Feel the Joy of Singing!


Ep. 79「歌と生活のための健康的な話し方」【VLTTW翻訳】

今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード79「歌と生活のための健康的な話し方」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)


Ep. 79 "Healthy Speaking For Singing and Life"

Ep. 79「歌と生活のための健康的な話し方」







Hi everybody, my name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City.
Welcome to episode 79 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you as singers by answering your questions from all over.


And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later. But our question for this week comes from Heidi T. in Kolding, Denmark.
And Heidi writes, "Dear Justin, I've heard that if you can speak it you can sing it. But what if you don't like the sound of your speaking voice?"
Now Heidi, this is just a spectacular question. Because you're right, there's a lot of crossover between singing and speech. But we don't want to just have a great speaking voice for our singing. A speaking voice can be great for our social life, for our professional life, and just our confidence as a person. It's really important to have that crisp, clear, healthy speaking voice.
So today we're going to look at some tips that will help you to get the speaking voice that you've always dreamed to have. Which, is not that one... [Hits piano] That's right, 7 tips, that are going to help you to master your speaking voice.

1. 声の緊張を特定する


So the first one is identifying vocal tensions. So many of the issues with our speaking voice result from a tension in the physical body. So it's important to identify what those tensions are and work through them.
First, is just our alignment and our posture. A lot of times we sit at a desk or computer or piano all day and we get into this sort of slumping. Or we overcompensate by arching the back. You need to make sure that your spine can find that neutral, tall, relaxed alignment.
Next is the neck. The neck can hold a lot of tension, particularly in the sternocleidomastoid muscles. These long guys hold a lot of tension and they can really put pressure on the larynx and the vocal cords. So you want to be able to stretch side to side and up and around, to be aware and eliminate some of that neck squeezing that we feel sometimes.
次は首です。 首、特に胸鎖乳突筋(!)は、緊張しがちです。この長い筋肉が緊張を抱えると、喉頭や声帯を圧迫してしまいます。時々感じてしまう、この首の締め付けに気付き、それを取り除くために、両脇や上の方向にストレッチしたり、回したりできるのが望ましいですね。
Also, the jaw and the tongue. The jaw needs to be able to release just like this. And also to be able to be moved. But yet we find that very difficult to do. Sometimes there's so much jaw tension you really need to massage it or move it around to really get in there.
The other place is the tongue. As weird as this may be, It's super good to stretch the tongue side-to-side and out and in. Really getting the root and the base of the tongue
some freedom that it doesn't ordinarily have.
Finally the breath can even have tension. If you try a simple shh-shh you shouldn't
feel a lot of squeezing in the abs or ribs. Not this kind of thing... Shhh. But a... Shhhh.
The breath can flow.
And if all of that can happen, free spine, free neck, free jaw and tongue and breath that can flow, you're already in a great place to set up a good speaking voice.
以上のこと全て - 自由な背骨、自由な首、自由なあごと舌、そして流れる息 - ができていれば、 良い話し声のための準備はすでに整っていると言えるでしょう。

2. 自分の声域内で話すこと

Now next let's talk about speaking within your range. A bigger problem than people realize is that they're not actually speaking in their own range. "I mean what's the problem? I mean this is my speaking voice. This is how I always talk. So I don't understand why is my voice getting so tired all the time?" "I mean I just don't get it, my voice is always getting so tired and I just don't know why!"
A lot of times we're identifying with a voice that's not actually quite our own. Too deep, when really we want some higher pitches in the sound. Or too high when we really want some more depth in the sound.
Make sure that you haven't gotten yourself pigeon holed into a voice that's too deep for you or too high for you. Doesn't matter the reason, but experiment with some sounds that you wouldn't think are you and you might find a different kind of freedom to your voice than you've never had before.

3. 鼻声を克服する

Next let's talk about overcoming a nasal sounding voice. Maybe the biggest complaint that people have about their speaking voice, Heidi, is that it sounds too nasal. Now we've talked a lot on the show about how that nasal sound is actually twang. It's a bright formant that's caused by the larynx and the squeeze of the cords and not by the nose itself.
If I wanted to give you a nasal sound I would make you an offer you can't refuse. But a truly bright sound that people are usually complaining about, that's from the larynx and the cords.
So a great fix for that is the classic yawn. Trying a yawn, feeling the laryngeal depth, and then speaking through that yawn, alright, saying sentences through the deeper, more open space. Now obviously this is not my final product. But getting some of those colors and some of that depth and experience will help to balance out the brighter sounds that one might be struggling with.

4. ヴォーカル・フライはどうなの?

Next, let's talk about the vocal fry. I mean what's up with that?
The vocal fry is one of the most talked about trends in all of modern speech. It's very common among young people, among women, among young women. And I mean it's like whatever. I mean it's like short vocal folds and a little bit of vocalis but whatever. I mean it's like limited breath flow but whatever. I mean I could explain it to you more but it's like whatever.
This topic has been talked about and written about by so much of the media. And the real question is, is it as bad for you as everybody says? And the answer is yes and no.
It's not as bad as people say because it's a natural register of the voice. And it can actually be good for you as far as finding a light closure to the cords.
But the real problem is the length and duration that people are speaking with this coordination. If you're talking like this all day long, you're really going to wear out the
edges of the cords because of doing one thing to the vocal folds all day long.

5. 声の多様性

So that actually leads us to our next point, one of the best possible things that you can do for your speaking voice and your vocal health, which is to find vocal variety.
そして、このことが次のポイント - 話し声と声の健康のために最も良いことの一つ - へと繋がります。それは、声の多様性を見つけることです。
Voiceover artists know all about vocal variety. You don't read a copy and say, finally 100% juice for older kids introducing new J-Max from Juicy Juice. The intense tasting, 100% juice with no added sugar and lots of vitamin C. 
You know to keep your voice moving. And a lot of people complain about having a boring voice, a monotone voice. Not only is it going to make your voice more interesting to listen to, but it's healthier to move it up and down. It keeps you in different vocal coordinations.
We know this with our body. We don't want to be stiff and rigid, we want to stay moving, be agile, be flexible, that's good for our body and same thing is true with the voice. Keeping it moving throughout the day, it's one of the best things for your vocal health.
体で考えると分かると思います。 硬く、強張った感じではなく、動きがあり、身軽で、柔軟な状態を保つのが望ましく、これは体に良いことですよね。声に関しても同じことです。一日を通して声を動かし続けることが、声の健康にとって最も良いことの一つなのです。

6. 話し声の健康を保つために

And on that note let's talk about some other vocal health tips for your speaking voice. To keep your speaking voice at optimal health, we just need to go over a few items.
First of all, rest. Getting a good night's sleep can really help the vocal folds and the muscles to repair themselves.
Next is hydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your body needs to stay hydrated but your vocal folds' vibration relies on moisture. So if you drink water it's going to help your vocal production.
Also your diet. Watch out for foods that cause acid and acid reflux. You'll find out what those foods are if you watch our episode on the singer's diet. Try to stay away from those foods that cause you problems.
それから、食事です。胃酸逆流を引き起こす食べ物には注意しましょう。「シンガーの食事法」のエピソード* を見れば、どの食べ物かわかるでしょう。問題を起こす食べ物からは距離を置くようにしましょう。
Also, exercise. This is one of the things that's going to eliminate some of those vocal tensions. Particularly yoga and stretching can help you stay in prime shape to use your voice.
And last but not least, avoid talking over loud crowds. If you're at bars or places where there's loud music or big crowds, this is really one of the biggest vocal killers. Try to avoid those situations, stand closer to people if you are in those situations, or use your nasal resonance so that your sound cuts through the crowd better. But that's a really big killer so watch out for those situations.
最後に大事なことは、 騒がしい場所で話すのを避けることです。バーや、大きな音楽がかかっている場所、人込みは、一番声をダメにするものの一つです。そういった状況は避けるようにしたいものですが、もしそういった状況にいる場合は、(話しかける)人の近くに立つか、声が人混みの中でもよく通るように、鼻腔共鳴を使いましょう。本当に声をダメにするので、そういった状況には注意しましょう。

7. 自分らしくあること

Our last speaking voice tip for the day is, to be who you are. I've had students come to me who have had vocal nodes because their mom told them that they were too effeminate. And they tried to speak down here.
I've had people that were told that they shouldn't speak. Or that they sounded ugly when they speak. Or that they sounded dumb when they speak. Or that they really never had anything good to say at all.
And sometimes people are so wrapped up with anger and so wrapped up with fear
and so wrapped up with what's caught in their mind that they cannot speak the way that they were meant to.
I'm here to tell you that your voice is beautiful. Your voice is special. Your voice is a huge part of who you are.
So whoever it was that told you that you shouldn't speak, that you couldn't speak, or that you won't speak, I'm here to tell you that they are wrong. And everything that's special about your voice needs to and must come flying out.
So please follow these tips, Heidi and all, and know the value of your speaking voice
for your life, for your singing, and for everything that you do.


So I hope that's been helpful for you guys today as singers. If you've got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show, you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
今回の内容がシンガーのみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問があれば、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So I just encourage you don't lose that joy, don't lose that passion, don't let people tell you your speaking voice is anything but beautiful.
And get with a great voice teacher or speech coach in your area. Or you can check out www.NewYorkSpeechCoaching.com. Our staff has speech coaches that work with public speech, with accent reduction, with helping artists and people to discover the potential of their speaking voice. So check that out and maybe work with one of our staff members.
あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーかスピーチコーチに就きましょう。あるいは www.NewYorkSpeechCoaching.com をチェックしてみてください。パブリックスピーチやアクセント矯正など、アーティストや人々が自身の話し声の可能性を見つけるのをお手伝いするのに取り組む、スピーチコーチが在籍しています。
You can also download the Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course. if you're looking for a vocal course to do at home. This is a 12-part course that takes you on a journey from beginner to master. You can find that at www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com. Also, for free daily vocal tips you can sign up at DailyVocalTips.com.
お家でできるヴォーカルコースを探しているのであれば、ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールドのヴォーカルコースもダウンロードできますよ。初心者からマスターまで、12パートのコースで歌の旅へとお連れします。www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。それから、日刊で無料のメルマガ「デイリー・ヴォーカル・ティップス」を希望する方は、 www.DailyVocalTips.com にも登録できますよ。
I'm Justin Stoney. Until next time, make a joyful noise.








※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。