here. [Exhales] We have to have control, breath support, alright - holding the air back with the body.




Breathing and then keeping the air somewhat in the body, that creates subglottic pressure which will help you to be strong up top.






And then finally we need to make sure that you guys are bold. Right?




A lot of times, and it doesn't matter whether it's chest voice or the head voice power that we're talking about today, there's a lack of energy. Not breath, but energy. Commitment, boldness, willingness to make a big or perhaps ugly sound. Right?




If you're always trying for perfection, you're always trying to place it and make a perfect sound, you're never going to be able to develop power in your voice. There's a certain sense of going for it that you're going to need in order to be powerful up here.




Again, later we're gonna do an exercise so that you guys can practice. But know that you can't hold back, you can't judge your sound too much, if you want to develop strength to the voice. You have to be willing to make a mistake and also to let it out.




3. 曲例:「ユール・ネヴァー・ウォーク・アローン」


So we're going to work on that later, but let me first show you in a song what a powerful head voice or a powerful falsetto would be in comparison to the thinner one. And then we're gonna try practicing getting some strength for you guys.




So this is, 'You'll Never Walk Alone" by Rodgers & Hammerstein. And this is really a female classical or traditional musical theater song. But I'm going to show you how it sounds to have some strength and power up into those registers of the voice.




“Walk on, walk on

With hope in your heart

And you’ll never walk alone

You’ll never walk alone”




So that's the sound of my falsetto or, if you're a female, your head voice, with some strong rich tone even though it's in a disconnected register.




Okay, now if I let my voice do some of the things that we talked about, if I have poor breath support, a high larynx, and a lack of boldness, I could get... [Song] Right? And it instantly loses its.... [Song] that I'm getting from all of those qualities.


仮に今回話したような、息の支えがなく、喉頭が高く、大胆さがかけた声で歌うと… (歌・弱々しい声で)こんなふうになってしまいますよね。とたんに(歌・力強い声で)という、力強さの性質すべてを失ってしまいます。




So now we're ready for an exercise. And when you guys do it, let's remember the qualities that we talked about, right. Low larynx, loose dropped jaw, boldness in the sound and good breath support.




The exercise that we're gonna do today, we're not gonna have guys down here, ladies up here. We're gonna have guys and ladies in the same register. And we're gonna do H-W-A-W. HWAW! Okay, so say that for me, H-W-A-W, HWAW. That's fantastic.






So now we're gonna do a 1-5-1 on HWAW, starting right here, “HWAW.” And remember, as we go up, we're dragging that power so don't let it go to a thinner register on top. Stay buff. (Exercise)




Okay, fantastic stuff! So that exercise hopefully helps you guys to drag some more power up into falsetto if you're a male and head voice if you're a female. So you can start developing that extra power on top that you'll love to have for your voice.






So Alison and all, I hope that that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、アリソンさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion. Don't let people tell you that you can't sing. You and I both know that is not true. Keep working hard on your voice every day. Whether it's the chest voice or the head voice coordinations, work everything.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in the New York City area or you want to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の優れた先生に就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたい方は、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


And if you like these videos, I encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad, and hopefully more in the future. A lot of great resources, tips, articles, videos, so many things there. Free stuff to help you guys grow as singers. So you can download that app or visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、無料のアプリをぜひダウンロードしてみてください。iPhone/iPad専用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。教材、歌のコツ、記事、動画など、盛りだくさんの内容でシンガーのみなさんの成長を応援しています。このアプリをダウンロードするか、 www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 62「息が切れてしまう!」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード62「息が切れてしまう!」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 62 "Running Out Of Breath" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 62 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Alex K. in Yangon, Myanmar.




And Alex writes, "Dear Justin, I'm always running out of breath when I sing. Is there something I can do to not run out of breath so fast and so often?"




Now Alex, that's a spectacular question. Because so many singers are struggling with this issue of running out of breath too fast.




Now today we're going to talk about why that happens and how to fix it. We're going to look at a song and also give you a great and very challenging exercise to help you to fix this problem.




1. 息が切れてしまう原因


But, first of all, running out of breath is not what you'd expect. Most of the time we think, “I’m running out of breath because I don't have enough. I don't have enough air.”




But actually, as you guys are going to see, it's not so much about how much air you have. Usually, as a singer, taking more air is a mistake. It makes singing harder.


ただ、実際は - このあとわかることですが - 息をどれだけ吸っているかとはあまり関係がないのです。たいていの場合、シンガーにとって、より多く息を吸うことは間違いです。歌うことをより難しくしてしまいます。


What we want to do is make the breath that you have more efficient. So that's what we're going to be talking about today as we discover how to not run out of breath.




So, why do we run out of breath? A couple reasons.






First of all, it might be our breath support. Maybe we're slamming the air out from taking a high breath and then slamming [Exhales] that air. I'm going to run out super fast.




But it's not just from the high breath that we don't want. Even our small, simple, low breath, we could still slam it. [Exhales] Or still slam it... [Exhales] Right?




So good breath support is maintaining the air that you take. You don't need a lot, but what air you take - make sure you're keeping it in the body and not letting it out too fast. So that's one thing.






The next thing that might surprise you is larynx position. If you're singing with too low of a larynx, you're going to run out of breath more quickly.




That's right. A low larynx causes air to get through quicker. Whereas a high larynx causes it to get through less quickly.




Now I know so many of you are working on your low larynx situations. This is positive. I don't want you to stop. It's hard to keep the larynx neutral or low. So, do practice that and do have that in your technique.




But also be careful. If you're singing with too low of a larynx for the situation, you're going to run out of breath more quickly.






A related topic is compression. How tight are the vocal cords?




And I don't mean strained, but if you're singing breathily, you are leaking more air through the vocal cords. A breathy sound is more leaky than a nice, clean, solid sound. 




So, there's nothing wrong with breathiness as we know. But if you're using a breathy sound you should know that the air is getting through more quickly. And you're going to lose it faster than in your clean sound.






Next is your mouth position and also your volume. If you're singing with a mouthy, loud situation you're using more air. More is getting out the front and more is getting out because you're getting louder.




So situations where you're opening the front and using force out the front, that will also cause you to run out of breath too quickly.




So those are some reasons that people are running out of air too fast.




2. 曲例:ジェローム・カーンの「オール・ザ・シングス・ユー・アー」


Now today we're going to look at a song called "All The Things You Are". It's a classic jazz song from the Jazz era by Jerome Kern.




And I picked this song because it has super long phrases - phrases that one could easily run out of breath very quickly on.




So we're going to look at this song called "All The Things You Are"




“You are the promised kiss of springtime

That makes the lonely winter seem long

You are the breathless hush of evening

That trembles on the brink of a lovely song”




Now I made it through those long beautiful phrases that Jerome Kern wrote.




3. どうすればいいの?


But what if I start messing with some of these things that we talked about today? 






What if I let my breath support go out the window and I start slamming the air?




“You are the promised kiss of springtime

That makes the lonely winter s…” [Coughs]




I couldn't quite make it with poor breath support.






Now what if I decide to take too low of a larynx position? 




“You are the promised kiss of springtime

That makes…” [Coughs]




Again, I can't make it with such a low larynx.






What about another option? What if my cords are too breathy?




“You are the promise kiss of springtime

That makes the lonely winter…” [Coughs]




Oh man. I couldn't do it there either with breathy cords.






And then finally what about a wide production?




“You are the promise kiss of springtime

That makes the lonely winter seem long.”




Phew! A little better because my larynx came up a little bit. However, still, that loud mouthy production I can't make it through like I could with my neutral, controlled, supported production that I started with.




So that's an application of some of the reasons why people run out of breath, to a sum.






So, just to recap these because we're about to apply it to an awesome exercise -




We want to have good breath support. You can go back to episodes like the "Hiss Contest", to work on your breath support.




Larynx position that's not too low. There's been many episodes we've done on the larynx so you can find different larynx positions. Find the right one for the song that you're doing.




Compression, we've also talked about this. Make sure that your voice is stronger rather than weaker and breathier if you're trying to not leak air.




And then finally we know all about spreading as well. You can go back and look at videos on that, too. We don't want to be spreading the front. It's one of the worst habits that singers have. We want a nice narrow production.




4. エクササイズ:スーパー・ロング・スケール!


So today we're going to create an exercise for you that incorporates all of those together - neutral, solid, narrow, and supported. This is going to be awesome and also tough.




We're going to do a super long scale on an M-E-M, MEM, five times in a row. Check this out. “MEM - MEM - MEM…”




So that's five in a row on MEM. So guys are going to be down here. “MEM - MEM - MEM…” And ladies up here. “MEM - MEM - MEM…” And here we go together! [Exercise]




Awesome work, that was a fight! Good for you guys who hung in there for seven on the last one just for a little extra challenge. This is great and this is some awesome work for extending the time period that you can hold your phrases and not run out of breath.






So, Alex and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you guys have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、アレックスさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんに役立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


And so we just encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing because you and I both know that is absolutely false, not true. You can do it. Just keep working hard on your voice.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area, or if you guys are in the New York City area, or if you want to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの地域の素晴らしい先生に就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプしたい方は、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。


And if you like these videos, I just encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad, and hopefully more in the future. A lot of free resources, tips, articles, great things to help you guys to grow as singers. Or you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、無料のアプリをぜひダウンロードしてみてくださいね。iPhone/iPad専用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。教材や、歌のコツ、記事など、盛りだくさんの内容でシンガーのみなさんを応援しています。それか www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 61「広母音『オウ』」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード61「広母音『オウ』」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 61 "The Open "Oh" Vowel" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 61 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Rodrigo C. in Valencia Spain.




And Rodrigo writes simply, "Dear Justin, more vowel videos please!"




Thank you so much, Rodrigo, for that. And I suppose what that means is that today I get the choice of what vowel we're going to work on. So I chose for us today the open Oh vowel.


ありがとうございます、ロドリゴさん。今回どの母音に取り組むかは私が選んでいいということですよね。というわけで、今回は広母音の「オウ* 」を選びました。


*訳注:一般的に英語の “Oh” はカタカナだと「オー」と書きますが、後述のように今回は主に英語の二重母音である “Oh” を扱っているので、一部「オウ」と表記しています。


1. 「オー・マイ!」「オウ」の特徴


So first, we're going to start off with this such an important vowel with "Oh My" - the Characteristics of Oh. The characteristics of Oh are so, so important to get right.






In American English, at least, we have Oh actually as two sounds. It's a diphthong. We talked about diphthongs in the past.




So an American Oh vowel would be O plus U, O-oo. So we really have two vowel sounds for our Oh vowel.






But in other languages, say Italian, the Oh vowel is O. And many languages have the O vowel. So it could be O-oo or O or some other variations. But in any case we need to get the Oh vowel right when we sing.






Now the Oh vowel is not just a diphthong in some and a pure vowel in others. In all languages an O vowel is a round vowel or a dark vowel.




So a bright vowel would be something like an AY vowel or maybe an E vowel. And a dark vowel would be something like O, or maybe OO, or for example UH. But O is one of our darker vowels.


明るい母音と言ったら「エイ」や「イー」などで、暗い母音と言ったら「オウ」や「ウー」あるいは「ウ* 」などです。「オ」は暗い母音の一つですね。




So today we're going to be discussing what are some of the problems of Oh, what are some of the benefits of Oh. We're going to look at a song and I'm going to give you some exercises to practice working on your Oh vowel.




2. 「オー・ノー!」「オウ」の問題点


So, let's first talk about “Oh no”: the Problems of the Oh vowel.






Some of the problems that I see with the Oh vowel are, first of all, that people don't use their lips enough when they do the Oh vowel.




Oh is Oh. You have to use your lips to do the Oh. If I don't use my lips at all, which is sometimes very common, I'm gonna have to use something else.




Watch. “Oh, oh.” I can still make Oh. “Oh, oh.” But now my tongue is having to pull back to make that Oh sound. We don't want that tongue retraction. So we need to get the lips busy. “Oh, oh.” You have to get some lip involvement in your Oh vowel.




So that's one problem is that the lips are too slack and they're not active enough in the production of the Oh.






Another problem is that tongue retraction. If the tongue is pulling back and jamming back for your O, O, that is going to cause some problems with the larynx. It's going to be stabilized by the tongue. And we don't want the tongue interfering with the larynx.




So, not enough lip involvement and too retracted of a tongue.






The other thing is this dark vowel, that Oh tends to be, can cause us to not have enough nasal resonance.




Sometimes when people have a dark round vowel, they forget to add their nasal resonance. And the sound gets buried and gets too deep and lacks that ring and that shine that we love in the voice.






The other thing is that the larynx sometimes can get shoved down and can stay too deep, too dark, when we're doing Oh. So “O, O” could get a little bit too depressed or down with the larynx.




So those are some of the problems with the Oh - some of the limitations.




3. 「オー・イエス!」「オウ」の利点


Now let's talk about “Oh yes”: some of the Benefits of the Oh vowel. The benefits of the Oh vowel are many.






First of all, we just talked about that larynx being too far down. Well, what if your problem is that your larynx is too far up? Right?




A lot of people have that squeezed, high larynx. The Oh vowel could really help us get a darker, deeper, rounder larynx. Right?




So if your sound is too bright, too high of a larynx, too squeezed, the Oh vowel is going to help you find a little bit more neutral or low larynx.






Another common issue people have is, of course, spreading. And hopefully - we're going to look at this in a second with a song - hopefully you're not singing Oh, but you're singing Oh. And the Oh, vocalizing on that can help prevent the spread.






Finally, we also know that we don't want jaw thrust. And an Oh is particularly good at getting that down and back position of the jaw, alright. So we don't have this, but we have Oh with the backwards, down jaw.




So those are a lot of the benefits that we have from doing the Oh vowel and doing it right.




4. 「オーケイ!」曲例はアナ雪から「レット・イット・ゴー」


So now, “Okay!” We're going to be looking at a song.




And today we're going to be working on "Let It Go" from the movie musical Frozen. I think I've heard this song about a billion times by now because so many of our young ladies here in New York and also over Skype are wanting to sing this very, very difficult song. It goes very high up into the female belt range. But it has a lot of Oh vowels which can be a challenge.




So I thought we would look at "Let It Go" from Frozen today. So this is "Let It Go". (Song)




Now you can see that I kept the roundness of the Oh even way up there in a high belt. I didn't have to spread it out, sort of like, “Let it go” Right? I didn't have to open and widen to hit the note. I could keep the roundness of the Oh even in the belting. “Let it go” Right? I can keep that roundness.




Now that's not even the highest part. The highest part also has an Oh vowel up there. It's “I don’t care what they’re going to say”




Now you can hear that up there and that's a high E flat in a belt. I didn't have to do "gah", I did "go", right? “Going to say, let the storm rage on, the cold never bother me anyway.”




So there you see that you can keep the roundness, the true purity of the Oh vowel even if you're belting sky, sky high. So that's a little bit of application of that Oh vowel to a high belt.




5. 「オー・イエス!」「ムウォーム」でエクササイズ


So now, “Oh yes!” We're going to do an exercise to help you guys master that Oh vowel in your technique.




So the exercise is going to be M-W-O-H-M, MWOHM. Okay? So that W sound in the front is going to round the lip corners. The M is going to bring the sound up into the nasal resonance. And then we're going to keep that nice round Oh vowel.




So, MWHOM. Try that with me.  MWOHM. So nice. Keeping that roundness, I love it. 




So we're going to do a pattern, 1-3-5-5-5-3-1. “MWOHM, MWOHM, MWOHM…” And you’re going to keep that round Oh the entire time.




So guys are going to be down here. “MWOHM, MWOHM, MWOHM…” Ladies up here.

“MWOHM, MWOHM, MWOHM…” And here we go together! (Exercise)










So, Rodrigo and all, I hope that that gives you some great insights into this Oh vowel, this open Oh vowel, and what you need to do with it. Now you've got a great exercise to practice and lots of great concepts for keeping a truly great Oh vowel in your singing.




If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてください。


So I just encourage you don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion. If you've got people that tell you you can't sing or you shouldn't sing, let it go. Just like the song says, right? Because we know that's not true. We know that if you keep working hard at your voice every day, you will get where you want to be.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。「ヘタクソ!」とか「歌うな!」などと言ってくる人がいても、放っておきましょう。今回の曲の歌詞のようにね* 。そんな人の言うことは正しくありませんから。毎日しっかり声の練習をし続ければ、行きたいところまでたどり着けることでしょう。




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in the New York City area you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com. Or we also do Skype with students from all around the world.


あなたの地域の素晴らしい先生に就きましょう。ニューヨークでレッスンを受けたければ、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。スカイプでも世界中の生徒さんを見ていますよ。


And if you like these videos I really encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad, and hopefully more in the future. Or you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、ぜひ無料のアプリをダウンロードしてみてくださいね。iPhone/iPad専用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。それか www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.












※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 60「軟口蓋 - リングの帰還」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード60「軟口蓋 - リングの帰還」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 60 "The Soft Palate - The Return of The Ring" - Voice Lessons To The World

エピソード60「軟口蓋 - リングの帰還」






Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 60 of Voice Lessons To The World. Today we're going to be talking about raising the soft palate. Oh! [Freaky noises] Sorry about that.






Uh, anyway, today's question comes from Mariella C. in Buenos Aires, Argentina.




And Mariella writes, "Dear Justin, my voice teacher says I need to raise the soft palate in order to hit higher notes. Is this true?"




Well, Mariella, I do have some thoughts on this particular topic. But the answer is so important that it's truly epic.


マリエラさん… このトピックに関しては考えがあります。この答えはとても重要で、本当に注目すべき、壮大なものなのです…


リングの帰還 - シーン1


The world has changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is now lost, for few now live who remember it. It began with the forging of the great vocal technique.




Techniques passed down by voice teachers - immortal, wisest, and fairest of all beings. Pedagogues who knew the value of nasal resonance and ring. One ring to rule them all. [Voice echoes]




History became legend, legend became myth, and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. For the hearts of voice teachers are easily corrupted. For voice teachers above all else desire power.




And thus something happened that the ring did not intend. In the back of the pharynx, in the pillars of the fauces, the soft palate forged in secret a master plan to rise up.




Blocking the nasal cavity, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all voices. One by one the free and healthy voices of the earth fell victim to power instead of ring. And for two and a half ages ring passed out of all knowledge. But there were some who resisted.




For ring has a will all its own. And the time will soon come when nasal resonance will shape the fortunes of all singers. For within ring is the strength to govern the mix.




Now come the days of the ring. May they be blessed.




1. 大きな間違い


Uh...yeah... So, Justin, tell us how you really feel about the soft palate. Now obviously that's just for fun. 




But this issue of the soft palate is so important and so misunderstood that it's truly epic in its proportions.




In fact most voice teachers are probably going to tell you that you need to lift the soft palate in order to hit higher notes when in fact this is not true.




So today we're going to finally put this mystery to rest. And also learn why it's not necessary to raise the soft palate. Oh! [Freaky noises] Sorry about that.






So, what is the soft palate? The soft palate is essentially the back top of your mouth. If you take your tongue and put it in the roof of your mouth you feel something hard, a boney surface. That's your hard palate.




But if you slide your tongue to the back you feel it start to get soft and fleshy. That's your soft palate.




Now your soft palate essentially is a nasal cavity blocker. When you raise it up you block your nasal cavity.




The purpose of the soft palate is for swallowing and things like yawning. When you swallow the soft palate lifts up so that food can travel into your esophagus and not get into the nasal cavity.




If you've ever laughed before while drinking some water you know that it comes out your nose. That's when the soft palate didn't do its job. So that's really the purpose of the soft palate, is to block the nasal cavity from things that should not be getting into the nasal cavity.






But here's where the epic misunderstanding came in.




Singers often have a problem sounding nasal. And voice teachers want to address that issue of sounding nasal.




But now we already talked about this a bit. If you remember in episode 2, what is it that produces a nasally sounding sound? Is it the nasal cavity or is it the larynx and cords?




And in fact it's the second! It's the larynx and cords that causes the nasal sound that people don't like. And it's not the head resonance that comes from the nasal cavity. So this is where all the problems started. 




Singers, when they go to high notes, tend to raise the larynx too much and squeeze the vocal cords. I'm going to show you how this works again with a sound demo.




Let me first raise my soft palate. Right now my soft palate is raised. And you can hear that the sound is in my mouth and in my pharynx.




Now what if I raise up my larynx and also pinch my vocal cords. My soft palate is still raised I have no nasal resonance in my voice right now. But I sound very, very nasal.




So that proves it, I can make a nasally sounding sound with zero nasal resonance and my soft palate completely up.




And that's the whole misunderstanding right here. We want independent larynx and cord control from the soft palate.




Now, yes raising the soft palate can encourage a lower larynx and looser cords. But really it's a separate thing.




So we can actually keep the soft palate a little bit down and not sound nasal. And in fact we don't want to have to raise the soft palate. Oh! [Freaky noises] Sorry about that. That keeps happening.




2. 軟口蓋とその犠牲


So let's talk about the costs of raising the soft palate.






Usually when we raise the soft palate we end up with a depressed larynx and a larynx that can't move. That's from over emphasizing this space down here and raising the soft palate encourages that.




So we end up pushing the larynx down and not allowing it the freedom to move when we're thinking too hard about raising the soft palate.






The next thing is we're blocking one of our critical resonators when we lift the soft palate.




The pharynx has three spaces - The laryngopharynx, the oropharynx and the nasopharynx.This resonator and these resonators are great. But the nasal cavity itself is also an awesome resonator and an awesome sounding resonator.


咽頭には3つのスペースがあります。下喉頭と、中咽頭と、上咽頭です 。これらの共鳴腔は確かに素晴らしいものですが、鼻腔自体もとても良い共鳴腔で、とても良い響きがするものなのです。


When you lift the soft palate up you block your nasal resonance completely. Often voice teachers will say to singers, "put the sound in the mask" or "bring the sound forward", but also will say to "lift the soft palate". This is impossible.




The only way to get the sound in here somewhat is by having the soft palate moderately lifted or slightly down.


鼻腔にいくらか声を持っていく唯一の方法は、軟口蓋を少しだけ持ち上げるか 、少し下げるかなのです。




The last thing is, with the soft palate up people tend to retract their tongues and jam their tongues back. This is another limitation for the voice, to always have the tongue back. But by thinking of the soft palate up we tend to jam the tongue back.




So those are the costs of raising the soft palate.




3. 軟口蓋を下げることの利点




Some of the benefits include, first of all, higher notes. With the sound allowed into the nasal resonance and into the nasal cavity we're inviting greater flexibility, greater agility, and just an easier time stretching the voice up to higher notes.




So actually by keeping a moderate lift or a slight drop to the soft palate, high notes become even easier.






The next thing you get is greater laryngeal variety. Which means that you have a freer larynx and also you can sing more styles.




When you have access to these resonators the larynx will have more possibilities, more possibilities for a free larynx equals more styles of singing.






And then finally that quality of ring that we're talking about. Alright. When you have the sound up into the nasal resonance that ringing quality that we love so much in voices, that's the only way that that's possible.




You hear this sound in every style. It's a balance of the pharynx resonance, (the throat resonance) and the nasal cavity resonance. Those sounds blended together just sound absolutely fantastic.




So those are some benefits to keeping the soft palate slightly down so that you can have nasal resonance.






But now, are you ready to go? We're going to really slay the soft palate here with an exercise. [Sounds of victory]


さて、準備はいいでしょうか?次のエクササイズで一緒に軟口蓋を倒しましょう。(敵キャラを倒す - 勝利の剣)


An exercise as simple as a hum. That's right, when you hum or when you do an M sound, the sound must be in the nasal resonance. There's no other way to do it. If the soft palate is up you cannot hum and you cannot do an M.




So today we're going to feel what it's like to have the sound in the nasal resonance and you guys are going to feel actually how good it feels to sing with nasal resonance involved.




So here we go, guys down here... And ladies up here... And here we go together...[Exercise]


では行きましょう。男性は下で、「ンー *」。女性は上で、「ンー」。一緒に行きましょう!(ハミングのエクササイズ)


*訳注:日本語だと「ん」の文字は一つですが、英語だとM, N, NGの三つがあり、今回はMです。唇を閉じて「ンー」と発音しましょう!


Fantastic. So now you guys have seen what it's like to slay the soft palate and have the sound resonating in the nasal cavity.




So, Mariella and all, I hope that this has finally dispelled some mysteries about the voice and about the soft palate's lifting.




And I thank you so much for joining me on a quest that has truly been epic.




リングの帰還 - シーン2


Singers... Classical, contemporary, my brothers my sisters, a day may come when the soft palate will rise again.


(シーンが変わって)シンガーよ。クラシック、コンテンポラリー* の兄弟姉妹よ。軟口蓋の上がる時は再び訪れるかもしれない。




When we forsake all head resonance and break all vocal registration, but it is not this day.




An hour of jammed tongues and bewildered larynxes when all high notes come crashing down, but it is not this day.




If by my life and death I can protect you, I will. Soft palate, I will bring you down... For singers.













※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。


Ep. 59「ミュージカルのオーディション曲」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード59「ミュージカルのオーディション曲」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 59 "Musical Theatre Audition Songs" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 59 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Hannah M. in Hayden Idaho.




And Hannah writes, "Dear Justin, can you help me find some great musical theatre audition songs?




Yes Hannah. Yes yes yes, I think I can. Because so many of our singers and actors here in New York are Broadway performers or aspiring Broadway musical theatre actors, singers, and dancers. So we know the importance of having great audition material.




Actually sometimes how you present yourself can be even more important than talent itself. You need to have the right audition songs to present yourself well at musical theater auditions. It's one of the keys to being a successful Broadway performer.




1. バインダーのサイズ


So first - I see this mistake a lot - People having books that look something like this for their Broadway auditions. Instead of something that looks like this for their Broadway auditions.




Now if you're an actor and you go to an audition and you see another actor that has this kind of songbook, don't let that intimidate you.




This is actually not such a great idea. Even though you might think, “Oh boy, I don't have that many songs. Maybe I don't have what it takes.” No, actually this is not a wise strategy. 




You don't want to have hundreds of songs that you're singing for auditions. That's not sustainable nor can those songs actually be all at audition level.




Really it's about having quality and not quantity. So a smaller, more warhorse, ferocious kind of book, this is what we're looking for, for auditions.




2. バインダーの中身は?


So now, what should be in this book?




Today's Broadway world is extremely diverse. You've got basically three categories - traditional musical theatre, contemporary musical theater, and pop & rock musicals.




Traditional would be more of the older stuff. Contemporary musical theater is the newer. And pop & rock is musicals that are using pop & rock songs to drive the story. So for your audition book we want to represent those categories well.




You are going to need a ballad and an up-tempo in each of those three categories. A ballad is a slower song that's usually more sung, more emotional and perhaps more intimate. Whereas an up-tempo is faster. It has more personality more life and sometimes more comedy to it.




So if you have a ballad and an up-tempo in all three of those categories, traditional, contemporary, and pop rock, that's six songs. It's not that many. But if these are great songs that's going to cover you for probably about 90% of auditions.




Then from there if you want to throw in a jazz or country song, maybe a song from another style that you're very good at. That can be a good idea.




You might want a comedy song that is particularly funny or quirky or different just to spice things up on the comedy side.




You might want to find a song that is a perfect role for you. If there's a dream role or a part that you just think you're perfect for, maybe have a song from that show just in case.




Another thing is, if there's a song that means a lot to you, that's very personal to you, that's another thing that you might want to include in your audition book.




But then we're talking about six to perhaps twelve songs. Again that's not that many songs. But if all of them are excellent songs, you're going to be covered for every one of your auditions.




The Broadway singers that I have who are having a lot of success always are doing it that way. They're bringing in the same material every single time because they know it works.




It's a mistake even though it seems wise to try to suit your audition song to the audition that you're doing. In other words, I see actors all the time scrambling, scrambling to find the right audition song for their upcoming audition. This is not a good idea.




Even if you do find the perfect song, you haven't worked on it for that long, it's not in your body, it's not in your voice, and you've got this energy of scrambling to get the right thing versus saying these are the songs that I do.




Let the casting team bend to you a little bit. Bring in what you do. Do it very well. And then let them say “Let's try this other song on for size.” Let them call you back. Put a little bit more of the pressure on them so that it's not always on you to be trying to suit the needs of everybody that you're performing for.




It's a much more confident energy and it tends to help people get many more parts and a lot more success taking that approach - finding what you do and sticking to it.




3. 見合った曲の探し方


So now how do we find the exact right songs that are going to suit those categories that I talked about? Let's come up with some ideas.




First of all we want to be aware of your age and your type. You don't want the songs in your book to be too old or too young.




You also want to be aware of what's your type. Are you a leading man? Are you an ingénue? You don't need to stick too strictly to them. You might be, for example, a character leading man. That's an acceptable type.




So, you can bend it a little bit but you don't want to be way off as far as the type of character that you're portraying in the songs that you do.




The other thing is don't do songs that are too overdone. We might love songs that are from shows like Wicked or Les Mis or Phantom of the Opera. But these songs have been played out so many times. They're not really good audition songs. It looks a little amateurish to bring in something that is so well known.




On the other hand you don't want to pick something too obscure. A lot of times actors think that they found some rare and obscure gem of a song that nobody has and nobody's heard of it before.




Actually if nobody's heard it before and it's very obscure there might actually be a reason for that. It might actually not be so great. Alright, so actually if you bring in a song that's too weird the casting team is thinking what the heck is this song? And they're not thinking about you and about your performance.




So try to pick something that's not too overdone but also not too off the beaten path.




Also your pop & rock songs that you pick for your book they need to really be pop & rock songs.


また、ポップ/ロックの曲を選ぶ時は、本物のポップ /ロックの曲である必要があります。


Broadway world doesn't love it when they say bring a pop song and you bring something from a poppy musical. No, you want to bring something from the radio - a pop or rock song that you might hear on the radio from a real pop & rock artist.




Broadway is doing a lot of real rock artists these days. So you don't want to sing a Broadway sound with a little rock. You want to sing something that's actually a rock song.




Next you want to make sure that you're not trying to impress anybody with the things that are in this book, right?




It seems like an audition is the time to shine, the time to impress. This is another huge mistake that actors make in their auditions.




I promise you they're not going to be impressed. Casting directors make it their job to not be impressed. They've seen it all from the worst to the best. And they're just trying to cast the show. They're not trying to be impressed with you. So don't try to impress them.




That means don't sing too high for no reason. Don't sing too loud for no reason. You don't need to be belting it out. And you don't need to prove anything to anybody. You're not trying to impress. You are enough.




If you come in with material that you love that says something about you and if you say it truthfully and it shows off your voice pretty well, that is a great audition. Because now we get to know you, and we can decide are you right for this show or not?




So don't try to impress with your material. Find stuff that really reflects who you are and also what you have to say.




One more note on this material... Know that the Broadway world will sometimes say we would like a head voice. We would like a mix, or we would like a belt.




Now we've talked about these things on the show right? About different registers of your voice. So when you're a female especially, you're going to need songs that are in your head voice and then also songs that are in your belt and mix. Make sure that you've got all your registers covered in the songs that you choose.




4. 16小節とは?


So one more thing is what is a 16-bar? Because many auditions will call for a 16-bar.




Well, a 16-bar cut means 16 measures, right? So for the songs that you choose for your book you're going to need the full song but you're also going to need a 16-bar cut.




Now 16-bars is really not that long. It's usually about 30 seconds. And most of the time you do want it to be exactly 16 measures long.




But let's say it's a double-time song, it's doubly fast, then it could be 32-bars. But we want it to be around 30 seconds. It's more of a feel, but it's real this is how long you have in auditions many times - sometimes 30 seconds.




And actually these days they're even doing 8-bar cuts which means you might have 15 or 20 seconds in the audition room to show what you do.




So how do you find the 16-bar? Usually it's going to be the last 16 of the song. But it could also be any 16-bar within the song just as long as it has a clear start and end and tells a little bit of a message and has a note that you want to display - perhaps one of your high notes.




That's what a 16-bar is all about, is getting you in and out showing something clear, very quickly. So identify the best 16-bars of your song. The best 16 measures. And make sure you have that marked for your audition book.




5. 一に演技、二に歌唱


And then one last note, you guys know me. I love the voice, I love to help you guys as singers.




But really, I want you to know your Broadway auditions are not all about the singing. I wish that they were as a voice teacher. I wish that we could all just sit back and say, “Wow, that was the best voice we heard all day. Let's cast that person.”




But it's really not about the voice. You need to know with what music that you pick and then also the auditions that you do that you need to act first, sing second.




Make sure that the acting value - what you're saying, why you're saying it, and are you very clear on the story that you're telling - Make sure that that's the first priority and let the voice follow.




I promise that it will, but if you're worried about how you sound or picking songs where you try to sound great that's really not the right focus for your auditions.






So, Hannah and everybody, I hope that that gives you a good path for developing a fierce warhorse Broadway audition book and I hope that all of this has been helpful for you guys today as singers.




If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


And we just encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let anybody tell you that you can't sing. You and I both know it's not true.




Don't let them tell you that you can't audition for Broadway or for musical theatre. Go after it and find the greatest material for your book so that you can really shine in auditions.




If you guys are in New York City and you'd like to study with one of our staff you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


ニューヨークでレッスンを受けるか、NYVCのスタッフからスカイプでレッスンを受けたければ www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。


And if you like these videos I do encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad, and hopefully more in the future. And if you like these videos you can also visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら、無料のアプリをダウンロードしてみてくださいね。iPhone/iPad専用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。それから www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にもアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 58「レガート唱法」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード58「レガート唱法」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 58 "Legato Singing" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 58 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later but our question for this week comes from Aaron K. in Nashville, Tennessee.




And Aaron writes, "Dear Justin, I've heard that it's best to sing legato. Is this true?"




Now that's a great great great question, Aaron, because legato is a prized skill for singers. It's so, so important to be able to sing legato. Whether you're doing classical or pop and rock or anything in-between, legato is something that we absolutely need.




So today I'm going to talk about legato and what you can do to increase it in your voice, and also give you an exercise later to work on it in your singing.




1. レガートとは?


But first of all, what is legato? Legato is a musical term which means smooth or flowing. So if I take a major scale on the piano and play it legato, it sounds like this...




Now compare that to staccato, which is its opposite, which means a short and choppy. It sounds like this...




You totally hear the difference. But it's one thing to be able to play legato or staccato on an instrument. But it's another thing with the voice.




2. レガートの利点


While there's nothing wrong with staccato, that's great too. But legato is so difficult. There's so many benefits to the voice when we can sing legato.




First of all, getting technique over into your songs is one of them.




I know a lot of you are studying and working hard on your vocal technique exercises. And maybe it's going great. You see that you're making tons of improvement with your voice in technique. But it's not translating over into songs like you want. One of the reasons why is missing some legato. So that's one thing.




There's also if you have legato it will reduce the squeeze or excessive compression that might be in your voice.




You'll also have a more effortless sound. You'll be able to sing longer phrases. It's going to demand that your breath support, you're holding of air back with the body, is increased. It's going to give you greater control over your voice overall.




And then finally legato singing tends to be more beautiful than anything else. So you're going to have a more beautiful sounding voice if you can master your legato.




So you want all these things in your voice. I'm sure you do.






So what I'm going to do right now is show you some legato in a song. And then we're going to do an exercise in a minute.




So I'm going to take Yesterday by the Beatles and show you how legato works in some songs. Here we go.








So now that's a legato song. It's very smooth, the lines are long and it's graceful as the lines go on.




But what if I miss some of my legato? What if I have a little legato problem? What might happen is something like this...






(歌 - 途切れ途切れに)


Now you heard the difference? I allowed myself to not have as good of legato. How did I do it? I let myself lock up on the consonants more than I did the first time.




And that's the the key thing that gets in the way of people's legato, is locking on the consonants. Take a listen again...




“Why she had to go, I don’t know” “Had to go, I don’t know” “Why she had to go I don’t know”




So If I let myself be smooth through the consonants and not lock on each one, I get a greater legato line.




So you guys totally hear it in a song. Legato versus getting locked up and interfering with the legato line.






So now what I'm going to do is create a very mean exercise for you where I give you some consonants that we tend to lock up on, and give you a chance to move smoothly through them. This is going to give you a chance to practice being legato in a very unfriendly situation.




So this exercise is crazy. We're going to do “Boh Goh Doh”. “Boh Goh Doh”. The b, the g, and the d are all things that we tend to get locked on when we sing. So it's going to be weird.




We're going to do this... “Boh - Goh - Doh” With the tendency of course being... “Boh - Goh - Doh” And having all that [tension] in the consonant. But you're going to do... “Boh - Goh - Doh” And get those locked consonants to be smooth.




So guys are gonna be down here... [piano] Ladies up here... “Boh - Goh - Doh” And here we go together, legato.








Awesome job. So that was a challenge. I know it's a tongue twister. I know it's very easy to get locked up on stuff. But that gives you a big old challenge for getting legato through a tough situation.




So I think you guys see it - the importance of legato and some ways to navigate it in challenging setups. And I know it's going to make a huge difference in your voice, Aaron and all, if you master those legato skills in your technique exercises and also in your song work.






So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てばと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, get with a great voice teacher in your area or if you guys are in the New York City area or you want to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


歌う喜びや情熱を失わないようにしましょう。あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーを見つけましょう。ニューヨークでレッスンを受けるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたければ www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。


And I also encourage you to download our free app. It's for iPad, iPhone, hopefully more in the future. A lot of great resources, tips, articles, great stuff to help you guys get to the next level with your singing voice.




Or if you like these videos you can also visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


それか、動画を気に入ってもらえたのなら www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。

Ep. 57「声帯結節」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード57「声帯結節」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 57 "Vocal Nodes and Nodules" - Voice Lessons To The World







Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 57 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.






And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Tess. Y in Lincoln, Nebraska.




And Tess writes, “Dear Justin, I’m 16, and my best friend just got vocal nodes. I’m very scared that this will happen in my voice. What can I do?”




Now Tess, that’s a fantastic question. And I thank you for asking it because so many singers are scared of getting vocal nodes. So what we’re going to do today is talk about “What is a node?” and also “How can you prevent this problem from happening in your voice?”.




1. 声帯結節とは?


So, what’s a node? A node is short for “Nodule”. And a nodule or node is a king of bump. We don’t just get one node or one nodule. It’s always plural. It’s always nodes or nodules.




*訳注:”a node” “a nodule” ではなく “nodes” “nodules” である、という意味です。 


Now the vocal cords are ingenious design. They’re made up of mucus and cells and even muscle. And what happens is as the breath passes through the larynx, the vocal cords kind of do a wave like motion.




Now let’s say there’s a problem with one of the vocal cords. It kind of got a roughed up,  it’s a bit swollen, irritated, there’s a spot on it that’s a little puffy. Then, with repeated vocal pushing and force, this spot is going to be pushed into the other vocal cord.




And we get a slamming - slamming, slamming, slamming, slamming, slamming. Eventually, this vocal cord is going to start to thicken as well. Now we have two thickenings or two nodes. And now we hear a problem.




Now the vocal cords don’t make such good contact anymore because of these nodes, because of this bump. Really, it’s just the vocal cords trying to protect themselves from injury but it ends up in a vocal problem that we can hear.




2. 問題があるかどうか気付くには


So, how do we know if we have this problem? I want you guys to know that vocal nodes are not usually a short term thing.




You’re allowed to have a bad vocal day. If you’re sick, you’re going to have some vocal problems a little bit. If you pushed your voice around or yelled one day, you’re going to have some vocal problems the next day.




But it’s not a short term thing. You don’t just push your voice around once and then you have nodes suddenly. Now it’s more of a long term thing.




Similarly, you’re going to not be able to get rid of the vocal problem. So if you have one or two bad vocal days, you don’t have nodes. But if you had two, three weeks or months of vocal problems, then that’s more of an indication that you might have nodes or another problem.




So, how do we hear that we have nodes or a problem? 




First of all, you might lose some of your head voice or falsetto if you’re a guy. It’s really the equivalent - falsetto for men and head voice for women. But up top, if you lost notes that you once had, that might be an indication of nodes.




It could be in any register, though. Any notes that you once had that are now suddenly gone and you can’t get them back, that is an indication of nodes.




There also might be a change to your vocal quality. It used to be clear and strong and light, but now it’s low and raspy and groggy. That is a kind of sign, too, that you have vocal nodes especially if you can’t get rid of them.




Another thing is a sort of air leak that we hear when folks have nodes. So, I try to make a clean sound, “AH”, but instead I get “(H)AH, (H)AH”. I can’t do “AH”, but “(H)AH”. I always get that air leak in my singing or in my speaking. That’s an indication, too, that there could be a problem.




3. 声帯結節が起こるのを防ぐには


So, let’s talk about how to prevent nodes from happening, Tess.




One of the biggest things is that we don’t want to be pushing volume, right? If you are in loud crowds, or there’s loud music, you have to speak over these crowds consistently.




That’s something that can lead to nodes, right? Because you’ve got, maybe a bump or something, then you’re constantly pushing, pushing, pushing your voice over that volume. This can cause a problem.




Another thing is in your singing voice. If you have to get louder in order to go higher, that’s a bad technique. And if you keep pushing and keep getting louder and louder as you go up, this is going to be something that can wear out the vocal cords and cause nodes.




You also need to be a little bit careful when you are sick or when your voice is swollen. It’s not wrong to sing when you’re sick. But you have to make sure you’re not pushing. That’s when there’s some extra swelling to the cords and we know that that’s the kind of thing that can lead to nodes.




Now, I should also tell you guys that women have more of a problem with nodes than men. Men can get nodes too, but women gets nodes more often, especially young women.




Tess, it sounds like you’re in high school. And younger women can tend to get nodes more often than anybody else. Your voice is changing a lot at that period of time in your teenage years.




So that’s actually a time to make sure that you’re not doing only loud belting. It’s not wrong to belt, but you don’t want to only be doing that. You also want to watch the volume in your speaking voice.




And then there’s also this issue - speaking on the vocal fry all the time. This is something that can also tire out the voice. We know that vocal fry isn’t bad. But if you’re only talking in the vocal fry all the time, that can also wear out your voice and contribute to nodes.


それからこの問題もあります - ずっとヴォーカルフライでしゃべり続けることです。これも声を疲れさせてしまいます。ヴォーカルフライ自体が悪いものでないのは知っていますよね。ただ、いつでもヴォーカルフライだけでしゃべり続けているとしたら、声は疲れてしまい、これも結節の一因となり得ます。


4. 声帯結節になってしまったら


So, finally, what if you already have nodes? What if you know that you have a problem with your voice?




Well, you could see a vocal doctor. This is not a bad idea, right? Sometimes vocal nodes require surgery. But don’t worry. First thing to do is not be afraid, right? So many singers have overcome vocal nodes and gone on to do just fine. So don’t be afraid.




But go ahead and see a doctor. And they’re going to tell you what you can do. An ENT, your nose and throat doctor can help you to discover whether or not you have a vocal problem.




But usually vocal nodes or other vocal injuries can be overcome with great technique and some vocal rest. So if you can rest your voice and then focus on building a great head voice, great mix, not pushing your voice around but really focusing on good vocal technique, you will be able to overcome vocal nodes.






So, Tess and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


というわけで、テスさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てばと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある場合は、Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


So we just encourage you don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion. Be good to your voice, treat it well so that you can avoid vocal nodes or other injuries. Don’t push it around.




Get with a great voice teacher in your area. Or if you guys are in the New York City area or you’d like to Skype with one of our staff you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.


あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーを見つけましょう。ニューヨークでレッスンを受けるか、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプをしたければ www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてください。


We also encourage you guys to download our free app. It's for iPhone, iPad and hopefully more in the future. Or you can visit us at www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


無料のアプリもダウンロードしてみてくださいね。iPhone/iPad用ですが、他の機種にも今後対応できればと思います。それか www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてください。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。