Ep. 81「自分の声が変に聞こえる(シャワー室以外では)」【VLTTW翻訳】
今回はジャスティン・ストーニー先生による「ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールド」の翻訳シリーズ、エピソード81「自分の声が変に聞こえる(シャワー室以外では)」です。どうぞお楽しみください ;)
Ep. 81 "My Voice Sounds Bad To Me (Except In The Shower)"
Ep. 81「自分の声が変に聞こえる(シャワー室以外では)」
Hi everybody! My name is Justin Stoney and I'm the founder of New York Vocal Coaching here in New York City. Welcome to episode 81 of Voice Lessons To The World, the show where we want to help you as singers by answering your questions from all over the world.
And I'll give you a chance to ask questions later, but our question for this week comes from Bruna M. in Natal, Brazil. And Bruna writes, "Dear Justin people tell me they like the sound of my voice. But when I hear it back on recordings, I don't like it. What should I do?"
Now Bruna, that is just an awesome question because I think virtually one hundred percent of us feel similarly about our voices. So today we're going to talk about five reasons that you don't like the sound of your voice. And, five things you can do to fix it.
Let's talk about the reasons you don't like the sound of your voice.
1. 全ては頭の中にある
Reason number one, it's all in your head... Literally.
Now Bruna, I don't mean it's all in your head like it's all mental. There is a mental component to it. But, I mean that singing is literally all in your head.
You've got your laryngopharynx, your oropharynx, your nasopharynx, and your nasal cavity. Most of these resonators are behind your ears. So if you're using good resonance, actually you're going to be able to hear yourself worse.
Higher notes rely on this resonance. And high frequencies travel with short wavelengths. Those kind of wavelengths get by you fast. The low, slow frequencies get out into the room where you can hear them.
So the better your resonance is the worse you can hear yourself. And the more successful the high note the worse you can hear yourself. So it's actually positive to not be able to hear yourself as well as you'd like.
2. 自分の声を録音しても、やっぱり…!
But Justin, I recorded myself and still I don't like the sound!
Now, recording yourself is a great idea for your practices or for your voice lessons. But if you've ever seen a cat see themselves in the mirror for the first time, they say I don't know if I recognize that creature...
And it's the same thing when you record yourself. You say, "Uh I don't know if I recognize that creature..." But it's a discipline that you need to learn as a singer. To be able to get used to hearing your voice on a recording. At first you will not like it. It sounds different than the resonance that you hear in your head.
But you must not judge your recordings. Keep in mind it's not studio quality. When you're in a professional recording studio there's pitch correct, there's reverb, there's several takes, there's many things that you can do to improve that sound.
When you're listening to a raw recording of yourself the purpose must not be to judge yourself. But instead, hear what you might improve on for next time.
3. シャワーを浴びているときや車の中にいるときは?
But Justin, I sound so good in the shower and I sound so good in the car!
Now a lot of superstars are born in the shower and in the car. But in the shower you've got a bigger resonance chamber helping out this smaller resonance chamber. And in the car we like to throw on somebody else's resonance and blend our voices with that resonance. In both cases you've got something that's giving you a false sense of your own sound.
Now it's not wrong to sing in the shower or in the car. But you also want to get somewhere where you can honestly hear the beauty of your own voice and what you need to work on.
4. 頑張るか、頑張らないか
Which leads us to a very good question. To work or not to work?
このことがとても良い疑問に繋がります - 頑張るか、頑張らないか。
In life we really like to earn stuff. We have the sense that if I don't earn it I don't deserve it. But the problem is singing is a gift from above. You can't really earn it.
And that's why when we muscle our sound, or force the breath, or open up the mouth, we think it's going to sound great but it actually doesn't. When we allow our voices to flow, small breath, resonance, free instrument, it sounds great.
声を無理矢理出したり、息を押し出したり、口を大きく開けたりしても - そうすれば良い声が出ると思うものですが - 良い声が出ないのは、そのためです。声が流れるように - 少ない息や共鳴、自由な喉を使えるように - させてあげれば、素晴らしい声になるのです。
5. 誰かに言われたことを信じてしまう
It's hard to get used to letting go of the work. It's even harder to get used to that when we've believed what they told us.
Now, sending negative messages about the singing voice is one of the meanest attacks that you can do to another person. It's kind of the equivalent of saying, you...your soul... I don't think I like it. Could you just stop existing? And these words cut so deep and yet so many of us have had these negative messages about our singing voice.
歌声に関してネガティブなメッセージを送ることは、他人に対してできることの中で最もたちの悪いことの一つです。これは「君。君の心だけれど… 僕は好きじゃないんだ。存在するのをやめてくれないか?」と言っているのと同じようなことなのです。こういった言葉は心に深い傷を負わせますが、私達シンガーの多くは、自分の歌声に関して、こういったネガティブなメッセージを受けてきたことでしょう。
So Bruna, I'm suggesting that maybe the biggest reason that you don't like the sound of your singing voice is something that somebody else said about you along the way. And, Bruna and all, I want you to continue to promise me that you do not let those negative messages stop you from honoring your voice and allowing it to grow to its fullest potential.
And with that, we're now going to look at five ways that you can start to like your singing voice.
1. 声がどのように成長するのか理解しよう
The first being, understanding how vocal growth works.
Let me let you in on a little secret. If you're practicing your voice and it always sounds good, you're doing it wrong. [Hits piano]
Now what do I mean by that? I mean when we do technique we often isolate extremes of the voice. The twangy sounds, the deep larynx sounds, the hooty sounds, the squeaky sounds, the tight sounds, the loose sounds, the belty sounds, the classical sounds, the nasal sounds.
We isolate different parts of the voice so that we can achieve cross training and balance. If you're always trying to sound pretty and right, you're not going to reach the full capabilities of the instrument. So don't be afraid to take those risks and explore your full voice.
2. 耳を解雇しよう!
Next, we need to fire our ears.
We've already learned why our ears can't totally be trusted. So we might have to say to them "you're fired" and hire somebody else's. Now maybe that's a professional, a voice teacher or a vocal coach, somebody that you really trust to take your voice to the next level.
But not everybody can afford a voice teacher or coach. So you might have to get with a musician friend or just somebody that you really trust to give you positive feedback but also honest feedback. Somebody without an agenda and really wants to see your voice reach its potential.
3. 正しい動機で録音しよう
Next we want to make sure that we record for all the right reasons.
It's still a great idea, Bruna, to record yourself singing. It's really the only way you'll ever get used to the sound of your own voice.
But if we're recording ourselves so that we can say I'll never be good at this, I should just quit, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard in my life and I've always suspected I'm a worthless human being but now I have proof! That's a bad reason to record yourself singing.
But a good reason would be something like pitch. Am I flat? Am I sharp? How about my technique? Is my larynx raising or lowering too much? Am I too tight, too loose? Is my resonance maximized? Are my vowels pure? Are my stylizations accurate to the style I want to sing? These are all good reasons to record and one of the best ways that you can hear your voice with clarity.
4. 正しい場所と時間で歌おう
Next, singing in the right place, at the right time.
Now you know I'm not against shower singing and I'm not against car singing. But you've got to find a place and a time where you can love your voice. A place where it's judgement free.
You're not worried about neighbors, or friends and family, or what somebody might be thinking about you. But a time alone where you can experiment with your voice, you can feel that resonance, you can really know what you're capable of. If you can carve out that sacred space and time for yourself, you're really going to like your voice so much more.
ご近所さんや友達、家族のこと - 周りの人が自分のことをどう考えているかを気にしなくていい場所。様々な声を試せて、共鳴を感じられ、自分に何ができるのかを知れる、一人の時間。自分のための神聖な場所と時間を捻出することができれば、自分の声を今よりもずっと好きになれることでしょう。
5. 比較する必要はない!
And the final way to love your voice more is to know that there is no comparison.
So maybe the cat looks itself in the mirror for the first time and says whoa I don't know if I like that cat. But what we hope, is that eventually the cat looks itself in the mirror and says you know what, that's a pretty darn good looking cat.
The only way this doesn't happen is if we're comparing ourselves, always looking right and left but never looking straight ahead.
Eventually we're going to have to see ourselves in the mirror and say, you know what, I look pretty good. And eventually we're going to have to face our voices and we're going to have to have the vocal discipline of saying I like my voice.
And from this place, then you can look at the flaws and you can look at the things that you want to improve. And from that place of "I like this" you can go and reach your vocal potential. That's the best way to do it.
So, Bruna and all, I hope that that's been helpful for you today as singers. If you got questions that you'd like to see us answer on the show you can send an email to Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
ということで、ブルーナさん、みなさん。今回の内容がみなさんのお役に立てば幸いです。このショーで答えてほしい質問がある方は、 Questions@VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com にメールしてくださいね。
So I encourage you don't lose the joy, don't lose the passion, don't let people tell you that you can't sing. You and I both know it's false.
Get with a great voice teacher in your area, or if you're in New York or you'd like to Skype with one of our staff, you can visit us at www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com.
あなたの住む地域で素晴らしいヴォイスティーチャーに就きましょう。ニューヨークにいる方や、NYVCのスタッフとスカイプ(でレッスン)をしたい方は、www.NewYorkVocalCoaching.com にアクセスしてみてくださいね。
If you're looking for a vocal course to do in the comfort of your own home, you might check out our Voice Lessons To The World Vocal Course, a 12 part course that takes you on a singing journey from beginner to master. Hundreds of challenging vocal exercises, that I hope will take your game to the next level. You can check it out at www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com.
家でくつろぎながら歌えるようなヴォーカルコースを探している方は、ヴォイス・レッスンズ・トゥー・ザ・ワールドのヴォーカルコースをチェックしてみてください。12パートのコースで、初心者からマスターまでのみなさんを、歌の旅へと連れて行きます。何百ものやりがいのあるエクササイズで、みなさんの歌を次のレベルへと連れて行けたらと思います。こちらは www.VoiceLessonsToTheWorld.com でチェックしてみてくださいね。
Also if you'd like free daily vocal tips you can sign up at www.DailyVocalTips.com.
それから、無料のデイリー・ヴォーカル・ティップス(歌のコツ)を希望する方は、 www.DailyVocalTips.com に登録してくださいね。
I'm Justin Stoney. Until next time, make a joyful noise.
※この翻訳は、Justin Stoney氏の許可のもと掲載しています。無断転載はおやめください。