Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 45「パッサージョとは?」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニーによる「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード45「パッサージョとは?」です!どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 45 "What Is The Passaggio?" - Voice Lessons To The World








Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.




Welcome to episode 45 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you guys as singers by answering your questions from all over.




And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Reg B. in Vancouver, British Columbia.






And Reg writes, “Dear Justin, I'd love for you to do an episode on classical singing, specifically on ‘what is the passaggio and how do i navigate it well?’ ”




Wow. Great, Reg. Thank you so much for that question. Yes, we will do that episode right now on the passaggio.




This is a very common term. It's used in classical singing, but actually I want you guys to know this no matter what style of singing you're doing.




Today we will do a little bit more of a classical episode, but this is for all singers everywhere, really - this idea of the passaggio. So, what is the passaggio?






Passagio comes from the Bel Canto singing tradition of vocal technique and understanding of the voice.




And you guys don't know about Bel Canto, I really hope you go and research this a little bit or find a teacher that understands Bel Canto. So much of what we know about vocal technique comes from Bel Canto. It's not everything, but it's really really one of the very finest vocal technique systems in the whole world. So check out Bel Canto. 




But it's an Italian tradition, the Italian vocal school. And passaggio is an Italian word

that means “passage”, okay?






Now I know you guys know a little bit now about vocal registration. We have different registers of our voice.




There's the chest voice, the head voice, the falsetto, the mix, vocal fry, flageolet, whistle voice. There's many registers. We're going to talk about all of them in great detail as we go forward into the future.






But the registers of your voice also have transitions between them. And usually the

lower mechanism, often chest voice and the higher mechanism, often head voice, has a moment of transition, which is that passagio, Right? - transitioning between the vocal registers.




So there's a lot of terms that are sometimes used to describe this. There is the passaggio, also like I say known as the passage or transition or bridge or break or that place in my voice where it cracks so horribly and miserably that I want to crawl into a hole and never show my face to the world ever again. There's tons of terms that we can use to describe that passagio event.


このことを説明するのにはたくさんの用語が使われています。パッサージョのことは、先ほど言ったようにパッセージ(通路)とか、変わり目とか、ブリッジとか、ブレイクとか、あるいは…「ひどく、みじめに声が裏返ってしまうから、穴があったら入りたいし、もう二度と顔を見せたくない!となってしまう声の部分」* などというふうにも言えます。パッサージョで起こることを説明するのに使える用語はたくさんありますね。




But what I'm going to do today is show you first with a song how to navigate the passaggio and then give you tips on how to navigate it and then give you an exercise too, for men and women on how to navigate the passaggio, Okay?






Now this song here is called “Oh Del Mio Dolce Ardor”. It's a very common Italian art song that many of you classical singers may know. I'm going to navigate the passaggio in this song to show you what that sounds like. This is by Gluck.








Okay. So that top note in there, that “Brama…”, that is a note that is right on the male Primo passaggio, which is right around an E, or F. This happens to be an F.






Now here's some things that could go wrong. That did not go wrong, that was good. But here's some things that could go wrong.






I could go “Brama…” and go into falsetto. “Brama…” and not be able to connect that. That's one thing.






I may lower my larynx too far and “Brama…” and have too deep of a sound.






I may raise my larynx up “Brama…” and have too tight of a sound.






I also may spread my lips and do “Brama…” and get too wide of a sound.






I may also do “Brama…” and get too loud on my passagio and that would also not be good to have to change the volume.






So there's tons of ways that I could navigate a passagio poorly. But really, Bramato Oggetto”  the one where nothing really changes and the air zips inside my head - that's the one that we're looking for for navigation of the passaggio.






So let me give you some flat-out tips for navigating that passaggio region, okay?






We want to stay narrow, right? We don't want to get wider, okay?






We want to use nasal resonance, right? In fact we don't want to lift the soft palate too far. We want to have some “hmm” and nasal resonance in the sound.






Like I say we don't want to get louder. We don't want to have to push the voice past the passaggio area.






We also don't want to use more breath. That's a similar thing, but not quite the same. We don't want to push more breath across the passaggio.






We don't want to go to falsetto. We don't want to get too light or for females too heady of a head voice, right? We don't want to get too light or airy of a phonation right at the passaggio. We want it to stay solid enough.






And then finally we don't want to jam the larynx down. We don't want to have too dark or too heavy of a sound.






And of course, we don't want to have too lifted or squeezed of a sound with the larynx.




So, these are all great tips I think for what things to think about that could be going wrong with your passaggio region and how to right them.






Now I'm going to give you an exercise. First we're gonna have men coming up. And I'm going to switch and change to the ladies going up. And give you an exercise that helps you do some of those things that I just mentioned, just built into the exercise. All you have to do is do it. You don't have to even think because it's built into the exercise.






What we're gonna do is “ma-awn-nawn”, okay? “ma” on the bottom, something wider and then “awn-nawn” on something smaller, slimmer and more nasally resonant on the top.




Take a listen to this. “ma-awn-nawn-nawn”. Okay? the bottom is wider, the top is smaller and more contained. That's what we're looking for for the passaggio region. So this exercise is going to help you to do that.




Now here's guys with me right here on “ma-awn-nawn” and I'll tell the ladies when we're switching to you, Okay? But here is guys with “ma-awn-nawn” here it is.








Fantastic work, guys! So you can see that we use the same qualities of how to navigate the passaggio as we go across it and then that's how you're going to bridge the gap into your high notes and give them size without giving them strain.






Now we're going to switch right to ladies and we're going to go up way high, ladies. And you're going to do the exact same thing. The very same concepts apply for





So let’s start ladies right here, “ma-on-on-on” okay? There you go.








Spectacular. So I hope you guys now understand in greater detail what the passaggio is and how you can navigate it.




We got some great tips there and also some practical exercises for you to feel that slimmer, more contained shape. That's going to help you bridge that gap and not have that miserable cracking or shifting in the voice right when you don't want it to the most.






So, Reg and all, I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you have questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


ということで、レッジさん、みなさん。今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんの役に立てばと思います。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。


We just encourage you not to lose that joy. Don't lose that passion. Get with a great voice teacher in your area that can show you classical technique or contemporary technique or hopefully both. And don't let anybody ever tell you you can't sing. You and I both know that is not true.




If you guys are in the New York City area, you can come visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com. Or check us out on Skype. We do skype lessons with singers from all over the world.


ニューヨークにいるのなら、 www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。それかスカイプもチェックしてみてください。世界中のシンガーにスカイプレッスンをしていますから。


You can also... I encourage you guys to download the free app, Voice Lessons To The World, the app. Tons of free articles, tips, resources right there for you guys that hopefully help you take your singing to the next level.




Or you can visit www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.


それから www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com も見てみてくださいね。


I'm Justin Stoney. We'll see you next time.











※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。